Please read this article carefully prior to commenting.

This article does not deny the existence of a virus whatsoever.

Please reread if you are having comprehension issues.

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okay, please explain this:

"Couey goes into considerable detail about the biological evidence that led him to believe in the impossibility that a coronavirus lab leak could have led to a pandemic, due to the constant and inherent instability of individual coronavirus genomes—including those that have supposedly constituted the “COVID pandemic.” No coronavirus genome or viral clone has ever defied this law of nature. "

That to me sounds like he's saying that the coronavirus was unstable and could not last long. How do you interpret what he's saying there?

there's also this:

"In my opinion, there never was a pandemic, nothing went around the world, and that’s the end of it really. I’ve been thinking to myself that the gain-of-function thing was a “double bluff” if you’d like, with the purpose that you’ve described, and you brilliantly described why they might have done all these things. But I agree with you: there wasn’t a pandemic in the world, it didn’t go around the world, it never had the capacity to go around the world.

Couey: Yeah, I think that’s the summary."

So what comprehension problems are we having? You're saying that if you read those two excerpts from the article, our conclusion should be that he's not saying there was no virus?

Seems like those two excerpts are saying that there was no virus!

Please point out in the article where he states that there was/is indeed a virus. I'm having a hard time finding it, having comprehension issues.

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This may be a bit long, but it is not a simple explanation (sorry).

Since RNA is single stranded as opposed to DNA, RNA viruses will make copy errors during replication and an RNA infection (and what is passed on) is constituted in a viral swarm, or quasi species, that has many different versions of the virus. Most of the viral swarm in an infection consists of replication incompetent virions or virions not well suited to the current environment (in your body + state of immune system). The evolution of RNA viruses can really only be thought of in terms of the swarm and not a single variant as portrayed on TV. A well diversified swarm will be able to survive any changes to its environment as the previously not well suited variants can become well suited when the environment changes. In addition, these lesser variants play also different supporting roles even when not well suited (they could survive in different temperatures - fever - or in different tissues). A swarm that is too diversified cannot survive very well either because not enough of it will be well suited to the current environment or it cannot adapt to a new environment. Therefore, evolution over long periods has created mechanisms and perhaps even feedback into the virus to be able to control its own diversity in its viral swarm leading to long term survival. There are error checking mechanisms in RNA viruses in the RNA dependent RNA polymerase and during transcription certain errors can be checked for - these might include insertions or changes to base pairs, but not deletions.

Next, in labs they cannot do tests by trying to culture RNA viruses from a sample because as they try, many errors will occur and many new virions produced will be replication incompetent. So, to study a particular genome they create something that does not occur in nature, with are clones of a single RNA strand by converting to cDNA and putting in bacteria which will faithfully replicate the cDNA many times in close to 100% fidelity of the same copy. Getting closer to the point now, in a lab you can then take a synthetic or modified spike protein RNA, patch it onto an existing coronavirus backbone and then convert to cDNA to create large qtys of the same code and then convert back to RNA. If you did this with a version that had high affinity to human cells you could create something worse than a natural swarm because in a natural swarm many of the virions produced or infected with would be not too good or incompetent in the current environment. But such an unnatural scenario is not stable at all, because as soon as the virus replicates in people and then spreads to others, over time the viral swarm will reconstitute its natural level of diversity (or else it will simply cease to exist as explained above it requires the diversity to survive as immune system adapts and therefore its environment changes and it has no response within the cloned homogenous-swarm). Now comes the counter measure which is an mRNA vaccine to single version of a single protein. Even if the acquired antibodies could get inside the lung and nose in high qty, which it cannot, this is the stupidity of their countermeasure which could only make sense if they could maintain the unnatural cloned false swarm which they cannot. So, they can try to increase the fidelity of the replication process and try to lock people down until they can introduce the countermeasure, so that it looks so great and they can get 100% acceptance, then when the viral swarm reconstitutes they can blame it on the virus. But, even with a modified error checking in the RDRP, as soon as deletions occur or as soon as a recombination event occurs with another coranavirus which overwrite the RDRP, or as soon as this error checking component itself mutates, then the viral swarm will very rapidly reconsitute.

