No one knows who erected this? I find that hard to believe. If it's on state land they'd need permission. If no permission was given they would be removed. I'm only sorry the whole thing didn't come down. And no, I didn't do it.
well, 30 years from now (assuming all is still intact) people would find hard to believe none investigated if covid virus was real or lab created ... yet, continue business as usual ...
Well done. Congratulations to a group with some courage. Next, wipe out the damned thing entirely - when safe again to do so. It was built on a site which had “lifetime cattle grazing rights”. I don’t understand the relationship between cattle raising rights and the right to build this monstrosity with the name of the state “Georgia” on it. Ownership was later transferred “the land and the guidestones to Elbert County.” So -what the Hell is wrong with the majority of these people of Elbert County for allowing such an insult to mankind to be left standing?
That was my question immediately when I saw this because you know the NWO did it themselves in order to A) announce this part of their plan is completed and/or B) in order to blame a hated group (ie. the Christian community) and introduce even harsher measures against us. Either way, THEY did it. And Jewe know who I mean. Just like 911 and the dancing Jewes. Just like every evil thing done by the governments of the world. And, no, I don't mean someone's old Jeweish uncle or grandma who is also a victim of these evil people. I mean the ones Yeshua battled. The Pharisees and Saducees. The money changers. The ones who rule and have always ruled this evil matrix in which we are all trapped and from which only Yeshua can redeem us. Only Yeshua saves.
yes! it is like you believe your football team made a goal. maybe it was all planned. just to distract you from the sausage you are eating that is packed with hormones.
If it was a protest against the NWO, yes. Problem is, if it was a planned thing by the NWO, they can still present it (and denounce it) as a criminal act by others. Think "Reichstag fire"....
And they will exploit it to sic the woke mobs on a particular target population. Note the headlines already blaring in the media echo chamber, even though the story is still developing.
Apparently, there are "security" cameras on this "monument," which alone suggests that it was its creators, who destroyed part of it. Which part? That might answer a few more questions...
People can be recognized by their body movements; the tech has been around for years. They can also be followed by a number of other techs... Nothing goes hidden in today's world...
to me it is just a correction. i would have preferred them to be grown by plants until they vanish under a green carpet. --- it is the individual who gives a meaning to it. and the collective by collecting opinions :-) some stones with some shitty messages. we are writing our opinions right now. the stones have/had writings on them, too.
No one knows who erected this? I find that hard to believe. If it's on state land they'd need permission. If no permission was given they would be removed. I'm only sorry the whole thing didn't come down. And no, I didn't do it.
well, 30 years from now (assuming all is still intact) people would find hard to believe none investigated if covid virus was real or lab created ... yet, continue business as usual ...
there must be something in the tapwater.
Ted Turner?
I have a friend out there. May Saint Michael the Archangel defend this person
I agree, I’m sorry the whole didn’t come down as well. But I would like to have seen it reduced to dust.
You got your wish - by Wed. afternoon they bulldozed the whole thing for safety reasons. I for one won't cry about it.
The rest was demolished, so year it's all down
My money is on Ted turner money!
Well done. Congratulations to a group with some courage. Next, wipe out the damned thing entirely - when safe again to do so. It was built on a site which had “lifetime cattle grazing rights”. I don’t understand the relationship between cattle raising rights and the right to build this monstrosity with the name of the state “Georgia” on it. Ownership was later transferred “the land and the guidestones to Elbert County.” So -what the Hell is wrong with the majority of these people of Elbert County for allowing such an insult to mankind to be left standing?
By the way, which of the "messages" are gone?
That was my question immediately when I saw this because you know the NWO did it themselves in order to A) announce this part of their plan is completed and/or B) in order to blame a hated group (ie. the Christian community) and introduce even harsher measures against us. Either way, THEY did it. And Jewe know who I mean. Just like 911 and the dancing Jewes. Just like every evil thing done by the governments of the world. And, no, I don't mean someone's old Jeweish uncle or grandma who is also a victim of these evil people. I mean the ones Yeshua battled. The Pharisees and Saducees. The money changers. The ones who rule and have always ruled this evil matrix in which we are all trapped and from which only Yeshua can redeem us. Only Yeshua saves.
