PSYOP-22 is in play, and the puppet leaders are now all being carted out to remind everyone that another non-pandemic and the associated biofascist “mandates” are right around the corner.
If limited to the list given above, I prefer PSYOP-UFO-22. At least then we get to see some of the hidden military tech that they've been developing under wraps for at least 70 years now... and not just the crowd-control microwave guns and such.
Project Blue Beam, a squadron of some antigrav or electrostatic drive craft, whatever. at least it'd be a better show.
What is the story you DO want to tell? You are telling theirs and while I appreciate knowing their playbook, what story WE want to create, since we are far more and more powerful than the puppeteer crew. I want to create gardens and kindness and joy and innocent wonder. I want to set an example of authenticity and freedom rooted in love and integrity. I want to aikido their moves into undoing dependence on Pharma and big agri and re-member wholeness with self, harmony with earth (the real deal, not the green deal) and my fellow living beings. How you show is what matters.
<3 The more we uplift one another, the more powerful, creative and unified we become as a force for LIFE and for Humanity Flourishing In Harmony, Sovereignty, Wonder and Love!
Keep our eyes on the light. There is too much darkness in the world. Too much blindness due to too much propaganda, creating desires that ruin people. So called indeginous people still live clean lives. People go there to 'educate' them, but they know what is necessary in a human's life. We have way too much!
Aho. Living in harmony with the earth is the opposite of the IOT, it's the true ecology beyond the Green Deal that's just wheelin and dealin, we come to the light within that is everywhere and we start the healin'
What we want is not what the rich people want. The rich and the powerful rule the world now. All we can do is live our lives as you say, and hope the rest will follow. In my neighborhood we pretty much do that. I am the only one to raise some veggies, but we live our lives away from the maddening crowd.
It sounds like you are doing your little, part, which is wonderful! I believe our language is powerful and it's time to stop giving those who have held sway power by our words. So I call them false power that is leaving now. Because faith tells me this is true, regardless of appearances. Now may be messy. It may take a while. But I believe we are climbing into frequencies of divine light that cannot support darker consciousness. Have you ever brought some veggies over to a friend?
Yes. And I invite a few friends now and then and we eat my weeds LOL. They often make a joke about it. They also know that my veggies grew in my yard until an hour ago! Never fresher, even though not as nice as store bought. Taste great though. Sometimes a fight who will get up first, the rabbits and the birds, or me! (birds protesting right now because I got the mulberries early)
While everyone is planting gardens, I am buying more ammunition and BIC lighters and medicines. But I appreciate the sentiment. We have to be fucking warriors. They want to KILL us and our babies.
Herbs ARE medicines. Love IS ammunition. Sometimes you can turn an enemy into a friend. For me personally, I'd rather than lay down my life than kill another person but I respect the right to bear arms. I once heard a defintion of a revolt versus a revolution: a revolt is essentially frustration that is doomed to fail and ultimately suicidal. A revolution has the ability effect authentic change. Yet a revolution is still RE - doing the same again. We need to take this game to a whole new playing field. And YES we have to be fucking warriors. Each of us has our own part to play!
I understand your perspective. I stood in it once. But it isn't true for me anymore. Maybe I'm just more comfortable with death/life I said I judge not those who are of a different perspective, I get it.
I only started learning to connect with the earth and grow things a few years ago. I'm not expert but weeds are very edible and super easy! I eat dandelions, violets and sage for breakfast!
Barter is cool but contribution/gratitude economies are even more joyous - the spirit of genuinely wanting to help one another with what we have that is complimentary. It's more natural. Trees breathe out what we need, we breathe out what they need. Rabbits poop great fertilizer, which makes up for them eating a bit of the lettuce ;)
I have never heard of contribution/gratitude economies. I will look into it. I never really ascribed to the communal living and giving. But I really appreciate your perspective. I guess I feel that in the end we need to save ourselves and our own families. We cannot count on anyone. It's like when the Pilgrims arrived and they lived communally, it was a disaster. When they changed to giving everyone their own plot of land, most people flourished. But I will do my homework on these types of economies.