The last part is my own interpretation of what the plan was to get acceptance of mRNA and then move towards vaccinating the world ever 4 months when it changes. But Couey is talking about the original outbreak being an unnatural cloned homogenous swarm produced by cDNA replication and that cannot stand for very long at all - it is unstable and has to die out or reconstitute as a natural viral swarm or quasi species. This is also why they never talk about the quasi species in the news and the so called experts never mention it, because if you knew this, then it would be obvious that converting the entire population's immune response to be so specific and exactly the same targeting a single protein of a single variant is ridiculous - targeting multiple versions of a single protein is also ridiculous, it will just take longer to backfire. Going back to my interpretation of this, the viral swarm simply selects all variations that perform better against this and since the entire population is exactly the same, then each time the viral swarm gets better and better at infecting which is what it wants until it gets too good, then it may trigger selecting for more pathogenic versions - because otherwise the viral swarm will all start choosing the same mutations and the swarm will start to become less diversified and even though it has become so successful, this is not in its genetics for long term survival (needs middle of balanced diversity) and it will do something to restore the diversity of the viral swarm by eliminating the hosts with the exact same immune environment. This is as opposed to natural immunity which is a diversified multilayer approach to the entire viral swarm, and each person may have differences in their response which puts a multi layered not specific immune pressure so it does not push the virus in just one or two or even 20 points of pressure, but a million points that will never lead to such a stupid outcome. Any vaccine that does not equal exactly to the natural immune response as it looks like diversified in the entire population is a bad idea, as humans too need to strive for a diversified immune swarm of response in order to ensure survival across time. What we are seeing is the ego, stupidity, and technology focused response that thinks mankind can do better than 1 billion years of evolution in a single year.

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This is true: "The last part is my own interpretation of what the plan was to get acceptance of mRNA and then move towards vaccinating the world ever 4 months when it changes."

I agree, Brian. The technology (mRNA and DNA) "vaccines were already being tested in South Korea (MERS 2021-13) The technology was READY, a "PANDEMIC" was needed to get the EUA, and quickly force the adoption worldwide of mRNA and DNA vaccines, transitioning away from egg based production.

The world wide cooperation of this "global disaster" is where we all should be concerned. That speaks to a powerful entity, overlord... some centralized ultra powerful cabal??

Thanks Brian for your comment.

Early on I started following Moderna's Investor publications/news... that nearly proved the need of a major event, to force the acceptance and adoption of mRNA and DNA gene editing tech. They had a whole bunch of vaccine platforms ready to roll out, once they got everyone on board with mRNA C19 vax. Getting the C19 on the "Childhood vaccine schedule" was the ultimate prize. The PCR test was the catalyst, that alone delivered the "reason" for a mass world wide vax event. The PCR test is where the fraud lies. Bottom line, the "Pandemic" was planned event, to introduce the world to mRNA and DNA "vax" technology.

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Hes not saying there's no virus, he saying there was no NOVEL virus. There was nothing new, distinct, novel about the pandemic. It was a pandemic of NUMBERS and changed DEFINITIONS. Ivor Cummins called that out back in March 2020.

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Yes, indeed. The numbers were released without any context. Just numbers. I tried to use two sources to make sense of them. My county stats and the local hospital system. Tried to produce a formula based on them but there was not quite enough to make sense. I called both my County Health Department and spoke with the "head" he was pissed that I asked for more info, claimed "HIPA privacy" excuse and directed me to the person responsible for the "Covid Update" page. She said if I could figure out a better way to present the limited info she got than she would be grateful. I also called the local hospital she gave me the webaddress of the state statistic reports they received each morning but I could only get so far with out pre-approved ID. Yeah, the terms were entirely undefined.

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It's the pathogenic part of the virus that's unstable. The coronavirus reverts to being non lethal is what Jonathan says.

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Yeah, that got me too. I get the - if you'll excuse the orgasmic analogy - shoots it's wad with small residual after effects that viruses tend to behave. But, in this day and age of efficient travel I can imagine a virus leaving town in the first blast before petering out.

But if "gain-of-function" meaning "more deadly" exclusively and not "more easily spread" also, then I could agree that statistics do point to it not being "more deadly" in and of itself. It becomes deadly when the treatment is withheld, which I believe (so far) that was at the heart of most of the deaths.

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Oh my God tears are streaming down my cheeks. This article means more to me than you could know. I’m so many ways. I thank you for sharing this, bravely. You are not alone in anything stated or that you know to be true. Hard to refute any of it. Sadly, the majority of my moronic family members would try to though. I’ll never shut up. No matter how many of them disown me. Good riddance. Ignorance is not bliss. It’s pathetic and when it’s knowingly continued with giving zero effs to seek truth and justice instead, I shudder the thought of sharing precious time with the ones I never realized were so dense. Ugh. My dad dies four days after his “booster” with a massive heart attack and I’m ridiculed and gaslit for having the audacity to suggest any foul play may have taken place. M’kay!

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Don’t be needlessly rude. That makes you much less “smart” Smartest.

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Interesting read. And it’s an interesting theory, but just a theory nonetheless. I do agree there was a lot of smoke and mirrors and chicanery involved. I think we are back the the devil’s greatest trick was convincing the world he did not exist. I try to keep from getting myopic on the details and stay focused on the undeniable.

