A new report from the National Women’s Law Center lays out the laws, some passed as recently as 2019, around an overlooked aspect of reproductive justice.
Forced sterilization. That's exactly what Buck v. Bell is all about. Standing Supreme Court case law. The landmark SCOTUS 8-1 decision that said "three generations of imbeciles is enough" to uphold eugenics practices. Never overturned, only slightly tweaked in Oklahoma v. Skinner, still the law of the land, upheld as recently as the early 2000's. And even cited in many cases that have challenged pandemic mandates along with Jacobson.
Buck v. Bell was even cited by defendants in the Nuremberg Trials, "You Americans practice eugenics, said it was lawful, what was the big deal with us practicing it in Germany?"
The movie Judgement at Nuremberg even contains an emotional scene lifted from the actual trials where the defense counsel for the German jurists recites Buck v. Bell in the trial:
And the case offers both a warning and guidance on how we move into Newgenics, transhumanism, all of the latest biotechnology that is altering our genetics:
Buck v. Bell, American Eugenics, and the Bad Man Test:
Putting Limits on Newgenics in the 21st Century
Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality, January, 2020
Don't ignore Buck v. Bell. It's even more relevant 100 years after it was decided. Never being overturned (unlike Roe v Wade was after 50 years) is very instructive.
The Corporate Government of the US must be dissolved, it's run it's course since 1871. None of this stuff is the Law of the Land -- it's Admiralty Law. Everyone is a Lawful Natural Sovereign in Fact; not a "Citizen"-- since that is a fiction at Law. There is a difference between 'Lawful' and 'Legal' Absolutely nobody is a "Subject" to "Sterilization."
Worse that them are the legions who follow them. They’d be powerless without them. Deep down where most people store their dirty laundry is a place reserved for their belief that there are indeed too many people in the world. They hear numbers without context or thorough explanation and without a shred of evidence they lazily believe them. They hear people are starving but do not wonder how they are proliferating then? They hear 8 billion and buy - as they’re told to - that’s too many. Never considering if you put all 8+ billion into the State of Texas the population density would rival that of New York City. It’s a big world. People nod and empower the Rich Men North of Richmond because they refuse to THINK. Population has peaked and is shrinking now, btw. No help from eugenicists necessary. It’s all hubris and ego. And, stupid, stupid followers.
Every single time I pay for my groceries, the automated 'clerk' offers me a chance to support hungry children with small change--I always refuse. I see it as grift. However, it puts, right in the face of a lot of people, the idea that 'there are hungry children out there'. Some of whose parents are on welfare and using the $$ for drugs (teacher colleague used to bring in a breakfast for one child for just that reason). Wonder where all that small-change donation actually goes. But I don't wonder enough to look into the matter.
The book “The Science of Influence” points out it’s no accident we are asked publicly at the checkout for donations. They know putting people on the spot in front of others greatly increases the chances for giving. Im glad you don’t fall for it.
Has anybody here actually worked with severe MRDD population?
As Murder in the Womb, seems everybody goes 'Whole Hog' for one side or the other and never realizes THERE TO BE A MIDDLE GROUND.
There are people existing in this world never having the capacity to even speak, use the toilet, and/or masturbate; let alone have a mature, healthy sexual relationship to reproduce let alone raise the baby to adulthood. Many of these special cases are people molested as babies and children by depraved pedophiles creating mental health issues beyond the original disability.
I support the sterilization of these poor souls. It's a matter of mercy for people at times; not only for the adult, but the issue who may be completely fine and needy of loving, supportive parents who are NOT pedophiles as the U.N. is now trying to make legal on a global scale to return the world to BRUTAL AND MURDEROUS PAGANISM.
I am the mother of a lower-functioning, autistic 18-year-old, and I support sterilization for her. I do NOT support it for someone mentally capable of making such decisions; which has, historically, happened way too often. That breaks my heart.
There are sick men out there who would choose to rape my daughter *because* of her disability--that’s a unique topping on the cheese pizza, if you will--and I would think having her sterilized in a planned, calm procedure before something so terrible (I.e. the rape--I don’t believe any pregnancy is terrible, even if the circumstances around the conception were) is much less traumatizing than taking her in for an abortion after (on top of) the pain of the incident that brought us the problem. Hormonal contraceptives come with their own risks, so this is a conversation I’ve had with friends for their opinions and insight for over a decade as this day came nearer.
Sterilization, abortion or C-section, there would be a surgical procedure either way.
I’m open to other people’ responses to this. I have been for a very long time.
