Not My King Charles, Biden, Trudeau, Macron,etc., are hastening the end of western civilization. I don’t consider myself to be a religious person but I have come to believe that we won’t come out of this accelerating dystopia without divine intervention.

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I’ve been unable to shake the same awareness that’s been with me for about 2 years now.

Although you say you’re not religious, I suspect God’s hand is touching many who would likely claim the same state as you. This are unusual times we are living in, and I do believe He is working in unusual ways. I pray so all the time.

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Not God, not Q-Anon nor anyone else is coming to save us. We have to do it ourselves. God helps those who help themselves.

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Unfortunately, I agree with you. Certainly not the worthless republicans. I just don’t think enough of us are up to the task. We have lots of brave people but the mentality of the country has softened.

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Do we have to wait for “divine intervention”? Do we really lack courage or even will to live to quash these tyrants ourselves? They all bleed and die just like the rest of us. Sure, they’re protected by a phalanx of bodyguards, but this only makes it difficult, not impossible, to get to them. I’m the furthest thing from a “leader”, but to save the future for my grandchildren, I’d be at the head of a crowd of ten thousand, the first to die, if we would but stand up on our hind legs and martial the overwhelming force we’d need to rid our planet of these psychopaths.

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Years and years of fluoride will make a person passive.

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We haven’t shown any courage. Every monster is free.

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I beg to differ. Those "famous" people you mention are not hastening it. The people who believe the propaganda that the "famous" people they promote are hastening it.

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As Hillary said it takes a village.

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We are literally living in a world of the novels 1984 and Brave New World, which I thought were fiction 20 years ago. Now I know both of those books are non-fiction. We already live in a dystopian world and just didn't know it.

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"The Truman Show," "The Matrix" and "They Live" are also non-fiction.

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But we sure know it now and I believe life will get a lot worse. I have had a rude awakening.

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I do know it now. What is your rude awakening?

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MotherWEFfers all. See a theme?

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Coronation of King Charles, Death of the Queen, and Numerical "Coincidences"

Things are not the way they seem


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May 7, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Anton Lavey, founder of the Church of Satan, became a friend of mine in San Francisco, and I met his pet African male lion, Togar, person to person, while sitting on the floor in Anton’s apartment, when Togar became a little too friendly for comfort. Anton said Togar liked me, but I had to remove my leg from between Togar’s very large paws. The claws of one paw stretched from ankle to knee. Meeting an African male lion face to face is an experience not to be forgotten. His wife, whose name I don’t recall, was afraid of Togar (who slept in their bedroom). Anton had been an animal trainer. Neighbors complained about a lion next door, but SF had no law against lions in backyards or apartments.


No, I was certainly not a Satanist. In fact people had called me an “angel” for whatever reason. (laugh yourselves silly). We had a mutual friend of European royalty, not England, who had introduced us. Anton was not at all what one would expect. In person, a regular nice guy, a gentleman. He’d worked for the SF Police as their crime photographer. His view of his Satanism was that it represented anti-hypocrisy. He was against hypocrisy. To him, that’s what it was all about. I cautioned him more than once that too many of his followers didn’t get it, but were off the deep end. Yes, he wrote books. I’d say for income.

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This article does have a facetious streak to it...

Mark Passio has interesting insights into this modern day iteration of the Church of Satan as it pertains to Lavey.

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Thanks for the reference. I had not heard of Mark Passio. I’ve found a piece by him on Anton on You Tube. Interesting. Personally, I got no impression that Anton was “charged” by any higher power, dark or otherwise and wonder what Passio’s sources were or are. Mine are first person. Thanks again for the reference. I appreciate it.

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Anton Le Vey was an Ex carnie worker - carnie = carnival

He was a hustler & a con man who donned Satanic drag costume to dupe fools into buying into his dress up Devil Cult - Susan Watkins of Manson fame worked as a topless dancer in his Satanic Lesbian drinking den.

Le Vey used the tropes of Satanisim to make a quick buck & was also rumoured to have been a police grass & he spun some tall tales like the Jane Mansfield story to make himself appear to have real powers. I'm sure I read that his own daughter Zena denounced him.

California Infernal

These Demonic cardboard cut outs circulate in culture to draw the easily fooled into the Satanic fold - endless books are written about them so they seem to appear hip or relevant because they are always being promoted - decade after decade - CIA Spooks like Tim Leary & Tereance McKenna are sold as Acid Saviours, Jack Parsons & The Scarlett Women (Wormwood Star) - Cameron & the useless Babylon Working, Parsons ended up being robbed by Lafeyette Ron Hubbard not only of $20,000 & his wife but also his psychological cult blueprint that Hubbard morphed in Dianetics & Scientology.

As if that wasn't bad enough Parsons ends up dying in a rather strange explosion - either done in by the Deep state for sharing classified documents or through his own negligence handling high explosives in his shed.

All the great mythical, demonic cult heroes dont stand up to close scrutiny including the Great Beast himself who died penniless in a boarding house, but their myths live on for many.

David Bowie warned 'never meet your heroes'

Incidentally Mark Passio has said he himself is an ex Satanist

Weird shadowy theatrical figures lurking at the Coronation - nice touch - someone has a bit of elan

Although I didn't watch it, the shadowy spectre seems the mosting interesting thing about the Coronation

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Hi, Odessa, I appreciate your comment and your research. Something in your comment may be true, but most doesn’t ring true with the man who was my friend, nor of anything I witnessed. You see, his main emphasis for creating his organization, as he explained to me, was his observation of the hypocrisy of many people who act or say one thing on Sunday, for instance, but then act otherwise the other six days. Believe me, that bugged him and why he started his “church”. I read his Wikipedia description, not bad, some errors, but nothing like your sources. Anyway, thanks for taking time for your comment.