Ingenious... :(
The NWO Column, reportedly according to Twitter comments in the imbed.
Twitter is bird-brained. The 4 slabs all say the same thing, just in different languages.
It was reportedly the Hindi - Swahili slab. Hard to know if that was a 'statement' on behalf of Africa-India, or if it was randomly chosen.
Thank you for the information. How do those languages pan out? Eight live and four dead languages?
Good. May Creator bless whomever did this
Nonviolent noncompliance.
It was a mistake to blow up this monument to evil.
it was also a mistake to build it. we need justice, peace and freedom instead.
Isn't that pretty much what was written?
yes. but in newspeak i suppose. words are magic. learn how to.
they usually do these sort of things themselves ...
yes! it is like you believe your football team made a goal. maybe it was all planned. just to distract you from the sausage you are eating that is packed with hormones.
Your right because it still will not make the normie evening network news.
If it was a protest against the NWO, yes. Problem is, if it was a planned thing by the NWO, they can still present it (and denounce it) as a criminal act by others. Think "Reichstag fire"....
And they will exploit it to sic the woke mobs on a particular target population. Note the headlines already blaring in the media echo chamber, even though the story is still developing.
Who cares? All those shows are cancelled. Zey know nothing.
Good news! Maybe, not everyone is enjoying the noose tightening around their necks!
This was an obscene monument to Mass murder on an unbelievable scale.
It still is...
Point taken.... maybe they will do one at a time.
If I was local sheriff, I'd have my men Not watch it
Apparently, there are "security" cameras on this "monument," which alone suggests that it was its creators, who destroyed part of it. Which part? That might answer a few more questions...
No, it doesn't. People could do it with masks, walk to it from parked place
You are right, it doesn't. It may have been a bazooka, but I cannot determine that from the photos.
People can be recognized by their body movements; the tech has been around for years. They can also be followed by a number of other techs... Nothing goes hidden in today's world...
Damn, and I only worried about my car, clothing, fingerprints and clothes....
Now that’s a statue that I can get behind removing and explaining in detail as to why.
Too many have never heard of this satanic thing
Edwin: "Anybody can tell I didn't do that."
FBI: "How do you figure that."
Edwin: "Cause they look too damn good!."
Dirty Harry would of turned them stones into dust!
I visited these a few years ago. They have cameras mounted there to monitor the site.
inside job ...
I bet that destruction has some people outraged.
Notice that comments have already been banned from the YouTube video. No surprise there.
It was like someone had bombed the 'Welcome to Auschwitz' sign in 1944. Thumbs up!
Auschwitz was a better place than the "Green Zones."
Well, I would prefer to avoid being taken to either...
Free speech rights do not extend to advocacy of cold blooded murder.
This is decades long thought out, planned premeditated 1st degree murder of innocent women and children.
That people consider 1st amendment applies shows how utterly without reason or logic many have become.
The US Constitution is not a suicide pact, someone said
This was no advocacy; it was a cold-blooded report on the plans for the future.
If you want to stop free speech, whom would you empower to be the enforcer? They WILL use the same power against you next time...
Sign of things to come, please God!!
Great. Allah loves us. God, too. At least a move that is visible.
The question is, what does it show? Is it a sign of resistance or a mark of success?
to me it is just a correction. i would have preferred them to be grown by plants until they vanish under a green carpet. --- it is the individual who gives a meaning to it. and the collective by collecting opinions :-) some stones with some shitty messages. we are writing our opinions right now. the stones have/had writings on them, too.
No, the meaning can be conjectured quite accurately as soon as it turns out which tablet was blown up...
It was caused by climate change.
Hmm......I am thinking this is a sign to the Cabal:
Hey, we got your number. And we're not putting up with your crapola