They are going to weaponize food

Comply or starve

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As a regenerative/organic farmer, I can say that they already weaponised commercial food a long time ago- via the "green revolution" after WW2. The weapons of war were rebranded as agricultural fertilizes, biocides and food additives.

Reality is, most people can't be bothered reading the back of a food label and understanding what is actually in it, let alone planting/growing food. Hilarious truth is, It's harder to interpret the "ingredients" label than it is to grow food. But they want you to think it's hard to grow food so you depend on their system. Soil+water+sunshine. Anything will grow because nature is about life. The hard part is clearing out all the junk pesdivides etc, so that the plant can do what it's trying to do- grow, thrive. 🤔 Just. Like. Human. Health.🤔

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We are just now dipping our toes into organic farming.

If you don't mind me asking, where are you based?

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Dec 2, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Australia. I work in organics but I grow regenerative. Frankly there are "organics" and then there is organics, if you get my drift. Just because it says organic, doesn't mean it's chemical free. E.g.,organic standards certification allows crops to be fertilised with manure from cows that have fed on glysophate laden grass and antibiotic laden grains. 😐🤦‍♀️😑🤯

The organics industry has been hijacked just like the medical system. Regenerative farming is the only way that actually creates more nutritionally dense food, helps restore environment soils and cycles and promotes actual health of humans, earth and animals.

But Big Agriculture doesnt like regenerative farming 🤔🤔😉

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In the states most "organic" is total bs.

I prefer biodynamic but that's a bit much for most.

Regenerative is the best term these days, and farmers don't need to pay exorbitant fees to the gov to make that claim. Most farmers here think organic is a tax scam anyhow, and they are no longer complying and dropping their certs.

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Comply AND Starve, Comrade

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I’d rather starve. My great grandparents didn’t come to America for me to be a fucking slave. That’s why they came to America. My grandmother was born in 1908...IN AMERICA.

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We won't do either. Pre-pare for Famine as a worst case scenario to ride out what is likely, food shortages/high prices. 2023 will be the Bolshevik Obama "Transformative" Pogrom he promised in 2008.

Too many people continue to be Oblivious to the Future. Thanks for your Spirit!!!

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I know what’s coming. May God guide you and watch over you. Amen

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My sense is that we are quickly heading towards a new level of totalitarianism. In the past propaganda was well crafted to present a veneer of truth. It has progressively become so obviously crude today with no attempt made to even sound credible. When persuasion gives way to coercion and, as with this example in the Netherlands, force then we are entering a new phase.

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Yes, way past time to wake up.

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The population must always be able to grow food. We must never allow greedy evil thieves take that away from the farmers. Once a population has to depend on their government to supply or regulate food, they will forever be slaves to the whims of those in control. I would think that especially now during this time of insanity the people would be watching out for the next and the next immoral deceit coming from that kind of government. Wake up sheeple.

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Change The Government and then "Whats" coming From It, Changes. But then there is the "option" to just die off according to the NWO Pogrom.

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I pray the moral left will be able to get control. Just dying off is not an option. I would like to think if it gets too bad, those with their heads still in the sand will wake up. It won't be the first time the population had to take matters into their own hands. I just hope it won't have to come to that.

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I think it’s beyond that already.

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You could be right, but I pray not.

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USA sarcasm on "just dying off"as an option. I wish Canadian patriots All the Best. The USSA is headed for a hard crash within months or 2 years as our economy is all "paper" and becoming more and more worth-less.

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BUT...we haven’t given up our guns. That’s exactly what the Left can’t do. It would take a lot of “police power”. And it won’t be the police, trust me.

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This is happening across many countries. I wonder why we haven’t read about it in the mainstream misleadia? /sarc

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YES! I was going to comment that this is not being reported, at least as far as I am aware. My tiny contribution is now going to be to forward this to a number of people.

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It would be awesome if one day NO ONE turned their television on.

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But then we can’t be lied to!

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I KNOW! It’s awesome. People won’t be spoon fed lies. It will force them to think for themselves…if they are able.

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Communism. Sheer Communism. I cannot beleive the Dutch have been infiltrated so badly.

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and "What" country hasn't "been infiltrated so badly"???

