Wow. I will read your previous work but I think you give Trump WAY TOO MUCH credit. He was played like a fiddle. The Swamp had him actually choosing Swamp creatures because fellow swamp, creatures "Cocaine Mitch" as the dumb R sheep call him, told Trump that his choices wouldn't get through the confirmation process.

Paul Ryan controlled the House for his first 2 years. Nothing Trump wanted got done. Trump doesn't write the bills. He only signs the bills. He trusted the military and since they have been working on this for decades as you say they tricked the new guy into thinking they were good men.

Trump appointed Pence to head the covid team but let's be honest... he sadly had painted himself into a catch 22 because every death was going to be pinned on him whether he locked down or not. I guess he thought the lockdown was preferential but firing those assholes would have been better. His ego and his insistence on touting "his vaccines" will end up being his downfall.

In my opinion that storm comment had to do with what he thought he was going to do to the Swamp.

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Trump-bashing is EVERYWHERE, it's unoriginal, it's tiresome. Trump is not perfect, he's but one man, he listens to "experts," some of who surely surprised him, as they did me, by their level of evil with covid. He fights for us. The world was better off with him in the White House. The Kushners have to go, the RINOs have to go. If everyone weren't trying to take him down, he could have relied less on his family. BUT, there's a reason that so many powerful uniparty sell-outs are terrified of him, and that makes me want Trump. Nobody has been this deeply investigated, there's simply nothing to find. DeSaintis has been bought out by the RNC as a "reasonable alternative" because he doesn't have F-U money, his years in DC have left a mark, and he's suspiciously flush with cash and marketing. I'm not buying. Trump ain't perfect, but he didn't get a real shot either. I'm willing to try again. He is our best hope.

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I vote in self defense. I’m no trump fan but on some level, he doesn’t want me dead as much as his opponents and the enemy of my enemy is my friend. If I must, I will crawl over white hot shards of broken glass to vote for him over some demon-possessed Fascist Eugenicist Globalist puppet Democrat. But I do appreciate you bringing the truth. We need to know it. Even if we may not like what it tells us. Accountability is a biotch…and easily avoided by the Globalists.

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His supporters need to be hammered by the truth here--and let TRUTH NOW SHOW US A CLEAR VICTORY over his double-dealing, highly questionable, vacuous and deceitful ways. He is a clear case of a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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Aug 25, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Thanks for posting this #2.

You have some well informed readers.

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I'd say this is more of a rant than anything. It's more likely that his ego was easily played by those in the deep state desiring globalist control and takeover of the United States of America. The vaccine timeline does not span his presidency except a few short months, and he most certainly talked of other treatments like HCQ that got immediately denounced. What about his desire to open up quickly after the two weeks to flatten the curve which was met with severe criticism? This goes way beyond one single person and it's more likely that those in the political realm are simply actors for what's behind the curtain.

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I personally feel Trump lacks the intellectual capacity and or attention span to understand one iota of anything - for him it's always been about adulation. Like Obama the entire image is a complete and total farce. I think they merely ripped a page out of the Republican playbook when they exploited Bush's stupidity as well. Same can be said about Biden! Cheney was the original architect of this. Another facet of this scenario is how they go in broke and come out millionaires. Look at Clinton and Obama - the latter was ALWAYS about the post presidency where the real money is. Same can be surmised with Trump which is why his tax returns are shrouded in secrecy! Is his heart in the right place? Probably but not when monies involved. People forget how destitute he was in the 80's and who bailed him out! Politics is like chess it's all about strategy. Like the author says - this was all well planned out! Although I still think the real October surprise will be RFK Jr inserting himself in the Presidential election. By then they'll be no hiding the genocide. I also agree with the author about Ron DeSantis - his resume is much to prefect in addition to his speeches not to sense someone is clearly behind him.

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That's it. I'm going fishing.

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I think the calm before the storm comment was in reference to the upcoming release of JFK files that he had said would all be released. He ended up not releasing them but at the time the 'calm before the storm' comment was made he still was saying they would be released that month.

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the vaccine he endorsed was hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin. doxycycline, zinc, and vitamin D3. That's an actual vaccine. The jabs are 'experimental serums'. Words matter. Keep in mind 30% or better of the population believe in vaccinations. To come out against it was a huge political risk.

I and many others saw and heard him parse his words. He said 'I prefer therapeutics' more than once.

'Warp Speed' allowed him to activate the military reserves and we have been in a military government ever since that he has devolved power bit by bit to. Creepy has no more control of the military than your Blue state governors do.

While I respect the author's work I think he misses the obvious by a country mile. This scamdemic was always coming, there was nothing he could do to stop it. Being anti vax (only now Fauci and Birx are shown to be what they really are) was a political mine field.