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Thank you for your reply, I appreciate you met him but so did many others.

When you look into a lot of these populist so called Satanic Cults, you usually find hucksters & chancers cashing in on a bit of notoriety - there are some very dissolussioned accounts from ex members of the OTO etc who say these groups are nothing more than recruiting grounds where the naive (younger women usually) get used for sex (rituals) with old 'priests'.

The Freemasons have 33 degrees to pass before you will even find out what they're true beliefs even are - the average joe might pass 3 degrees so they will never find out.

The top brass at the Pentagon etc are all usually 33° as are most Presidents.

Checkout the Occult Rejects podcasts for more on this - they themselves say they witnessed exactly this type of behaviour at various Occult groups in NY & they say any actual occult knowledge was diliberately withheld from them which is why they left.

It's the secret Satanists in the Churchs, worlds of Politics & State power like the Military Industrial Scientific Complex that we need to worry about. NASA is almost all high Occultists at its upper levels - see Richard Hoaglands 'Dark Mission' for accounts of Freemasons on the moon or maybe you believe Mr Kubrick filmed a fake Moon Landing to get the low light lenses for Barry Lyndon

You will never know who the real Satanists are, they remain totally occulted & anonymous & if we ever found out, it would utterly terrify us as they are probably a lot closer than you could imagine.

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I did see the grim reaper on Twitter, and rumble. It was on a few other platforms but one was really all I needed. I wonder if Charles is going to die again.

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I think the "Royal Family" pays for actors to be in the crowd to cheer for them. Who would cheer them?

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

I'm not officially on Twitter but someone posted a comment that linked to Twitter and I saw this post with the video (I added the link to the comment with video), here's the comment:

Bob Moran


·May 6

Long Live Queen Charlotte.

Quote Tweet

Charlotte, The Baroness 💫


·May 6

To all those libtards surprised by the Police’s actions today with the #NotMyKing protestors - you should have come out from behind your settees with your three masks on in 2020-2022 instead of condemning anti-lockdown protestors because you were scared of a cold. #Coronation

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Just in case you have time...its long but very very interesting.


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Thank you for sharing this. So poignant!

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I actually think this is a photo of a priest with a long candle wick trimmer or other priestly implement. What is extremely disturbing as an Australian is that the king took his holy oath and anointing behind a curtain so that no one could see and hear. Contrast that with his mother who took her oath and anointment in the open for all to see and hear. https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/weird-things-about-king-charles-coronation

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That bottom cartoon, no pun intended, is a whole lot closer to reality than intended.

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I read a comment last night; presumably from a Brit; about that shadowy figure lurking outside. Though I don't remember what he said that the 'title' is for him; the bottom line is that it is a priest; and that 'stick' he's carrying also has a name that I can't remember...sorry. It's NOT anything 'spooky' or mystical; though it does APPEAR that way. I think the writer of the comment said that the priest carried that...'stick'; (since I can't remember it's proper name)....to keep people; I guess; from pushing towards the door. I feel like I'm babbling because I can't remember the most important details; the 'title' of that particular 'station' of priest, the name of the 'stick' or precisely what the stick is used for and I'm sorry about that. The main point is that there is nothing 'spooky' about the man; though I will say that along with every OTHER truly creepy thing about the 'king', it added one more layer of creep.

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OK; I searched for that comment I mentioned in my above post but can't find it; but I found another one that might describe more accurately (without 'sounding' like an idiot as I did) what 'the man in the robe' is:

"A Verger, probably. The title of verger arises from the ceremonial rod they traditionally carried known as a virge (from the Latin virga, "branch, staff, rod";. The Maces of State used in the House of Lords and the House of commons of the British Parliament are examples of another modern use of the medieval virge. In former times, a verger might have needed to use his virge to keep back animals or an overenthusiastic crowd from the personage he was escorting or even to discipline unruly choristers."

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This is a tongue-in-cheek article.

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How do these people live so long?

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Maybe - at least in part - because they believe in pre-Rockefeller/allopathic medicine, which prescribes pharmaceuticals to treat symptoms? The royal family prioritize traditional, natural remedies, which target causes rather than symptoms.

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Satan sent Charles to be King. Ritual affirmed this appointment.

There, I fixed your headline. LOL.

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Looks like a photo shop project!

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Thank 2SG - an excellent infosweep for the man on everybody's lips.

Thank you again, also, for the restack of the Dostoevsky breakdown. I've linked to it in my most recent piece. Maybe you'll enjoy it?

What connects continuous diarrhoea, Charles III, Pelagius, Bob Ross, Dostoevsky, CBDCs and brain transparency?

Goats of course.

: )


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Hebrews 10:29 speaks of the Coronation being subversive to His Church.”how much worse punishment do you think one will deserve who has trampled on the Son of God, who has regarded as profane the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has also insulted the Spirit of Grace. For we know it is said, “vengeance belongs to me; I will repay ....it is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”

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How much longer can this royalty scam continue? I guess as long as people are stupid enough to fall for it.

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Seeing the world as it is now, especially the US. Also seeing how easily we are letting it happen. By “it” I mean everything evil and destructive that is going on. This country is being destroyed socially, morally, economically, and much more. Indoctrination has worked and the decay will continue.

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