Larry Fink is a criminal bankster that runs BlackRock. His corporation is partners-in-crime with the UN, WEF, CFR, WHO, CIA, DoD, Pentagon, Rockefeller and Gates “nonprofits”, et al.
BlackRock is also “advising” the illicit private central Federal Reserve bank with the buying and selling of bonds and securities that it owns itself; in other words, the Fed is complicit in enriching BlackRock and vice-versa. This is nothing more than economic terrorism against We the People.
Psychopaths like Larry Fink also have a tendency to publicly admit their crimes. The whole ESG scam ties in directly with PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE, “pandemics,” the mutilation of children with sex reassignment procedures, the BLM hoax and various other Cultural Marxism divide and conquer psyops, the wide open Southern border, and ultimately the total annihilation of the West.

These hedge funds, banks and various NGO’s are socially engineering the populace into their very own digital gulag dystopia. They conjure all of the money that they want out of thin air, manipulate “markets” and commodities with paper contracts (hypothecation), and drive policy to tax everyone into oblivion. Then they allow the UN through Agenda 21 and 2030 to pillage all of the “private property” while the next generations are rendered indoctrinated mental cripples and genetically modified sexless slaves. The illegal invaders are then promoted to the police force that despises their adopted nation, and what is left of We the People. Then these useful idiot cops are also easily eradicated.
This is the old Bolshevik Revolution playbook updated for today’s globalist technocommunism project.
Larry Fink truly is the enemy, but if you have money invested in BlackRock or any company and/or government associated with them, then you just so happen to be part of the problem.
Do NOT comply.
Larry is one of 36 David Martin outlined in his Covid Orchestra. He’s a ring leader.
I think this is exactly right this is all tied together to manipulate peoples thinking, and the believers in society will all go along with it