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Well we know the five eyes countries have been infiltrated badly...I was just sad about the Netherlands...thought the small ones might wriggle free?

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We had Better CYA Here ASAP. Just listen to this Former Admiral from the Pantygone, now at the JoBama Coup WH.


The USSA Military is Kaput, Comrade; unless the 4 Stars at the Top are court martialed...by whom???

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The actions of those in government are appalling enough. Worse yet, the individuals who enforce those policies against their own countrymen.

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Called ENEMIES to be more concise

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Problems to overcome.

WEF global control of:

1. Politicians

2. Police forces

3. Military

4. Majority of most populations

5. Essentially all large corporations

6. Almost all banks

7. All mainstream media, all interfaces

8. Most social media

9. All big pharma

10. Most medical systems/ doctors

11. Most churches

12. Most local/community governments

Once we overcome that list, it is clear sailing and blue skies.

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Nope, only their "currency" must be defeated; all else depends on their global control over the money flow...

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I regularly read your stack, and usually find it very refreshing and intellectually provocative!

Unfortunately I don't think that "fixing" the currency would help much. :-( In my honest opinion (after studying a lof of economics, history, philosophy, psycology etc. on my own), the totally corrupt monetary system, is not the root cause of our current condition (altough it seemd to me like that for a long time).

The money system is merely the reflection of the general corruption of the culture and population. A more honest population would never tolerate a system like we are living in, and a corrupt population cannot live within the boundaries of an honest monetary system.

Ideas have a strange pattern of distribution, with interesting feedback loops. In general, the rot starts with the elites (thinking class) turning nihilistic during a "golden age", and then they distribute thier increasingly worse ideas over time to the general population, who are more or less only consumers of those ideas. This repeats until total collapse. (I suggest to study "Elite theory" and the "Iron law of oligarchy" if you are interested.)

It already happened many times in history. Sadly, I don't think we are any better then earlier civilizations in this regard. We might even collapse much faster than the Romans did for example, because our system has much less redundancy to begin with.

I really hope I'm wrong though.

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My position is decentralization and local solutions. Fiat currency is doomed, and I have posted many times the reserve currency history chart which shows that the $ is at the end of its line.

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Decentralisation & local solutions are clearly the only way an individual can survive in a broader societal level controlled (by bad actors) economy. But I don’t think it is realistic for the majority to be either inclined or able to reorganise their lives around this type of collaboration. If that is true then the majority of society does indeed transition seamlessly, lemming like, into the dystopia we can easily visualise. And that creates the kind of siloed environment where survival even with localised coops becomes a pretty tragic existence.

For what it’s worth, we (two of us) are doing what we can to achieve a good measure of independence and security - plants, meat, water, electricity, heat, dogs, guns etc.

And we are definitely aligning ourselves with a community of like minded individuals. But when things turn ugly I don’t think that we can expect that community spirit and cohesion to overcome the basic survival instinct people reserve for their own families.

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I sincerely hope you’re right about CBDCs being ultimately unsustainable. And I know you’re right about the damage they will inevitably cause in the short to mid term (five years?). One only has to look at China to see this playing out right now. And borrowing a curse from that country, we are indeed living in interesting times.

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Interesting perspectives DP. I can’t speak for Ray’s justification for his position but my interpretation is that a CBDC will effectively serve as an omnipotent totalitarian mechanism that defeats all other attempts to thwart the state. Control over our ability to spend (= ability to do, to travel, to eat) is game over for the little guy. Yes there are ways that some can mitigate the impact of CBDCs, at least temporarily. But most will not or cannot, they’ll concede and drag the rest of society with them viz the capitulation of the majority in state compliance over Covid regulations. Not many are cut out for a Mad Max future.

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I completely agree with you on the degenerate goals of instituting the CBDC, but I think it simply won't work (or maybe for a very short time), but unfortunately not becasue of the heroic resistance of the population.

The super complex, high maintanance, high tech surveillance slavery system, that our mad overlords dream of, need huge amount of (quality) human and material capital to work. That wich we have been consuming in an ever hastening tempo since about the early 1980's through artifically depressed negative real interest rates. (Keith Weiner and the late Antal Fekete has very good articles about this phenomenon.)