It's so weird. In Canada, doctors can get away with forcibly (I mean using physical force and drugs to overcome resistance) performing cesarean section and/or sterilization on Indigenous women, against their will and without medical rationale/ contradicting standard of care, and their regulatory Colleges do NOTHING to investigate, let alone punish them or offer restitution to the women and families even when an infant or maternal death results from it. But should a doctor or nurse caution a pregnant or breastfeeding woman against taking the Covid shot, or prescribe hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin to save a life from Covid disease, the regulatory body acts instantly to destroy their career.
The whole Medical Industrial Complex is a franchise of the Military Industrial Complex. They think they own us. I wonder what would happen if they (the doctors in Canada) were to do that to a woman from one of the Elite Families? Indians are Sovereigns --- Governments of the Western Orbit compete for that title.
AS asocial worker for people with developmental disabilities, I had occasion to talk with young women about this topic.One had helped take care of a neighbor's baby and she was SURE she never wanted to have children. She was 18 but was having trouble getting a surgery.In CA you need 2 doctors and a couple lo judges to a the necessary surgery. People told he she might ?"change her mind later".
I also had several girls with Down Syndrome who had all been impregnated by a young man who told each of them, separately, that she was his girlfriend.He knew what he was doing. Downs syndrome girls are affectionate and innocent.This young man just wanted sex.
The 19th, the National Women's Law Center and the Autistic Women and Nonbinary Network are working towards conflicting goals. They claim to be protecting the reproductive rights of the disabled while supporting the destruction of the sex characteristics with the trendy gender identities of the day. Their mission statement for instance of AWN is not just for woman and girls but "transfeminine and transmasculine nonbinary people" and "trans people of all genders."
Here is a fact autism children and young adults are being fast tracked into the booming field of transgender medicine, which only harms and has nothing to do with medicine at all. Stressed females of all ages are most affected by this massive scandal, not just autistic ones but an increasing number of young males are affected as well. Puberty blockers are given to young patients. Because of the drugs they do not got through puberty, then go straight to cross sex hormones and become sterile. Pass the age of puberty, patients are put on cross sex hormones which can affect sterility and sexual function. Females are encouraged to have hysterectomies after a few years due to increase cancer rate as well.
Is there an effort to create transgender patients out of autistic patients? Are the so called professionals and organizations like these helping to funnel patients for transgender medicine?
Guardianship is control of the person, conservatorship is control of their assets and income. The terms are not interchangeable, and each entail specific legal duties.
There is a lack of common sense about this issue. Some people that could truly benefit from the surgery cannot access it, while for others it is an unreasonable imposition. Sterilization should be offered more frequently to carriers of lethal genetic disease, and should be a covered medical expense. There is no agreement about what level of services should be offered to the severely intellectually disabled, including hysterectomy for hygiene purposes, or where specific services are best offered. Politics and private profit have sadly intruded everywhere.
IT is not OK to say "mental Age", so a 60 year old man may have a mental age of 5.He can vote, own property and decide his own choice of sex life.Imagine a five year old able to vote.People with mental retardation can stay in school until they are 22.They are "travel trained" so they can be completely independent.THis is great for bright people in wheelchairs.
A person is declared by the court to be non-compos-mentis on the verification of suitable experts in the field. This person may not enter into contracts, vote, travel alone, be alone, decide where to live, etc., on the dictates of the court. This is NOT a "bright person in a wheelchair". Think 'Rain Man' or much much lower functioning. Non-verbal, non-hearing, maybe bed bound. Unable to communicate or provide for their own needs. This exists on a continuum. I have 40 years experience with this, what do you have? I don't mean to seem rude, but unqualified people muck about in official policy that affects ALL the people in a certain category, when every case is individual, and must be treated as such for appropriate services.
An old book published in the mid 1990's, '...and the truth shall set you free' by conspiracy theorist, David Icke. David hits the mark on page 132-136 writing of the Bowman Grey Medical Center in N.C., between 1941-1943 over 42,000 Americans forceable sterilized, some low IQ, some handicapped, etc. 1988 over $80 million appropriated for USAID to provide for sterilization in over 58 countries. And, more.
Love your newsletters. Thank you for standing in the gap and helping to wake people up. When I read about all the depopulation measures,and they are numerous, I keep thinking about a book I read by Dan Brown called Inferno. Dan Brown has a very different world view than me, but I think he echoes the viewpoints of the transhumanist elites. Disaster is averted in the book, but what he writes is chilling. If you haven’t read it, you should.
Forced sterilization. That's exactly what Buck v. Bell is all about. Standing Supreme Court case law. The landmark SCOTUS 8-1 decision that said "three generations of imbeciles is enough" to uphold eugenics practices. Never overturned, only slightly tweaked in Oklahoma v. Skinner, still the law of the land, upheld as recently as the early 2000's. And even cited in many cases that have challenged pandemic mandates along with Jacobson.
Buck v. Bell: Due Process of Law?
