Murder, Murder, Murder.

So now what?

Who made the poison, whose decision was it to use it on people?

I would not like to be in the shoes of those people who killed their fellow mankind.

God have mercy on them.

Hell is forever.

My 3 family members are dead this includes our son

Also my dead friend all poisoned.

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So sad. I’m so sorry about your beloved son 🙏

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Big Pharma 'own' the judiciary so no successful action is likely! Mick (Unjabbed to live longer!)

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@Marianne: Answer, Satan's boys! Join the crowd, I lost my Dad, Wife, & best friend to iatrogenic "medicine" along with the other 40 million who were killed in the last 50 years, according to Dr. Null's well referenced book, Death by Medicine! (But they are all in God’s Heaven now, so how sad is that?)

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In the US, the NIH hospital procedures for treating CV 19--- including venting and Remdisivir-- are still protocol. If a hospital uses these procedures and someone dies, they cannot be sued since they have followed the standard procedures. If they use Ivermectin or HCQ, and they die, they can be sued.

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We must root out this evil. But it is hard to get justice when the system itself is corrupt. Great reporting.

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I’m really starting to wonder if any politicians, doctors, or other public officials will ever be charged with crimes against humanity. It’s almost as if they are untouchable. I’ve lost family members and friends to these vaccines and to the remdesivir protocol in California. I have nothing but disdain and hate for these monsters

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Nobody will be held accountable for this. Sadly.

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@ Victor: Not in this short life but maybe in the next Long, IF the sinners don't repent & find God Jesus! (I.E. just like ALL of us!)

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No they won’t even the most obvious ones. Nothing will be done in the protective brotherhood

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Fret not, their time is coming☠️

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Happy to see someone is reporting this!

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John Campbell got it wrong in the beginning but it’s a strong show of character to continue investigating and to change one’s position as data changes.

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I agree. These last few years have been paradigm changing. John Campbell is showing his remorse and repentance by being open to the truth of what has been happening and by sharing these findings.

I wish compassion would come to all as the blood of the Earth is being changed, animals and people. Inverse Opal Hydrogels a Smart AI technology, are they being found in people? AI technology are we programing it or is it programing us?

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No point having a mind if you can’t change it and all that

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The use of dangerous Midazolam! The unsuitable deadly use of ventilators! The sudden denial of other pre-proven anti-viral medicines in order to justify a new, dangerous, untested 'experimental' injections!

In addition to the above facts, the deadly rubbish injections, which were not subjected to independent testing, no independent trials and questionable in-house quality control, all contributed to the CULL. All these factors enabled greedy and mercenary Big Pharma to increase their wealth by hiding and denying the extent of vax-related injuries and VAX RELATED DEATHS. They simply use ZERO LIABILITY as a licence to 'Get out of jail Free'.

Put another way Big Pharma's ZERO LIABILITY equates to PRE-MEDITATED MASS-MURDER!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Why do you think BioNTech used HIV in theirs which rendered ONLY HIV ANTIBODIES? They were trialing diff vax for diff things and not having to pay study participants. That and they WANTED HIGH SCARY DEATH NUMBERS, remember they were “pressuring” docs from the start to call all deaths covid bc without high cases (presume everything cv) and deaths couldn’t pull off emergency use shots

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Two distant friends of the family were killed in Cincinnati by the university hospital when they were admitted for CV 19.


We lost two family members to the jab.

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This is one of the ways they killed my mother.

Midazolam is in her records.

Documents do not lie unless you doctor them!

The shit is hitting the fan now and they will run!

Cowards always run and the cowards that have murdered babies…oh boy…I’d hate to be in their shoes!

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In older times Godless heathens sacrificed babies to their silly gods, now today our medical/ political heathens still sacrifice millions of babies, but now they’re coming after us adults,[by the millions] to please their god’s, money & power! (Gee so now we have Equality!)

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Our medical/ political heathens are no better than the politicos of the past who sacrificed young women and children to appease their "gods."

Many today still practice "The Old Religion" aka Luciferianism.

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Sick and evil is too good of a word

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Dr John Campbell is a great resource. He has realized he was lied to in the beginning. He is very clever in how he talks to avoided the YouTube bans. But you still get the message.

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I don’t agree with the hating on John Campbell. Was nobody else fooled at the beginning of the scamdemic? I was early on and so was Dr. John but the scales fell from my eyes as well. He has presented countless posts about Vit. D and immunity and dozens of learned doctors and scholars all over the world. I’m so glad all these critics had such rarified knowledge that they immediately saw through the scam. I educated myself from lots of sources including John Campbell. In comparison to the politicians who pushed bullshit on us while knowing it was false, I think we might give John a pass.

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The nurse pushed the bullshit hard, and never bothered to apologize properly.

He is a doctor and should have performed basic due diligence instead of cheerleading for these poisons.

No one is exempt, not even those guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

At least he is changing his tune, finally. So there's that.

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I’ve watched a lot of John’s videos since the start of the plandemic. He always wanted science to be at the center of the discussion. I saw his gradual awakening. He did apologize for his mistakes and now is completely awake like we are. The science was weaponized and he acknowledges that and is now fighting against that deception with all his ability.