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I concur. I'm not not sold on any narrative per se, other than western governments are becoming increasingly authoritarian and that has to be stopped. As for the virus issue, I do wonder for those who got covid, like myself, why it was so unusual compared to the flu. While I can appreciate the clone/fidelity and spread issue, it doesn't entirely square with my experience. I wouldn't put it past the government to do what JJ said but I wonder what other biological truths may be still hidden.

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No one got any covid.

Flu are detoxification symptoms.

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#smartestmantoexist made this

This can create vaccines even for hiv. Using extreme pressure say 200,000 pounds or even depressurization to implode the organism and dropping it in the chemical equivalent of what the white blood cell uses to break down organisms.


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No one has proven any infectious disease.

No one has proven any immune system.

No one has proven any biological virus.

No one has proven that bacteria or fungus on its own can cause a disease.

You can't create a vaccine if there is no immune system or pathogen.

No experimentation on independent variable or direct real time observation of all vital occurring processes has been done.

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Now let’s look at this objectively.

Consider the white blood cell just another organism that eats things. It eats things that harm the host or do not have the this is me flag. Even if it is a symbiosis regardless of if the body creates it or it is just present the white blood call can be identified by the dna marker to determine if it is in fact of self origin. The fact it performs a task to prevent the host from receiving damages it can be concluded that this organism does so for self survival. Self preservation of the host organism. It has certain functions that allow it to do this and that is what we call our immune system.

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Yes, I do look at this objectively.

And I know that we do not have tools and methods to directly observe in real time occurring processes on micro levels.

Speculations are not undeniable evidence.

DNA/RNA has never been proven to exist. Never observed, never isolated.

There is no self preservation but cleansing processes which can be easily overloaded.

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What I am hearing is you have never proven it exists because you have never looked under a microscope and you have therefore refused scientific methods and evidence to derail this from those that do. But hey, if you do t own a electron microscope I suppose you won’t know. It just so happens my family does have an electron microscope. Take a look at Jam and Germs on instagram.

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The burden of proof is not on me.

If you make a positive claim or support a positive claim, then the burden is on you.

Electron microscopy can't show processes occurring in real time. Not to mention it has not been validated for visualization of bio matter. No reference material for it. And it is not a direct observation. No one really knows what is artifact or is not on images. Thus all we have are arbitrary interpretations of what is in them. Not to mention preparations of samples and exposure to EMFs are likely changing structures of matter.

You clearly do not know what electron microscopy is.

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You might want to stop before you hurt yourself…

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Learn what logical fallacies and cognitive biases are.

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You need to learn particle physics. Physics makes biology from scratch. :)

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Unproven theories are irrelevant.

They are unable to demonstrate those theoretical particles in real life.

BTW you sound like a clueless child.

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Yes, I say so.

This is not an in vivo observation. Not to mention not an observation of all vital occurring processes.

Try harder next time.

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Ok well just chop up polio to political propaganda and call it a day. ;) go get an anthrax shot and let me know how it goes. Or better yet travel to Africa and ask the hippo about it.

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You can't get any isolated virus because it has never been isolated nor observed.

The same thing with bacteria.

Also I do not inject myself with any matter. A reason - it can disrupt my physiological processes, do chemical and physical damage.

Your childish response is pathetic.

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I believe that this is a Disinformation narrative to direct the American people away from the fact that there is a CDC/DARPA/ CIA consortium that has actively been working on bio warfare weapons ever since World War II.

 Yesterday, one of the physicians at the Ron Johnson, subcommittee inquiry into the Covid crisis, presented a molecular mockup of the virus. He also presented a mock up of the spike protein molecule, which was much larger than the actual Covid virus. On a personal note, I acquired the virus and was incapacitated for three weeks as well as my partner.   never before have I experienced this severe of an illness.  The subterfuge and miss direction and manipulation of the truth. In regards to the Covid crisis is not by accident. I would not doubt that there was a virus, and that it may have even been spread purposely to test methods of dissemination. I say that because of the viral outbreak in Florida, and several other southern states which was out of the normal period for peaks and viral infections, such as the flu.

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Well said ! ✅

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Dec 9, 2022
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Are you a paid troll?

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Dec 9, 2022
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All these blogs are being monitored by those who are pushing the change in medicine. They create confusing and miss directed comments intentionally.

You may find the following of value to understand what is really transpiring.


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Dec 9, 2022
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Human cells are reprogrammed with nano drug technology. No question.

Read my chapter 19. The Good the Bad , the Ugly. Learn about Dr. Hayes One of many.

Since world war II biowarfare research has grown dramatically in the US and it is a co-ordinated effort between the CDC, DARPA and the CIA. They have dealy bio weapons in the frig.

That's why Congress banned "gain of function" research in the US and Fauci went to Wuhan!

Read the book. "The Code Breakers" Genetic Manipulation is the future for medicine and it is not good.

