Since Nixon declared "War on Cancer" they have spent about 5 TRILLION dollars in research to find a cure. The US Cancer industry administers 7 times the chemo as the European countries with similar outcomes. Breast Cancer has grown from 1 in 22 women to 1 in 8 and they have not found a chemical cure. The cure is in boosting the immune system and grassrootshealth.net research says that 80% of the breast cancers can be eliminated if all women were tested for a Vitamin D deficiency. Average women has less than 25 ng's of D blood value (active hormonal form) and it should be over 50 ng's. Of course, if the medicine man embraced this concept, they would destroy the 125 BILLION per year cancer industry. Of course, Ivermectin is cheap and is not profitable as the chemo drugs and is ignored. A vibrant and whole immune system is key to defending the body against all pathogens and this concept is totally ignored by Big Medicine. That's not how you grow the Half-Trillion dollar bloated medical system in the USA! The phony Covid crisis would have ended abruptly if everyone was tested for Vitamin D deficiency rather than be tested with an unreliable stick up the nose! Blew through trillions of dollars which could have been spent on infrastructure and eliminating homelessness.


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Just posted above, watch until end (2 mins) and you may understand why the politicians fawn over THINGS (big business) ...


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What about PROSTATE cancer, Thomas?

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Low D contributes to the development!

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Yes, it’s time to tell everybody that All of the Nonprofits are owned by the Mother WEFers, because that’s WHO gives out the grant money. Love you guys!😘

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You are missing Dr Joanna Budwig protocol in any discussion of cancer treatment. She was the first to call out the Pharmafia for killing cells that are "cancer" -was insanity. All cancers have one common thread-blood that is low on Dissolved Oxygen! Blood is the fuel for proper cellular production.. Also know about the benefits of Spirulina. There is a reason the serpent staff is symbol of modern medicine, better known as witchcraft .

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As one who had a single round of two doses, prior to surgery, people should keep in mind that almost all the benefits of chemotherapy are in the first round...Our specialist told us this, and was fine with my decision to have minimal dosage...As it happened, I was one of the 5-10% who did benefit...It made the surgery easier, and my surgeon and his team were successful...But I was lucky, and usually healthy for someone my age, and my cancer was very aggressive....so no guarantees that such treatment would benefit you, and as the article suggests, it can even harm you a lot...

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As if the cancer INDUSTRY didn’t need another black eye, oncologists buy chemotherapeutic agents from big pharma and resell them at huge markups to thier patients. https://www.statnews.com/2019/10/30/cancer-growing-in-cancer-medicine-pharma-money-doctors/

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The coupon code is not working now. Bummer!

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If I only had my time again, I would never have had chemo; because as you state and WE are not told this in general, until we ask or push - "Chemotherapy kills healthy cells as well as cancer cells" as it effects everything from your brain function (for me, I totally lost my short term memory) plus so many physical problems, both severe and not so, but just irritating and alien for me.

I keep on putting this video up... 2 minutes so please watch until the end ... apologies if you have seen it before, but for me, well - you see ! ...(JABS and CANCER CRAP) plus plus ...


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'And yet, while in a state of shock, they find themselves needing to make a number of decisions (very) quickly'. Why, oh why, does this sound like real estate dealers and car salesmen? "This offer will expire at the end of the day..." And these days, many major transactions come with a "cooling off period" in the contract. I have been told that after the death of a spouse, one should make no large decisions (like sale of a house) for what, a year? Of course I am not suggesting a year for a cancer patient's decision, but surely a bit of time should be taken?

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If you don't stop putting out information about successful cancer treatments you one day are going to find your self haunted by Andrew Carnegie and Rockerfeller ghosts. LOL Also this kind of info could cause people in high places to lose money and the great culling could also be slowed down!!!!.

So whatever you do don't ever write and let people know that indeed there can be successful treatments for cancer that don't cut, poison and burn.

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On Joe Tippins' site https://mycancerstory.rocks/81-2/ under "protocol" I read where he mentioned that he is using a few different things than he was before. He takes fenbendazole 222 mg (1gm ) per day- every day. the onco adjunct pathway products..

"The Onco Adjunct Pathway 1 is a unique combination of Cryo Extracted Hemp, with Middle Eastern frankincense essential oils and the Nano C60 carrier, all in one tincture.

Onco Adjunct Pathway 2 is a combination of 300 mg of Clinical Grade UltraCurcumin, 200 mg of Clinical grade UltraQuercetin and 100 mg of Frankincense powder.

Onco Adjunct Pathway 3 has Berberine in its soluble LPS form. Berberine modifies glucose metabolism in much the same way that Metformin modifies glucose metabolism.

Onco Adjunct Pathway 4 combines EGCG (Green Tea polyphenols), Resveratrol and Fisetin. Each of these ingredients is enabled with the company's LPS™ technology. LPS = Liquid Protein Scaffolding is their patented technology. It binds molecular bioactive and plant extracts to protein/amino acid scaffolds, allowing for the fast and easy digestion and absorption of these plant compounds into the body.


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I tried CANCER20 and BLK20 codes and got a message either were no good.

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I contacted the company it now works .

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Thank you

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Is February pink month? Again.

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Coupon does not work and international shipping is exorbitant! WHO are you?

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Coupon code works just fine i tested it.

Direct all shipping complaints to the carrier since that is what the company is charged, and does not set any ship charges.

I am 2SG and you have no idea what you are complaining about!

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Removed (Banned)Jan 30
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The company tests their products and has testing certificates -- contact them directly: info@virex.health

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