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Agreed. He’s also talked / alluded to midazolam for ages (see first Andrew Bridgen interview) and turbo cancers.

He just has to be confident he won’t get a utube strike so has to time it.

He has 7 years of teaching on utube used extensively across the 3rd world. For free. That saves god knows how many lives.

It’s tricky but if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t understand. I most likely wouldn’t be on Substack.

And millions of vaccine injured wouldn’t have been helped to understand what happened without him. My two friends who’ve been severely vax injured are testament to that.

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It was gratifying to see at least one jab enthusiast be awakened and then use their platform to spread truth to an audience that is not yet aware.

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💯% right.

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Your thoughts are mine 2nd smartest. It's very convenient after most people have taken the shot to change your tune, especially if you have inside knowledge of mass deaths to follow. He had no right to encourage people to take it.

Very early on before the jabs, event 201 was all over the internet, likewise the lockstep document from the Rockefeller organisation, the Deagel document, the news that politicians would not be subjected to the vax. The early footage out of China. How many red flags do people need before they wake up, including alas John.

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As a nurse myself, the biggest clue was the mask mandates. That lie made everything suspect from there on. Every educated medical professional should have called BS on it from that moment. To see them going along with it was maddening.

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I feel we need to forgive those who are now standing in Holy Spirit. John 14:14-18 says Truth is Holy Spirit in my observation. I am willing to forgive those who now truly care. Because the more people who actually see that we have a real issue with Nanotechnology the better. In the most simplest terms I can say Hydrogels (Nanotechnology) can cause a positive charge. This is no good for our blood as red blood cells repel each other and function under a negative charge. A positive charge causes red blood cells to sick together and malfunction. That is one action. The other issue is the tissue engineering aspect. The new tissue embalmers and surgeons are finding in people. These engineered tissues keep growing in and outside of the body; are these labeled Cancers? I hope the ones who developed these technologies can influence to pull them back. We are in the information age. Do the creators of this really want a legacy of being the ones who destroyed eternity?

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Too many promoted the jabs early on (didn't fool me, I suspected the whole plot was about vaccine passports in Feb 2020, had no idea it was much bigger than that back then). But those who've woken to the CV19 jabs ..still believe the "other" jabs are all good and dandy and are saving lives.

I started to read Dr Aseem Malhotra's paper, and couldn't get past the first paragraph, though at least he reference claim - which was the WHO. I spent days attempting to trace the WHO web pages back in time to find the paper they use to make their estimation of millions of lives are saved each year - but nothing.

The WHO quietly updated their "lives saved" estimate from 2-3 million to 4-5 million on April 27, 2021, with no explanation. WHO makes claims with NO data!


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Bingo. Apology…I don’t 👂 hear any…especially from the stars that pushed it. The man that reports on the people dying via his substack commented “well, they were manipulated just like everyone” okay, where’s their apologies👂👂👂👂👂

I despise anyone who glorifies these asswipes.

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There seems to be some never-ending ongoing confusion.

Those behind this all, tell us that they want on/about 90% of the world's population gone, dead, history.

The only question is what can be done about it. HINT: Playing the game on THEIR playing field by THEIR rules isn't a solution. LOL

It ALL revolves around control of the currencies and money system in the world. We all know, or at least anyone that's honestly looked at it, who that is.

Our best chance at a solution was allowing the "Too Big to Fail" back in 2008. Anyone paying attention the knew damn well that kicking the can down the road would be far worse for us than anything that would have resulted had we allowed the Central Banking Cabal and its luciferian system fail back then. We simply didn't have the insights that we do now.

Even now, and maddeningly and perplexingly among the so-called and self-proclaimed "awake," we still want our cake and eat it too.

There's zero way out of this without an entire reset. The reset will either be theirs, or not theirs. Right now they hold ALL the cards. So why it wouldn't be theirs at this point remains a mystery.

We've had our chances, but cognitive dissonance, still well entrenched today and again, particularly among the self-proclaimed "awake," terminally so in fact, has prevented us from preventing our present-day situation.

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Albert Bourla should be hunted

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Thank you for your excellent report.

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Joseph de Maistre, (Hit the nail on the head with his famous quote!) (1 April 1753 – 26 February 1821) he was a Savoyard philosopher, writer, lawyer and diplomat who advocated social hierarchy and monarchy in the period immediately following the French Revolution. He served as a member of the Savoy Senate (1787–1792), ambassador to Russia (1803–1817) and minister of state to the court in Turin (1817–1821). His quote! "Every nation gets the government it deserves....and "In a democracy people get the leaders they deserve.” I.e. considering USA was [once] a Christian/ Creator inspired nation & now a Godless Marxist/ "free stuff" inspired, LGBTQA promoting, Hell bound & bankrupt cesspool of homeless & mass invasion of illegals! Where do you think this nation is heading? BUT you don't have to follow it to Hell, Jesus bought you an, opt-out option, with his blood & pain! Good luck! Steve

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“If we do a really great job with new vaccines, new medicines health care we can GET THST NUMBER DOWN 15% “ (world population growth projection ) get the population DOWN 15% with new vaccines and meds…and healthcare WORKERS I imagine they’re puppets as well as idiots

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