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This seems unhinged to me, right up there with "there is no virus". People DID get sick with something, and that "something" was very different from other illnesses. I was one of those, I came down with an unusual illness in February 2020. It was extreme in a couple of ways. I had a fever, but also the worst headache I'd ever had, and I used to get migraines regularly, so I know what a bad headache is like. I remember thinking on the second or third day of the illness that if this goes on for a few more days, I could die. The worst of it passed after the third day, but I had lingering symptoms, joint pain, for several weeks. This was before any covid tests were available. However, in November 2020 my nephew tested positive and he had the same symptoms I had had 9 months earlier. So I don't buy the "there is no virus" or "there was no covid". I think if you told someone that who works in ER, they'd laugh at you.

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This article does not deny that there was a virus, just that the narratives are not what they seem, and that most of the damage was not from said virus, but, rather, from the criminal protocols.

The data for 2020 proves no actual pandemic, irrespective of cases, optics, etc.

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-The figure of 99% survivability has been around since early 2020, so there definitely could have been a 'pandemic' of a previously unseen coronavirus. Everyone on earth, except newborns, would have had initial partial immunity from previous colds, and the newborns would have maternal immunity, especially if breastfed.

-To paraphrase Reiner Fuellmich "the pandemic was created for the injection, not the other way around". Read that again.

-Moderna said they took the design of the spike directly from the upload China had done to the international genomics board. Moderna patented part of the sequence in 2017. Ron Johnson's hearing yesterday, one of the doctors said the spike is the same in the virus and in the shot. Just billions times more of it when your own cells are turned into spike factories.

- No argument about the suppression of effective early treatment and the delivery of a lethal protocol in its place. Now CDC says they never forbade ivermectin. Pantaloons en flambe'. They gave billions to enforce the community messaging.

-I do not know what data sets you are looking at to say that nothing was going on in 2020. I have seen them both ways. Global all-cause mortality is up some for 2020, but of course, nothing like the numbers during the vax rollout of 2021, which insurance companies reported as an unheard-of 12 sigma event. And 2022 is looking even worse. And that is not from the hospital protocol.

-What should we do with the mountain of evidence of lab creation or embellishment? work and papers from many years prior on induction of myocarditis in rabbits using coronavirus, for example? I have read several papers that detail very specifically why certain genes in the spike are never seen in nature. Why are researchers doing gain-of-function if it results in nothing functional?

-I think it is probable there are threats behind the scenes, maybe even to JJ and his family. There are big lawsuits and more anticipated. Whose purpose would it serve to have members of 'team lab creation' now argue against it? How many authors of how many psy-ops? Evidence of competing psy-ops negates none of them, it adds to the fog of war. And this is definitely war.

- People need to wrap their minds around what the legal, moral, and financial obligations would be for a proven traceable timeline to specific labs in the US and China, funded with US taxpayer monies, that result in the deaths of millions, perhaps billions worldwide. How long would it take the US and Chinese taxpayers to pay that back, even after all assets of pharma vax creators/co-conspirators are seized? Amnesty? we know why they want it.

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All of this goes to show that as long as we buy into the thought games of those who are creating the language rules of the covidcon story, we remain gullible to their bluffs. And yes, the lab leak story was a double bluff, but not for the reasons DRASTIC mentions. It's all explained in this October 2021 interview - https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/interview-with-dr-tom-cowan-4a9

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The data from Massachusetts dissected brilliantly by Cocque de Chien, clearly shows there was a virus that did indeed infect the lungs of vulnerable people ( and yes, all the endothelial tissue lungs and alveoli contain, causing clots, low oxygen and death)- this resulted in massive deaths coded as respiratory and pneumonia-like for 2020. Then in 2021, the ICD-10 codes shows even more massive deaths from cardiovascular issues mainly including clots of all kinds in all bodily areas, including strokes, myocarditis, heart attacks, etc. That is what the data show. Yes, I agree the PCRs were rotten, manipulated, etc. Cases were misnamed and mis-classified. Nevertheless, my comment stands. We all know the narratives are “Not What They Seem.”

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"Most of the damage not from said virus, but from the criminal protocols" - and, as far as I understand the idea: the part of harm that was not from the protocols, and that was more Covid specific, could have been from locally released purified-infectious-clone-swarms. And those would have been able to infect a town, or a care home, but would then have reverted to less harmfulness. In any case, he says that no one coronavirus would make it around the world for two and a half years and no mutation could ever be so effective, therefore it needs to have been locally released in more than one instance. This is what I gather. Someone was saying, why should they engage in GoF research if nothing comes of it? Seeing that this is an info war, if it is: then the use of strategic research papers is, to underline the dangerousness of what they are able to do. Intimidation and suggesting that now, and in future, dangerous chimeras have escaped and can escape. Then intermingling with animals. So we have to herd humans into geofenced megacities, and forever removed from ecosystem contact (look at "One Health"), to keep everyone safe.