Political Research Quarterly, Walter Berns (1953)
Buck v. Bell was even cited by defendants in the Nuremberg Trials, "You Americans practice eugenics, said it was lawful, what was the big deal with us practicing it in Germany?"
The movie Judgement at Nuremberg even contains an emotional scene lifted from the actual trials where the defense counsel for the German jurists recites Buck v. Bell in the trial:
(full, uncut movie, free to view, scene citing Buck v. Bell's begins at 00:34:01 timestamp)
A case that influenced and was influenced by the eugenics movement in Nazi Germany:
Useless Eaters: Disability as Genocidal Marker in Nazi Germany
Catholic Culture, 2003
A case that gave cover to the many medical professionals who practiced eugenics and supported the rise of the Nazi Party from its earliest days:
Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party early?
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, September 22, 2012
And the case offers both a warning and guidance on how we move into Newgenics, transhumanism, all of the latest biotechnology that is altering our genetics:
Buck v. Bell, American Eugenics, and the Bad Man Test:
Putting Limits on Newgenics in the 21st Century
Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality, January, 2020
Buck v. Bell, one of the worst SCOTUS decisions of all time, sterilization eugenics:
Don't ignore Buck v. Bell. It's even more relevant 100 years after it was decided. Never being overturned (unlike Roe v Wade was after 50 years) is very instructive.
The Corporate Government of the US must be dissolved, it's run it's course since 1871. None of this stuff is the Law of the Land -- it's Admiralty Law. Everyone is a Lawful Natural Sovereign in Fact; not a "Citizen"-- since that is a fiction at Law. There is a difference between 'Lawful' and 'Legal' Absolutely nobody is a "Subject" to "Sterilization."
Been going on too damn long by people too damn rich and too damn influential: https://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/the-population-control-holocaust
Lord, it's a damn shame that those rich men north of Richmond....
Worse that them are the legions who follow them. They’d be powerless without them. Deep down where most people store their dirty laundry is a place reserved for their belief that there are indeed too many people in the world. They hear numbers without context or thorough explanation and without a shred of evidence they lazily believe them. They hear people are starving but do not wonder how they are proliferating then? They hear 8 billion and buy - as they’re told to - that’s too many. Never considering if you put all 8+ billion into the State of Texas the population density would rival that of New York City. It’s a big world. People nod and empower the Rich Men North of Richmond because they refuse to THINK. Population has peaked and is shrinking now, btw. No help from eugenicists necessary. It’s all hubris and ego. And, stupid, stupid followers.
Every single time I pay for my groceries, the automated 'clerk' offers me a chance to support hungry children with small change--I always refuse. I see it as grift. However, it puts, right in the face of a lot of people, the idea that 'there are hungry children out there'. Some of whose parents are on welfare and using the $$ for drugs (teacher colleague used to bring in a breakfast for one child for just that reason). Wonder where all that small-change donation actually goes. But I don't wonder enough to look into the matter.
The book “The Science of Influence” points out it’s no accident we are asked publicly at the checkout for donations. They know putting people on the spot in front of others greatly increases the chances for giving. Im glad you don’t fall for it.
Has anybody here actually worked with severe MRDD population?
As Murder in the Womb, seems everybody goes 'Whole Hog' for one side or the other and never realizes THERE TO BE A MIDDLE GROUND.
There are people existing in this world never having the capacity to even speak, use the toilet, and/or masturbate; let alone have a mature, healthy sexual relationship to reproduce let alone raise the baby to adulthood. Many of these special cases are people molested as babies and children by depraved pedophiles creating mental health issues beyond the original disability.
I support the sterilization of these poor souls. It's a matter of mercy for people at times; not only for the adult, but the issue who may be completely fine and needy of loving, supportive parents who are NOT pedophiles as the U.N. is now trying to make legal on a global scale to return the world to BRUTAL AND MURDEROUS PAGANISM.
I am the mother of a lower-functioning, autistic 18-year-old, and I support sterilization for her. I do NOT support it for someone mentally capable of making such decisions; which has, historically, happened way too often. That breaks my heart.
There are sick men out there who would choose to rape my daughter *because* of her disability--that’s a unique topping on the cheese pizza, if you will--and I would think having her sterilized in a planned, calm procedure before something so terrible (I.e. the rape--I don’t believe any pregnancy is terrible, even if the circumstances around the conception were) is much less traumatizing than taking her in for an abortion after (on top of) the pain of the incident that brought us the problem. Hormonal contraceptives come with their own risks, so this is a conversation I’ve had with friends for their opinions and insight for over a decade as this day came nearer.
Sterilization, abortion or C-section, there would be a surgical procedure either way.
I’m open to other people’ responses to this. I have been for a very long time.
