Governments will be subject to legal action for endless amounts of cash for the damage caused by maxine. This is fantastic for the WEF and friends because the people that the governments get the money from to pay the damages are the very people that are damaged.

It's pretty clever, if not entirely demonic, and I'm an atheist.

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It will be interesting to see how many people have finally awoken and smelled the coffee when these updated Omicron deathvaxx are released. My gut tells me that many will not be getting these jabs because the uptake for children is minuscule (they will try to force it through school though) and as a personal note, my wife received the initial two (against my reasoned pleadings) but did not get any boosters and will not get this Omicron brew deathvaxx either. S2G, the latest push from the death cult is the elimination of any need to run trials for these mRNA jabs because they are "safe and effective", they want to do away with all trials for drugs and just use us as guinea pigs going into the future.

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just use us as guinea pigs going into the future. . . There is actually no reason not to decline any medication that has not gone through clinical trials. Isn't it our right to demand a third party clinical trial for any new drug?

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Murdering maniacs!

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When do the slaves finally break free from the corporate-statist spells? We will see. We do what we can. The mind-controllers also do what they can.

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Aug 24, 2022·edited Aug 24, 2022

your comment brings to mind an old painting, I think from Bruegel ? or someone like that, where hordes of devils fight angels and humans are dragged off by the hair. I have to look that up ! Yes, it is called the fall of the rebel angels

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Mind boggling.

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The minds have been boggled. That's why they go along.

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Why isn’t the life insurance industry screaming from the tallest roof tops yet? This is insanity and it is still being covered up. The insurance companies must be close to the money printer as well and uncle sugar is secretly taking care of them. The collusion of this scam with all governments and companies at the highest levels and on down the line boggles my mind. I still cannot get over it sometimes. Now we have famine and mega droughts to look forward too. I miss 2019 like no tomorrow man!

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No doubt happening in all the nations that pushed the mRNA jabs. It is alleged that both Pfizer and Moderna falsified data. If this can be proved it will potentially end the liability shields they have.

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The overall world health conditions are probably worse now than they have been throughout human history.

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