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100% agree. And the truly brave physicians who have spoken out like Pierre Kory and Paul Marik to name only two, saw A LOT of people die, yes, from the SARSCov2 virus which at its core is an endothelial virus that inflames all the million miles of endothelium it infects. Sorry, but this 4-D chess stuff has gotten to be just too much.

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The thing that inflames the endothelium is the spike protein. SarsCOV2 virus in Italy has been proven to be around since October 2019. So why all of a sudden are elder care centers and nursing homes simultaneously around the world hit with a wave of deaths in near perfect synchronization March to April 2020 time frame? This is not how an aerosolized virus spreads. What you saw was perhaps a two pronged attack. Stage 1) may have been a "spiked" flu vaccine administered in eldercare systems together with suppressing any type of treatment for these poor souls and stage 2 was a natural spread of an aerosolized virus that is easily treatable but we all know what happened to those that deigned to do that!

The idea of spike protein disease and being infected by SarsCOV2 are not mutually exclusive.

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Indeed. A transfection using the spike protein hijacks your body to make billions of clones, in a sense. These could then be spread to others via exosomes or autoantibodies.

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interesting indeed.

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A purified infectious clone swarm can probably sicken quite as well, or 'better' probably, than a natural virus. It is still virus. In any case I find this "4-D chess" much more accessible than the self-assembling nanorobots stuff.

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Couey doesn't say no one got sick, or there is no virus, just that there was no pandemic. He argues that 'natural' infection and transmission of a coronavirus would not be that bad for most people and not that transmissible. Plus, our ability to monitor the different strains is exaggerated. In fact, he has old textbooks from before the pandemic that talk about hundreds of coronavirus strains (rather than the 6 endemic strains that have been allegedly sequenced). So we have been getting sick from these, and some even dying, for years.

He also argues that infectious clones may have been released in localized places which caused excess sickness there (e.g. New York, Northern Italy, Iran, etc.). This could result in more sickness because the pathogen would be much more concentrated than what occurs in a natural "swarm" when infected naturally.

Infectious clones have been made to research Rona:


Mark Kulacz has also theorized the infectious clones could have been spread in vape products in 2019. The vaping sickness resembles SARS CoV2 sickness. I can think of other methods like something placed near a building's HVAC intake.

So the way I understand it, even if they were able to create a nasty spike on top of an existing coronavirus using infectious clones, this would attenuate quickly and not get many people sick, other than those infected with the clones.

Also, during Couey's discussion with Denis Rancourt, Denis points to research that all viral infections become much more lethal when the human is extremely anxious. So maybe normal flu or other viral infections became worse over the last few years because of the induced mass panic and isolation.

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Dec 8, 2022
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As S. Sonnenhein metioned, Rancourt mentioned a study in the conversation with Couey.

Here's a paper that mentions the connection:


"Stress has been proven to modulate an individual’s immune system through the release of pituitary and adrenal hormones such as the catecholamines, growth hormone, and glucocorticoids."

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If you listen to the interview with Rancourt, there the name of the researcher is mentioned and the study explained. Consenting college students were infected with influenza. Those who were the most stressed and socially isolated, turned out to have the worst illness. Apart from this study, I had always had the understanding that stress lowers your immune system performance, had you also heard that or never before?

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From the article cited above:

"Our previous studies indicated that restraint stress could increase the susceptibility to the influenza virus in mice and provide a useful model basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the herbal medicinal product and natural products (He et al., 2011; Tang et al., 2014; Chen et al., 2017). It is well known that stressful events take a toll in the development of disease, especially in infectious disease. Stressors can increase susceptibility to infectious agents, dysregulate the humoral and cellular immune responses to pathogens and increase the risk of catching infectious diseases. Restraint is a commonly used stressor for mice. Mice are placed in tubes with holes such that they can breathe and move forward or backward but cannot turn around, which is often applied overnight during the most active time for mice (Glaser and Kiecolt-Glaser, 2005). Moreover, influenza and pneumonia are the fifth leading cause of death among individuals over 50 years old, which was related to greater immunological impairments associated with distress or depression in the old than that in the young (Glaser and Kiecolt-Glaser, 2005). Accordingly, stress-related immune disorders may be a core mechanism behind multiple infectious diseases, and if antiviral drugs or compounds have the ability to regulate stress-mediated immune disorders, they might play a more important role in the treatment of influenza. In this study, we employed the restraint-stress induced susceptible model to investigate the preventive effects of epigoitrin on influenza infection and its related mechanisms."

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And the mice study cited above. Probably one can find more.

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There is definitely something making people sick. I had it also. But I’m really starting to doubt the whole virus thing. Seems more like release of some sort of toxin. Did you see the interview with the Dr. In CA (originally from India) whose boss wanted to isolate the virus, but they were never able to do so? She was quite convincing regarding the idea that virology itself is bogus.

