I can think of about 50 trillion more meaningful ways to spend my time, but you’re welcome to do so if you value your time a lot less than I value mine 😹
I honestly don’t care one way or the other whether it’s real. It’s a humorous diversion but doesn’t have anything to do with my overriding mission to stop totalitarianism and democide.
Do you have links for what is discussed by Carlson and Gabbard? Just wondering, as from what I understand (at a novice level) there are 2 Christian groups in Ukraine: the Ukrainian Catholic church (Eastern rite Catholics in the US) and Orthodox (Russian Orthodox in the US), whose members are aligned ("East"/"West") the way even a non-expert could guess.
Is that our illustrious Mr. President, “Joe Burden to the nation” with his criminal (past actions re Ukraine & Kosovo) hand on the ass of Nazi loving, crooked as Hell Zelensky? Kinda looks like it. This entire portion of our unerasable history, aligning ourselves, by purposeful years long planning, with a known corrupt, nazi influenced government, to overthrow the Russian government, can never be erased, and will stand as a condemnation of our nation for claiming one set of values while consistently violating those very principals, time after time internationally.
The Oath I swore to does not support continual lying nor the violating of every inconvenient international law for corporate profit gain - for that’s what it is about, bottom line.
Is the stage prop olive green outfit f’ing glued to him?! You’d think he’d make an effort. Then again, why would the Time “Person of the Year” ditch his iconic symbol of gallantry and war when begging for yet more lethal weapons to speed up the onset of WW3. Just in time for Christmas or maybe the new year ...
Clearly a Photoshop from the length of Biden's arm. It would be more believable if he were sniffing him.
i think i found what you're looking for:
Does it pass the sniff test.
have you watched sports? theyre always patting each others ass, effing weirdos. why would pervy joe be any different?
I'm not saying it's unbelievable that he would do it. I'm just saying that particular image is a fake ;-)
i know, i was just being facetious this am. it's pretty obvious, but the tragedy remains the same.
I can think of about 50 trillion more meaningful ways to spend my time, but you’re welcome to do so if you value your time a lot less than I value mine 😹
I honestly don’t care one way or the other whether it’s real. It’s a humorous diversion but doesn’t have anything to do with my overriding mission to stop totalitarianism and democide.
🤣 You are joking, I hope. Otherwise, you seem to have misplaced your sense of humor.
Feel free to do it. Get back to us please?
Meanwhile: You could just check the length of Joe's photo shopped arms in this photo.
Uncle Joe could easily be tickling the back of Zelensky's knees instead of his ass.
Without bending over...
For sure photoshopped. With arms that long he could scratch his knees without bending over... 😉
Or licking his ear.
Updated with postscript.
Do you have links for what is discussed by Carlson and Gabbard? Just wondering, as from what I understand (at a novice level) there are 2 Christian groups in Ukraine: the Ukrainian Catholic church (Eastern rite Catholics in the US) and Orthodox (Russian Orthodox in the US), whose members are aligned ("East"/"West") the way even a non-expert could guess.
Best damn title yet. What an absolute disgrace
Too funny
Zelensky dances to depop music.
Is that our illustrious Mr. President, “Joe Burden to the nation” with his criminal (past actions re Ukraine & Kosovo) hand on the ass of Nazi loving, crooked as Hell Zelensky? Kinda looks like it. This entire portion of our unerasable history, aligning ourselves, by purposeful years long planning, with a known corrupt, nazi influenced government, to overthrow the Russian government, can never be erased, and will stand as a condemnation of our nation for claiming one set of values while consistently violating those very principals, time after time internationally.
The Oath I swore to does not support continual lying nor the violating of every inconvenient international law for corporate profit gain - for that’s what it is about, bottom line.
Is the stage prop olive green outfit f’ing glued to him?! You’d think he’d make an effort. Then again, why would the Time “Person of the Year” ditch his iconic symbol of gallantry and war when begging for yet more lethal weapons to speed up the onset of WW3. Just in time for Christmas or maybe the new year ...
Actors. Gay. Porn. Actors.
The Parasite has many cells.
WAY too many fags
Imagine filth, as that dictating to decent, law abiding citizens? Disgusting at best.
Now if Joe's badfinger was in the proper orifice, you'd know it was real.
Nobody saw him play a duet at the piano? it's a show he plays piano with his d...k. Serious!!!! who can find this video?