These decisions belong to you and your circumstances not to outsiders not to my judgment. I send you love and respect. Jean
It's so weird. In Canada, doctors can get away with forcibly (I mean using physical force and drugs to overcome resistance) performing cesarean section and/or sterilization on Indigenous women, against their will and without medical rationale/ contradicting standard of care, and their regulatory Colleges do NOTHING to investigate, let alone punish them or offer restitution to the women and families even when an infant or maternal death results from it. But should a doctor or nurse caution a pregnant or breastfeeding woman against taking the Covid shot, or prescribe hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin to save a life from Covid disease, the regulatory body acts instantly to destroy their career.
The whole Medical Industrial Complex is a franchise of the Military Industrial Complex. They think they own us. I wonder what would happen if they (the doctors in Canada) were to do that to a woman from one of the Elite Families? Indians are Sovereigns --- Governments of the Western Orbit compete for that title.
Hi best in the world saw this thought you might like it
John Campbell
More deaths in the gene therapy group
The substack to go with the video
AS asocial worker for people with developmental disabilities, I had occasion to talk with young women about this topic.One had helped take care of a neighbor's baby and she was SURE she never wanted to have children. She was 18 but was having trouble getting a surgery.In CA you need 2 doctors and a couple lo judges to a the necessary surgery. People told he she might ?"change her mind later".
I also had several girls with Down Syndrome who had all been impregnated by a young man who told each of them, separately, that she was his girlfriend.He knew what he was doing. Downs syndrome girls are affectionate and innocent.This young man just wanted sex.
The 19th, the National Women's Law Center and the Autistic Women and Nonbinary Network are working towards conflicting goals. They claim to be protecting the reproductive rights of the disabled while supporting the destruction of the sex characteristics with the trendy gender identities of the day. Their mission statement for instance of AWN is not just for woman and girls but "transfeminine and transmasculine nonbinary people" and "trans people of all genders."
Here is a fact autism children and young adults are being fast tracked into the booming field of transgender medicine, which only harms and has nothing to do with medicine at all. Stressed females of all ages are most affected by this massive scandal, not just autistic ones but an increasing number of young males are affected as well. Puberty blockers are given to young patients. Because of the drugs they do not got through puberty, then go straight to cross sex hormones and become sterile. Pass the age of puberty, patients are put on cross sex hormones which can affect sterility and sexual function. Females are encouraged to have hysterectomies after a few years due to increase cancer rate as well.
Is there an effort to create transgender patients out of autistic patients? Are the so called professionals and organizations like these helping to funnel patients for transgender medicine?
The system built is huge: https://margox.substack.com/p/a-campaign-like-no-other
Guardianship is control of the person, conservatorship is control of their assets and income. The terms are not interchangeable, and each entail specific legal duties.
There is a lack of common sense about this issue. Some people that could truly benefit from the surgery cannot access it, while for others it is an unreasonable imposition. Sterilization should be offered more frequently to carriers of lethal genetic disease, and should be a covered medical expense. There is no agreement about what level of services should be offered to the severely intellectually disabled, including hysterectomy for hygiene purposes, or where specific services are best offered. Politics and private profit have sadly intruded everywhere.
IT is not OK to say "mental Age", so a 60 year old man may have a mental age of 5.He can vote, own property and decide his own choice of sex life.Imagine a five year old able to vote.People with mental retardation can stay in school until they are 22.They are "travel trained" so they can be completely independent.THis is great for bright people in wheelchairs.
A person is declared by the court to be non-compos-mentis on the verification of suitable experts in the field. This person may not enter into contracts, vote, travel alone, be alone, decide where to live, etc., on the dictates of the court. This is NOT a "bright person in a wheelchair". Think 'Rain Man' or much much lower functioning. Non-verbal, non-hearing, maybe bed bound. Unable to communicate or provide for their own needs. This exists on a continuum. I have 40 years experience with this, what do you have? I don't mean to seem rude, but unqualified people muck about in official policy that affects ALL the people in a certain category, when every case is individual, and must be treated as such for appropriate services.
The bankers and their cohorts are hellbent on eradicating us
An old book published in the mid 1990's, '...and the truth shall set you free' by conspiracy theorist, David Icke. David hits the mark on page 132-136 writing of the Bowman Grey Medical Center in N.C., between 1941-1943 over 42,000 Americans forceable sterilized, some low IQ, some handicapped, etc. 1988 over $80 million appropriated for USAID to provide for sterilization in over 58 countries. And, more.
Ugly is it not?
Love your newsletters. Thank you for standing in the gap and helping to wake people up. When I read about all the depopulation measures,and they are numerous, I keep thinking about a book I read by Dan Brown called Inferno. Dan Brown has a very different world view than me, but I think he echoes the viewpoints of the transhumanist elites. Disaster is averted in the book, but what he writes is chilling. If you haven’t read it, you should.