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Couey does raise some important questions, such as do the more recent variants still have the furin cleavage site (and I'd add, the HIV-like ability to attack CD-4 cells via DC-SIGN)? But these are questions that have measurable real-world answers, and until we know those answers it's a bit early to assert that coronaviruses mutate too much so it's all a hoax.

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My understanding from his viral swarm explanation is that the majority of virons created from an infected cell are not replication competent. He quoted Robert Malone saying the same thing (not that Couey is a big fan of his). So if 6 of 10 virons are garbage proteins then how many of the other 4 that are replication competent are perfect replications and how many are variants? He says Kevin McKernan has pushed back and says there are not as many variations as Couey has suggested (Couey never claimed to know the exact number but was postulating) and Couey has promised to have McKernan on again to discuss. However, he says that whatever the number of errors, the apparent fact most virons are replication incompetent is going to limit the severity compared to infectious clones which are 100 percent perfect. Also, apparently it's quite common in respiratory illness to be infected with multiple viruses or bacteria (I've even seen Fauci say this, iirc, and it explains Dr. Marik's insistence on treating Rona infections with antibiotics and steroids).

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Out of curiosity had you taken a flu shot say in the prior 6 months?

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I can say I've not gotten a flu shot in years and this Covid was completely different.

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Ok thanks, I too was hit by the delta variant in November 2021 and it was indeed a very distinctly unpleasant malady.

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nope. I've never had a flu shot and never will.

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Forget Lab leak... I believe that it was a deliberate Lab release.

Otherwise, I do not for a moment give any credibility to the idea that the virus was some kind of hoax. There was hyperbole and even deliberate murder by doctors and hospital administrators... but the virus itself was manipulating and deliberately released.

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Probably you are not intending as much anyway, but just to be sure: Couey is not saying the virus is a hoax. Only that what they released is not gain of function in the sense that it's something awful that can run away on its own. Initially it may have had GoF characteristics such as the furin cleavage site, but, even so, he seems to say: what was released were swarm of purified infectious clones, something very intense and sickening, but not something that can round the earth several times for 2.5 years.

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The evidence is everywhere that the COVID virus was a GOF virus. Sure, lots of false positive PCR tests and media hype all aimed at facilitating the greatest money scam ever: mRNA shots. I had the virus and have never been “vaccinated “ ... as most previously infected people can attest, this was no ordinary illness for many people. There is a lot of money changing hands out there and more where that came from to diminish responsibility for the c19 genocide. 3rd Smartest Guy in the World should be more careful ... his sources may have been compromised.

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Prove that any alleged biological virus has been proven by experimentation on it in a form of independent variable or by direct real time observation of all vital occurring processes.

Also prove such structures as DNA/RNA.

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Hm. How to explain. He doesn't deny that the furin cleavage site may have been engineered into the virus. I think he doesn't say that GoF work is not trying to make viruses more dangerous. I think what he says is, whatever GoF corona (!) virus they would make, it wouldn't last long outdoors; it wouldn't be able to survive long. And he says that what was released, was not such GoF viruses but maybe a swarm of purified infectious clones built after one such GoF virus, or after a normal varied one, just not a normal swarm with a handful of nasty pathogen, but a purified one, that contains many more of the nasty pathogens/virions than a normal swarm would. Assembling such a swarm and releasing it is imo much more damning than merely being responsible for an unintended lab leak. Releasing such swarms is also much more calculable than if you really released a GoF chimera that was reliably replication competent I would think, and I guess he also said so. But the main point seems to be, durably pathogenic plus virulent staying corona viruses seem to not be feasible. Is my understanding.

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You do have to wonder. When the virus first appeared, planes from Wuhan were banned from going anywhere else within China. However, they were free to fly to destinations outside of China.

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Dec 8, 2022
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Think again what your comment “proves.”

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greg is a taka man ... does not post for free.

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It proves you don't understand how to read evidence. There was a virus. It had as one unique symptom the ability to push some folks, who did not clear it well in the first week or so, into a second phase "cytokine storm" or allergic phase that included loss of Oxygenation, or hypoxia. Broad use of early treatments would have almost completely eradicated anyone progressing to this second phase - Harvey Risch has been quoted as saying that only 24 our of 150,000 patients treated early by medical groups and doctors he is aware of died.

The proof of all of this is evident in figure 6 of this paper, which shows that Ivermectin rapidly reverses the hypoxia, and explains the mechanism behind this.


The paper also shows what Bullshit Remdesivir is in comparison.

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Talk to Dr. Peter McCullough about that. I think 3rd Smartest guy in the world is dead wrong on this one.