I watched his actions carefully. He navigated it about as well as anyone could. Then took their scam and used it to militarize the government which is now about to be returned to the people. There are casualties in any war.

This whole affair was meant to start a world wide herd culling of 97% of the population. That is no longer going to happen. Instead the perps will be hunted down and executed, Russia starts the hearings on this very soon.

Are the facts the author claim true? Most likely.

It's how they're perceived that's different...

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Aug 25, 2022·edited Aug 25, 2022

"I’ve now added the FBI and the CIA to my list of government agencies that need to be dissolved."

Better decades late than never.

As to Trump, great stuff. Even before anyone knew, what should have been known is that AT BEST Trump was a narcissistic opportunist in things only for himself. (narcissism)

Never at any point, prior-to/during/now-after has he even remotely been a solution. At best he's been a minor road-block for the globalist agenda. Again, at best. Biden was clearly a wooden/empty-headed sockpuppet for the Global Elites to use ventriloquists. Let's overlook that the hand-coordination in the back of the dummy doesn't even work very well while trying to read off of teleprompters, or hand-held notes for that matter.

The political system in our country is BROKEN and has been for decades. It needs a complete overhaul. Unfortunately that's not going to happen on a federal level, only smaller decentralized levels. But hey, getting people that believe that the Union was on the right side of the Civil War, despite Lincoln's full assurances that it had absolutely nothing to do with slavery, by suggesting that mass secession is a possible solution, particularly with their federal (Company Store) goodies and wealth/pensions not capable of being brought with them into a land of liberty, well, just like the monkey in the video, they'll hang onto the fruit/peanuts.

Imagine for the moment what state the Lincoln Memorial would be in if his quotes below were inscribed on its walls.

“And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

- Lincoln v. Douglas Debate, September 18th, 1958

“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races.”

- Lincoln v. Douglas Debate, September 18th, 1958

“I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.”

- Lincoln’s first Inaugural Address, March 4th, 1861

“My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also so that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause.”

- Lincoln’s Letter to Horace Greeley (editor of the New York Tribune, August 22nd, 1862

Regarding that last one, maybe that's why his famous "Emancipation Proclamatioin" only freed the slaves in the Confederate states. Funny how that worked.


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I understand your sentiments about voting 2nd smartest guy in the world. I'm not wrapped up in party loyalty either. People would look at me dumbstruck when I told them I vote for whomever I think is the best candidate. Independent of party. I'm not sure of the Independent Party's ideology. I consider myself voting independently of any political party. I like other common-sense people vote for the person we believe will do the least amount of damage to the country or to our lives.

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Wow...what a brilliantly done piece. The research you have done or confirmed, is

why we need guys like you. So glad I am subscribed (I think I paid) and it is well

worth it.

I have instinctively known all along, maybe the hundreds of books I have read and continue

to read, that most all of we thought was true is certainly not. The L-R, the R v D paradigms

are phony. Once in a while we think we have found "good guy" but it is for naught.

Example: Ron Johnson seemed to be a good guy, talked like one, but years back he

voted against the truth in labeling "act". His supposed arch rival D/Tami something

voted for it. There are no good guys. That is what we learn eventually. Trump? He lost

me long ago. It was fun to imagine a patriotic prez. draining the swamp. Total BS.

He supported the EUA and touted "his vaccine" as a victory. I do not think he was played,

I think he is a player. And on and on the ride goes on. I think it would be a great laugh

if no one at all would vote in the midterms or in the 2024 elections. They will have to

make up some quick cover-ups stat, or admit none voted. The thought makes me giggle.

Don't take the ride, don't play the game, and do not comply.

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Good post, thanks. Proves all the court jesters, the kings & queens, the ladies in waiting, are out in full force. The not-so-secret understanding that people prefer the simpler life of being ruled by royalty. Look ma - no decisions!

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People fail to see COVID is a Military Operation. Trump and Fauci take orders


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Wow. That is a lot to unpack. At first blush, I’m forced to eval your ideas against a greater body of evidence regarding his character. On character, it is hard to not see Trump in this light as separate from his outcomes. Most would agree that those outcomes were largely what a layman would say is good for America. Juxtapose this filter using Biden.

Using Occam’s, it is far more likely that Trump was handled during this period than it is that he was somehow the force behind it.

Trump is not medically savvy enough to orchestrate this. But, it is certainly within his character to unknowingly accept praise for its rapid response.

Finally, I suspect that given patents associated with sarscov2 and the obvious long term planning involved, Trump was simply the fool in charge when the opportunity arose. His best talents were utilized in ways that should make his 5D chess reputation sting. It’s all on paper and they are coming for him again.

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