The "slow impoverishment of the citizenry" aspect of the Federal Reserve Crime Syndicate is solely a symptom the mechanism of a far more extensive scam to exponentially owning practically every single thing, include humanity.

Throwing the masses into poverty in the first couple of decades of the scam would have been counter productive and indeed highly more dangerous for the elite parasite caste.

Not only did a large pool of "middle class" wealth vastly increase the growth of the economies they were draining dry, they also needed that highly lucrative buffer period to program the middle class on the teat of their global money printing ponzi scheme to believe that totalitarian socialism was the social justice that was previously so dangerous for Billionaire criminal elite.

The slow impoverishment was fundamentally equivalent to a large river getting shallow as it slowed and widened prior to dropping headlong over a crushing waterfall, the precipice that is coming into the view of those with their eyes and minds open.

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There hasn't been a real audit of US gold reserves in more than 70 years, and many of us suspect that it is near zero...The Treasury and Fed will resist any efforts to discover what they are...But Martin Armstrong points to war as being the primary driver of gold prices..The current rise suggests that people in the know are expecting a major war to break out.....

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Why is our financial system so criminally corrupt ?

Because a small group of families control the creation of currency which gives them infinite wealth, it is that simple.

If you wish to know more , there are 3 essential points everyone should realize:

(1) The Federal Reserve and by extension the USD are Ponzi Schemes. They do not represent real money.

This is because the USD is a debt based currency that requires ever more debt to sustain itself until interest payments on the debt gobble up all spending.

To put it another way, to make use of this fiat currency we need to take/borrow from the future.

That is the definition of a Ponzi Scheme.

There is only one form of money that is allowed and it's stated in Article I, Section 10 , Claus 1 of the US Constitution:

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal;

coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;

(2) Fractional Reserve Lending is the basis of all banking in the modern age. This is legalized counterfeiting and no different than a criminal operation.

All banks are in fact criminal enterprises because they lend out money they do not possess.

Try withdrawing all the cash in your bank account and see what happens. They will tell you , you can't have it because they don't have it.

It isn't there. Your money is not in the bank.

This is the criminal nature of our banking industry today to say nothing about the usury of charging 20% interest rates on credit card debt.

(3) The world's central banks (Federal Reserve) are private institutions owned by private individuals which gives these criminals access

to infinite sums of currency (Rothschilds are Trillionaires). In other words, the Federal Reserve is owned by the very same group who control and own

JPMorganChase, Goldman Sacs et al who are the publicly listed owners of the FedRes. Circular and cross ownership everywhere you look.

Trillionaires do exist in our world today. And they own most of the world's economy.

These Trillionaires are very careful to keep this knowledge out of the public domain and so we see the Forbes 400 and Fortune list of billionaires

always excludes mention of these people who control the issuance of currency.

Why would you want to be worth $100 Billion in USD when you can issue and digitally print to yourself trillions of dollars through your

criminal ownership of the Federal Reserve with no supervision nor oversight ?

Remember the Federal Reserve has NEVER been audited in it's nearly 110 year history (demonic birth 1913).

This is exactly what the families behind the Rothschild actors have done.

These shadowy figures are worth more than $1000 Trillion ($1 Quadrillion) dollars. That is the equivalent of 10,000 times the worth of the fake and phoney Elon Musk (~ $100 Billion USD) who is yet another life actor.

The world is run by Trillionaire International Bankers who have thousands of news-reading slaves (Bloomberg, CNBC et al) and

fake financial theorists aka economists, and yellow journalists lying to all of us with propaganda that we live in a free market economy based

on capitalism and meritocracy. Nothing could be further from the truth.

We live in a organized crime syndicate run by multi - generational criminally insane psychopathic

banking families (Kuhns, Loebs, Warburg, Rothschilds et al) who have infinite wealth and

it is by this wealth that they have corrupted

every media outlet, every corporation and every industry with their demonic political agenda.

Everything is rigged, everything is scripted, everything is lies, everything is fake.

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Yes my friend… but you missed a bit that seems to have completely missed a lot of others in the Financial Industry accidentally on purpose. The US FEDERAL RESERVE was declared bankrupt and liquidated a few years ago. The Name Federal Reserve was obtained by JP Morgan Chase in the Liquidation Sale. Since then JP Morgan Chase have been pretending to be and operating as “the” US Federal Reserve.

This will shed a brighter light on the subject: http://annavonreitz.com/fedshelfcorp.pdf

Anna Maria Riezinger is the actual truly lawful Fiduciary ‘For’ The United States of America unincorporated. She is the underwriter and she has the facts.

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For those who need to know; and that is all of you: http://annavonreitz.com/americanfederationdollar.pdf

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This is my favorite American Success story.


I wanted to share this before ww3.

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Don't ignore the role of federal govt spending. Along with monetary growth, it is the evil twin of currency debasement.

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"Thus, the mere existence of the Fed and its ruinous mandates ensures that “everyone else” will, over time, be stripped of their wealth. Using inflation as a monetary weapon, the Fed is the singular cause of this stealth tax; in other words, inflation is a direct result of money printing, and nothing else."

You are waaaay to kind, 2SG. It's not a hidden tax. It's theft in broad daylight.

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Total truth. 1913 was an interesting year as the Federal Reserve, the IRS and the Anti Defamation League were created and in Washington DC their location is right next to a Holocaust Museum. Some say those you cannot criticize are the ones who control you.

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A request:

Because their scam name has fooled many, including myself over the years, I suggest everyone refer to it as the "Federal" Reserve bank, thus using quotes to expose the lie rather than continuing to refer to it without quotes which is thus quasi legitimizing the scam.

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Libertarian theology is as flawed as its ostensible foe Marxism. The problem with the current money system cannot be reduced to inflation. There's plenty of instances where chokeholds in the grease of commerce created problems in themselves, most notably when the US went onto a gold-standard after the war between the States.

The problem is issuance of debt/money + interest. See libertarian Bill Still's Money Master's documentary. He's probably the only of his stripe who doesn't continuously repeat economic fallacies that hold as much water as "safe and effective."

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Why do many writers say "could care less" when they actually mean "could not care less"? The two expressions are completely opposite. The former gives wiggle room for caring less, whereas the latter is already at rock bottom.

Is it as simple as American English vs English English? Or some kind of concessionary gesture? Either way, its ambivalence spoils the argument.

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Great post. I read every word. For those that didn’t here’s the TLDR: Keep Stacking.

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5

FRBNY is owned by the US Treasury and remits its earnings to the Treasury annually.

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Well the Federal Reserve ( which was neither Federal or a Reserve went Bankrupt and was Liquidated..so you believe that the Reserve, that was not a Reserve, but a Private Bank, and in no way “Federal” protected and didn't use the Gold until it was all gone, and then; they went bust?

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