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The point Couey makes: Something was released. But it was something that was harmful yet had less harm potential for the future than a deadly GoF virus would be. He shows in the literature how certain articles only suggest to have achieved spectacular GoF results. But how looking closely, their stated methodology shows that they never had anything other than infectious clones, made with much effort, nothing fit for long successful outdoor survival so to say, and that even so they achieved only mediocre perfection of replication. Something like that, you have to watch it. - Couey saying this is not GoF, is not motivated by wanting to exculpate those institutions involved in GoF. Quite the opposite, I find that he is inculpating them, because releasing toxic purified infectious clone swarms, seems to me much worse than an accidental lab leak. - He says they want is to believe in either GoF or zoonosis because that situation is what would be usable to justify neverending pandemic preparedness measures and mechanisms including their surveillance aspect and their no bodily autonomy aspect. Whereas if they only released clouds of toxins, that is highly criminal but has not changed our environment in the permanent way that would force us to change our way of dealing with nature. Do not forget that a third measure they want to take based on the zoonosis hypothesis or rather narrative is, to remove humans from contact with "ecosystems", meaning ia, to start planning and regulating for humans to aggregate in megacities (smart ones, geofenced ones probably). That is part of the future WHO focus on "One health" and other pre-existing initiatives.

So, believing in no lab release of GoF does not necessarily mean that one does not see any criminal behavior, and it means being able to reject the presumed necessity of changing our interaction with nature that has the purpose of more reining in and surveiling and routinely intruding in bodily autonomy.

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The timing of this whole episode tells us it was almost certainly NOT a lab 'leak'.

The only stats worth ANY value have always been total deaths ( or excess as a subset )

The ENFORCED medical protocols DID kill people rather than save them.

Something is making some people mildly ill and some a bit worse.

We ARE certainly being herded away from freedoms and into a controlled environment, COVID was almost certainly designed to progress that.

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That's right.

I am going to do an article on Canadian excess mortality for 2021 and 2022 partial that should be bombshell proof of what exactly is transpiring.

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Gremillion nailed it

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Tell me more about it.


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"As this substack has previously established most incontrovertibly, there was never any pandemic in 2020 as per government data for that year; for example, the global death rate for 2020 was 0.76% which was identical to the two previous years, and the WEF “penetrated” nation of Canada published year over year mortality increase in 2020 at 0.04% which also happened to be identical to the two previous years. (Canada no longer shares this data for obvious DEATHVAX™ coverup reasons.)"

Canada is a member of the OECD and let the excess death mortality data slip out here:


Excess deaths in Canada between when the injections were rolled out and now are far higher than pandemic levels were. Excess deaths in Canada were 16,333 or .04% in 2020, but all of a sudden, after the jab rollout starting Dec 2020, excess deaths soared in 2021 to 33,113 and in 2022 up until July 2022 in Canada are 21,063.

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https://www.bitchute.com/video/8ftbShzrkjl9/. I have been leaning towards similar conclusions for a while. Katherine Watt Bailiwick substack series shows how US HHS and DoD have OTA contracts for Demonstration products. G of F may be a smokescreen but these biomass were likely instrumental in weaponising the MRNA and Spikes to kill AND as a testbed for PEG, SM-128, GRAPHENE and other nasties. Watch the video please. Another piece of the jigsaw....

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BioLabs not Biomass! Autocorrect!

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And there is always this hidden away gem... note date.


also be sure to view her "home" link. Odd, not odd, she hasn't anything new since the NATO war began.

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Regardless of what’s “true” anymore or not, Charles Rixey is a total dick:

“And Charles Rixey went out of his way to tell me no less than three times in person: “Isn’t it weird that Robert Malone remembered me and not you? Can’t believe I’m going to go to his ranch.”

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 Manipulation of the Covid events continue to be produced to misdirect the American public about the true nature of the Covid crisis. In my opinion this is miss information to misdirect American citizens from understanding that there is a CDC/DARPA/CIA consortium that has been working on bio warfare weapons since World War II and it’s a prolific program.

Yesterday, at the senator Ron Johnson investigation into the Covid crisis. A physician showed a mock up of the Covid molecule, and a mock up of the spike protein molecule, which was larger than the Covid molecule. 

On a personal note, I was incapacitated for three weeks as well as my companion. Gail and I have never experienced such a state of ill health in my our lifetime. It could very well be that this was a massive test in how to disseminate a virus around the world through various means to debilitate a countries population. I say this because Florida and several other southern states had a spike in the viral outbreak outside of the normal seasonal period for a virus. It was outside the statistical pattern for seasonal flu, viruses, and ill health.

Between the continued development of gain of function, biological viruses, and the push to re-create the drug industry as a nano drug

 Injection industry, which is clearly developing because over 100 manufactures are working on MRNA type injections to reprogram cellular function, and the DNA of human cells., I believe that we are going down the road to eradication of the human existence, and we must stop it now!

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This is a bit scary to me. I was under the impression that people like Schwab and his childish book called the “Great Reset” were just a bunch of evil bumbling idiots. If they are thinking this far ahead with the double head fakes im more worried about our future.

