Zero Hedge: States Investigating Surge In Mortality Rate Among 18–49-Year-Olds, Majority Unrelated To COVID-19.


I assume you saw this. If they're dripping this out now then it's got to be bad news. The data has been there all year.

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That jives perfectly with insurance co ceo coming out with 40% increase in all cause mortality. it's going to be a horror show of data for 2021 YoY.

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Well what did he expect, that he was going to get a poison injection and turn into superman? Read the blank insert people!!

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Everything according to plan. 1)Take out the young and healthy, the ones that ‘survives’, 2)make them weakened and not able to resist, 3)put them into more gullible formats with scares and voila, mission complete.

Fascinating that so many of the athletes went along with the narrative. Seemingly they did away with their critical thinking and fell into Mattias Desmets explanation of mass formation in order to keep the green.

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When I go to the source article it says he got myocarditis from COVID, no mention of the vaccine. Am I missing something?

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Yes, the article is deceptive and covering up the death injection crime.

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Not to worry, though, everyone. Pfizer is purchasing Arena Pharmaceutical to replenish their treatment pipeline for myocarditis! https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/13/pfizer-to-acquire-arena-pharmaceuticals-in-6point7-billion-deal-.html

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Does someone have personal knowledge of when he was vaccinated. I ask because I forward these adverse events to my COVID vaccine pro relative and its the first thing he will ask.

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He was boostered in December.

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Thank you.

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December. Don't have the date tho. So, likely a month have this 3rd jab, he's a dead man walking. Sad for him!

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MSM reporting is never going to tie this together and put a bow tie on it for us. Causation will be left to those of us paying attention and willing to look at the bigger picture and dig deeper. Keep paying attention. This compilation video is powerful anecdotal evidence. https://airtable.com/shrbaT4x8LG8EbvVG/tbl7xKsSUIOPAa7Mx

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Jesus H Christ that's some info.

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Watch the 6 minute mark of the 4th athlete's video Ousmane Coulibaly in the above link.

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I went to your link and I see columns of athletes and info but no video. Can you direct me

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Sun had a video link on their original story.

It may have been disabled. Let me look. articlehttps://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/17263117/ousmane-coulibaly-heart-attack-emergency-match-abandoned/amp/

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Probably the best Canadian player ever. I don't really like Bayern Munich but I did watch him play a lot and he was exceptional, he could really torment a defense. A really exciting young player who had so much upside. I

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I’m a follower and enjoy your posts. However, the article itself said he just had a bout with COVID. IT doesn’t mention the shot.

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He was boostered in December. It's public knowledge. This is 100% "vax" induced. We know of not a single 21yo who developed actual myocarditis case from just C19.

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Agreed. Appreciate the response.

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The press never mentions. Remember the NYT reporter who died a couple weeks ago? He bragged about getting his booster and died that night from massive heart attack. But NYT never mentioned the booster. And the 18 year old Brazilian model who passed a couple days ago. Big title - girl died from covid. No, died from the shot she had a day before. It was in the article, but they should have written Died from the shot!

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If you read the source article it is so full of covering up for the "vax" it's pretty painful to read. And it has medical disinfo re: myocarditis healing. This poor kid is never going to play again, and nothing will fix this tragedy.

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It seems most doctors agree, that a damaged heart is damaged for life. I am not a doctor and have to trust what I read.

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A heart, unlike, say, the lungs, does not regenerate the damaged cells. It's over for this kid. He'll be lucky to make it to 30.

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Unfortunately you are right. As many ends up with being a customer to the pharmaceutical industry for the remaining part of their life, there is also the case for the possibility to end up on the transplant list.

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This is a heartbreaking long interview from NZ with a woman that got one of those ‘mild and rare’ cases of myocarditis/pericarditis after the worlds governments rulers mantra, safe&effective enforced, coerced plus many more adjectives jabs.

Do not EVER comply


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Jan 16, 2022
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Wait until the open actually commences and you'll be seeing players dropping left and right!

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And they send the healthy ones home. Banned. I hope you are wrong but I think you will end up right.

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