The slow boil for the Alien psyop is definitely more apparent now. The cia has admitted these things have left “unaccounted for pregnancies” (something abduction researchers have known for decades) just a few weeks ago. The truth about these things is much more disturbing than just a few knocked up women.
People will think I’m insane if they knew what I believe these things really are and how they affect our past/present/future and always have. Their influence is dimensional and does get into time-travel. Inescapable archonic forces that literally control time and matter.
People would only think you're insane if they're closed minded normies. I'm interested in what you have to say. Personally I think we may live in a reincarnation trap energy harvesting matrix... We are being tricked by the light after we die to reincarnate on this prison by archons over and over again. These entities can appear as loved ones/family.
I agree. I’d hoped Putin was the fly in the ointment, but Russia has partnered Astra Zeneca, The digital ruble is here, and if Russia wanted war, they’d be having wine in Paris by now. Astra Zeneca and BARDA/DARPA teamed up for the vax, I wonder if there is any difference in AZ Pfizer and others. The cabal are launching multiple distractions. I heard Marburg was planned, I believe it to be true
Red algae = US gov patent for ebola, sars hiv so forth. Margurg = low key ebola so prob works. Curious where the energy plays in versus synthetic/chimera or GOF viruses
I have. What he "believes" and the draconian Russian "vax" mandates are entirely different. There has been much coverage of this, with even the Donbas region refugees being forced to accept the Sputnik V for entry into mother Russia.
If limited to the list given above, I prefer PSYOP-UFO-22. At least then we get to see some of the hidden military tech that they've been developing under wraps for at least 70 years now... and not just the crowd-control microwave guns and such.
Project Blue Beam, a squadron of some antigrav or electrostatic drive craft, whatever. at least it'd be a better show.
Absolutely! I take psyop ufo any day. lol
Be careful what you wish for
What is the story you DO want to tell? You are telling theirs and while I appreciate knowing their playbook, what story WE want to create, since we are far more and more powerful than the puppeteer crew. I want to create gardens and kindness and joy and innocent wonder. I want to set an example of authenticity and freedom rooted in love and integrity. I want to aikido their moves into undoing dependence on Pharma and big agri and re-member wholeness with self, harmony with earth (the real deal, not the green deal) and my fellow living beings. How you show is what matters.
Your post is quite uplifting. Thumbs up.
<3 The more we uplift one another, the more powerful, creative and unified we become as a force for LIFE and for Humanity Flourishing In Harmony, Sovereignty, Wonder and Love!
Keep our eyes on the light. There is too much darkness in the world. Too much blindness due to too much propaganda, creating desires that ruin people. So called indeginous people still live clean lives. People go there to 'educate' them, but they know what is necessary in a human's life. We have way too much!
Aho. Living in harmony with the earth is the opposite of the IOT, it's the true ecology beyond the Green Deal that's just wheelin and dealin, we come to the light within that is everywhere and we start the healin'
Thank you - smile on my face
What we want is not what the rich people want. The rich and the powerful rule the world now. All we can do is live our lives as you say, and hope the rest will follow. In my neighborhood we pretty much do that. I am the only one to raise some veggies, but we live our lives away from the maddening crowd.
It sounds like you are doing your little, part, which is wonderful! I believe our language is powerful and it's time to stop giving those who have held sway power by our words. So I call them false power that is leaving now. Because faith tells me this is true, regardless of appearances. Now may be messy. It may take a while. But I believe we are climbing into frequencies of divine light that cannot support darker consciousness. Have you ever brought some veggies over to a friend?
Yes. And I invite a few friends now and then and we eat my weeds LOL. They often make a joke about it. They also know that my veggies grew in my yard until an hour ago! Never fresher, even though not as nice as store bought. Taste great though. Sometimes a fight who will get up first, the rabbits and the birds, or me! (birds protesting right now because I got the mulberries early)
Heheh! I LOVE IT!!!