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And so we should be. Imo, it's already done. The world we're leaving to our children and grandchildren will be a world of facial recognition, digital IDs and social credit scores.

God help us all

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I need the dumbed-down version of this.

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Couey believes the only way out of this is for us to try to learn the science. It's a super complicated subject and he does spend hours explaining it, but I have found it well worth my time and I think he is a great teacher.

Unfortunately the only way to understand this war is to make the hard slog through the biology.

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Dec 8, 2022
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Well if purified infectious clone swarms were released, can that count as terrain?

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Purposely confusing.

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I like that you said thos

Because bottom. Line both theories..a natural born pand÷mic or a lab leak lead to a justified bio security state. I think we all must be cautious now.

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Don't Look Up and THE Earth Disaster Documentary released at the same time.

Lets Play Chess.

So the elite knew that as we got closer to "the point of no return", and the magnetic pole flip was coming very soon, they had to figure out a way for everyone not to go into a panic as the weather gets more sporadic, the Earth Magnetic Field weakens, and the poles move faster and faster to each other.

The elite have to say it's humans doing this.. That way the public don't panic.

But wait, with each solar flare, cosmic rays are going to cause serious illnesses, blood related disorders, and heart problems.

The elite have to come up with an illness and a vaccine, so the people will still blame corporations/government and not go into a panic. The elite cannot lose order within the chaos, as long as no one thinks it's beyond human control.

The elites privatized the "space race" so when the shit hits the fan and people start "looking up" the elite will be ready to go. The space weather scientist are winning the fight against the man-made climate change scientist, so they don't have much time left to scam the public. And yeah, the head of NASA's climate change dept is a "Karen" and that is just too much for me. I can't make this up, even if I tried. LOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWFXIsxZxNM

Once the public "look up" and realize the sun is doing causing the infections, blood disorders, and heart problems due to cosmic radiation, the elite may not be able to get away in time.

So for those that saw the movie "Don't Look Up" maybe you will notice how similar the storylines are.

Anyway, the reason I posted this is because I wanted to clear the air of "We have some members in the Green Party that don't believe in climate change" Is not entirely true. No different than, "We have some members in the Green Party that don't believe COVID is real" That's like saying, "There are some Greens that believe their SUV is not causing climate changes on Jupiter or Venus, and they are delusional" or "There are some Greens that believe the Sun is making us sick"

So it's a bit deeper than that, because the Greener our society and technology is, the higher the survival rate for either "cause" of COVID or climate changes, so the solution is to be as GREEN as possible. Space Weather scientist agree the bleaching of the coral reef, islands of trash, and other man-made pollution are killing/hurting our ecosystem.. but increased earthquakes, volcanoes, and sporadic but rapid climate changes is being caused by something else, because it's affecting the entire solar system. "Ben Davidson is the Founder of Space Weather News and The Mobile Observatory Project. His "S0 News" program is the most-watched space weather and solar-terrestrial physics show on earth, with more than 75,000,000 views online. He is credited with correctly forecasting the location of seven consecutive M6+ earthquakes (see details at QuakeWatch.net), and through the various web resources of Space Weather News, the organization provides educational material for people of all ages on a range of inspiring topics."

The "Weatherman's Guide to the Sun" is a textbook.

"If you have ever wanted to understand the intricate details of how our world actually works, but didn't want to get an advanced degree and read thousands of papers, don't worry- we did it for you, and we simplified it to a level that any interested individual can engage. With hundreds of new studies published on the sun-climate connection over the last decade, it is imperative that any meteorologist understand the forces on the sun that cause their model errors and the unexpected events. This book compiles and simplifies the latest advancements in understanding the sun-earth connection, and the direction of the field. From weather and climate change to technological disruptions and earthquakes. Understanding the forces of our world has never been easier with The Weatherman's Guide to the Sun."

I don't want Greens starting fights with space weather scientist like we're talking about a conspiracy theory book on the New York Times best seller list.. No different than virology and the "contagion myth" Because guess what else causes "electromagnetic pollution" at the cellular level?

Don't look up.

We would be arguing with educational coursework taught in schools, where we have absolutely no business trying to fight against for man made climate change belief systems. Or "5G causing COVID". There is no connection whatsoever, so in my sarcastic tone, "Stand back and stand by"

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Dec 8, 2022
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No, the Mayan Calendar was accurate for the 2012 prophecy. That calendar was measuring consciousness. The world already ending "as you knew it" .. Unfortunately, we don't connect it with the Mayan Calendar today. We call it the #MandelaEffect

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So, are we saying now that bio warfare and its related products aren't real?

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Dec 8, 2022
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what greg is saying is there is "no virus" operation .. my two cents, greg is collecting taka stopping by here ... maga!!

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