The whole goal of the CBDC is to maintain the insane system of capital consumption (for the benefit of the few). It's like a parasite's final act killing the host.

Now, I don't say they won't do unimaginable damage during the attempt of instituting the CBDC.

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100% agree. A CBDC is a mechanism against which the individual cannot fight. Subscribed to your Substack based on your comments here Ray.

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My Substack belongs to my readers; I provide information, entertainment, and motivation. The decision is theirs. You sound like you have found a few nice people to converse with. :)

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You left out most Educational Institutions - from preschool to Ph.D/MD etc.it is complete indoctrination - has been for a long time, but now it is hyperbolical.

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Where is there an honest bank?

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Personally, I do not know. I left room for a small, independent bank in backwash USA. Not saying they would be perfect...but perhaps not so maliciously attached.

Who knows?. Banks typically have very bad reputations for very good reasons.

There will be some good in each category arguably, but as a whole...each category is cancerous imo.

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I think I almost tried them all and so disappointing to consistently get the same results. Ug....

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There is no profession (with the possible exception of midwifery) that is more intrinsically connected with life than farming. These men are the vanguard of the Army of Life, and they are forcing the Army of Death to show its cards.

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Having worked for farmers covering thousands of acres...there is truth to an extent in the WEF arguement.

Most farms are now corporations...or ran as big business. The small family farm idea is almost extinct in most of the western world. These farmers are all attached at the hip to major synthetic fertilizer companies...and chemical companies like Monsanto.

Typically, I say their practices are largely harmful to the land and the food we eat. Pesticide and herbicide laden food grown with GMO seed on contaminated soil is not a great long term strategy.

However...having said that...while the WEF may use climate, etc as the basis of shutting down these producers...I say it is all a red herring. Power and control seem to be the only real motives they operate under.

Recently I have spent time with Amish farmers in Atlantic Canada.

They run on small acres that sustain several families and sell amazing produce to market consumers.

Their model...in the long run is sustainable, healthy and employs several families on a few hundred acres..as opposed to a few workers on several thousand acres.

Mega growth and automazation of agriculture is not the answer we need for healthy living, because that model is always primarily profit driven.

I feel horrible for these farmers and fully support their stand against global tyranny....but if we win...we also need a new model going forward...which in many respects is an old model.

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I love everything about your comment. 100% agree!

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We Know and See their "Cards". We must End this Demonic Card Game. That's the "game" no one wants to ignite, but IGNITE it will. Then we'll See Who is going to Show Up.


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Thank G-d/Y-h you are revealing this. It makes me cry seeing how so many people are being pushed around and sheep as the farmers are standing and fighting. May Y-h bless them! If the sheep won’t stand with these farmers, do you think they’ll cry out to their creator? Maybe as they are starving or beginning to notice the pain of their own demise.

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Good to go back to the subject, because this is the beginning of the end.

This has been going on for a while. Even I covered the problem on July 8, 2022:


How is it going to be possible to engage in "non-violent non-compliance" after the final strike, the CBDC?


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This sounds like a job for American citizen peacekeepers. Maybe the unjabbed ex-military men that were forced into early retirement.

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The jabbed eat too. Not all dead yet.

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As an organic farmer on Vancouver Island!. I'm suggesting to other farmers ,fight if necessary in order to keep your land. The time for peaceful demonstrations is over. I would rather die standing than be on my knees.

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With the Dutch Government (and MONARCHY) firmly in the NWO Realm, there is No Way the unarmed populace can prevail against an armed and Willing Government. Remember these NWO Vermin are Dedicated to Reducing the populace by any means. That's What this Farm Eradication is all about. THE NWO Government (People?) must Be Removed from their positions of "authority"........

by any means necessary. This IS War for Survival. Quibling about it is just stupid ignorance. Confront the Evil don't be a "Quisling".

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Holding on the streets is a waste of time. Blockade the cities. Completely. No food in. Nobody out. Cut off the electricity. No heat for you. Escalate violent government acts with violent government acts. They jail you, kidnap their children. They shoot you, you shoot them. Nothing to lose now. Only kidding. I dont really mean it.

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Power to the people, baby.

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We should have let the Nazis have the Netherlands. Maybe by now they’d have grown sick of them and thrown them out.

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