While everyone is planting gardens, I am buying more ammunition and BIC lighters and medicines. But I appreciate the sentiment. We have to be fucking warriors. They want to KILL us and our babies.
Herbs ARE medicines. Love IS ammunition. Sometimes you can turn an enemy into a friend. For me personally, I'd rather than lay down my life than kill another person but I respect the right to bear arms. I once heard a defintion of a revolt versus a revolution: a revolt is essentially frustration that is doomed to fail and ultimately suicidal. A revolution has the ability effect authentic change. Yet a revolution is still RE - doing the same again. We need to take this game to a whole new playing field. And YES we have to be fucking warriors. Each of us has our own part to play!
I would kill anyone, without hesitation, if they were threatening my family, or me.
I understand your perspective. I stood in it once. But it isn't true for me anymore. Maybe I'm just more comfortable with death/life I said I judge not those who are of a different perspective, I get it.
You have to eat, if you depend on the people you are fighting for food then you've already lost.
Did not mean to offend gardeners. Sorry.
I only started learning to connect with the earth and grow things a few years ago. I'm not expert but weeds are very edible and super easy! I eat dandelions, violets and sage for breakfast!
I'm not offended, I'm making a point. Gardens have an important role in being free (of this elite investor driven social/economic system).
You are absolutely right.
People have been killed over fighting for food sovereignty - that's how you know it is important.
eh, anyone offended by variant prepping needs to thicken their skins anyway.
besides, your focus items all become valuable for barter, and can be used to obtain food in a post-money situation.
I could never grow anything! I envy people who can. So I am left with bartering.
Barter is cool but contribution/gratitude economies are even more joyous - the spirit of genuinely wanting to help one another with what we have that is complimentary. It's more natural. Trees breathe out what we need, we breathe out what they need. Rabbits poop great fertilizer, which makes up for them eating a bit of the lettuce ;)
I have never heard of contribution/gratitude economies. I will look into it. I never really ascribed to the communal living and giving. But I really appreciate your perspective. I guess I feel that in the end we need to save ourselves and our own families. We cannot count on anyone. It's like when the Pilgrims arrived and they lived communally, it was a disaster. When they changed to giving everyone their own plot of land, most people flourished. But I will do my homework on these types of economies.
The slow boil for the Alien psyop is definitely more apparent now. The cia has admitted these things have left “unaccounted for pregnancies” (something abduction researchers have known for decades) just a few weeks ago. The truth about these things is much more disturbing than just a few knocked up women.
People will think I’m insane if they knew what I believe these things really are and how they affect our past/present/future and always have. Their influence is dimensional and does get into time-travel. Inescapable archonic forces that literally control time and matter.
People would only think you're insane if they're closed minded normies. I'm interested in what you have to say. Personally I think we may live in a reincarnation trap energy harvesting matrix... We are being tricked by the light after we die to reincarnate on this prison by archons over and over again. These entities can appear as loved ones/family.
Each of your comments are a testimony of who you are and what we can be.
I agree. I’d hoped Putin was the fly in the ointment, but Russia has partnered Astra Zeneca, The digital ruble is here, and if Russia wanted war, they’d be having wine in Paris by now. Astra Zeneca and BARDA/DARPA teamed up for the vax, I wonder if there is any difference in AZ Pfizer and others. The cabal are launching multiple distractions. I heard Marburg was planned, I believe it to be true
Red algae = US gov patent for ebola, sars hiv so forth. Margurg = low key ebola so prob works. Curious where the energy plays in versus synthetic/chimera or GOF viruses
I can't find anyone to have this conversation with me who is open minded, kind and willing to look beyond this or that.
SMG Curious your thoughts on this and how it relates to the other patents that are owned by Dept HHS:
Putin's does not believe mandatory vaccinations. Look it up.
I have. What he "believes" and the draconian Russian "vax" mandates are entirely different. There has been much coverage of this, with even the Donbas region refugees being forced to accept the Sputnik V for entry into mother Russia.
From what I've seen there's been an edging toward it though. Who knows whether its his idea or he is a captive to those pushing him there.