"The Casten family requests privacy . . . " He sure didn't care about privacy when he was demanding that health care workers get vaccinated.

Remember when the left talked about the people's right to know?

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I suspect those that talked about “the people’s right to know” are thoroughly middle right by now.

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"Those who make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire

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YES! And those who comply; those who shrug and say “all is for the best” are a bunch of Candides.

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To find out who rules over you, ask who you are not allowed to accuse?

My favorite!

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Even the transfected who escape paying the ultimate price will not escape the mental gymnastics they’ll go through to remain convinced they “did the right thing.” They will have rendered themselves quite insane : unable to differentiate fantasy from reality.

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Your comment inspired a little spark of schadenfreude. Thank you! (Hey, the morons should've listened to us instead of castigating us. I feel no remorse over being exonerated.)

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I am completely in sync with your take and feelings on the matter. I wish the young lady a better time, with smarter, discerning parents, in the next incarnation. As for dad, what a douche! He might want to get ready to realize he killed the 14-year-old as well.

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I totally agree with your last paragraph and think maybe you should be elevated to 1st smartest. With all the (suppressed by the MSM) evidence of deaths and injuries from the poisons it’s obvious they should be stopped immediately and should never have been allowed in the first place.

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OK, Hugh, let us not let this go to his head.

Remember, 2cnd always "tries harder."

Isn't that what Peter Weyland told David, in Prometheus.

He did!

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Good one! I have 40 million ahead of me so I can keep striving. Nothing like an incentive.

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"Survival" and "granddaughters" is, for me, a hell of an "incentive."

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Cosmic retribution on these usurpers and criminals. Killing their own children for their cult of insanity. This is a reset of biblical proportions. The Pure Bloods will be inheriting what is left of our planet after the dying ends. Hold fast and true (Pure Bloods) our time is coming....

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It’s not intentional killing but the hubris, scientific ignorance, delusional sense of virtue and political opportunism that drives them. All elements immune to or armoured against self reflection and enlightenment.

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The engineer that keep the trains running full and on time to the death camps was (in my mind) as guilty as the guard who dropped the Zyklon B into the showers... So..

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Here is a mass psychosis video (short) that you will enjoy https://www.bitchute.com/video/GBv1laOF2Rs4/

Here is my post that it is in: The Totalitarians’ Vaccine Miscalculation

The Self-destruction of 21st Century Totalitarianism


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Outside overdose or suicide the DEATHVAXX™ has once again done it’s job safe and effectively.

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Every life lost - especially children - as a result of this attack on humanity is tragic. Every single one.

On another note..."established science", kind of paradoxical, no?

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He meant established scientism.

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I pray the death of his daughter is not in vain. But rather makes him realize the error of his narrative and his position. Kinda like the Pharo of Egypt when his first born died as his son succumbed to the angel of death

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- Dad, why did my sister die? Come on, I know you know the truth.

- *visibly shaking* I know nothing! I already told you everything!! You damn kids, it was all supposed to be safe and effective, safe and effective! Argh, blast it all to Hell!

- Nooo! You murderer, you Sacrificer!

- Well guess what, you're next! And nothing can stop it!

- Nooooooooo! How could you?!?

And so on so forth. Anyways, glad I'm unjabbed, you can find me working from home sipping coffee.

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Just be careful Tovarich, the Canadian gov is well aware of your un-DEATHVAXXED status and have you on their reeducation camp registry.

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Heehee, I know eh? But now it looks like even our "best-educated intellectuals," by which I mean Jordan Peterson, are starting to look scared! Peterson, who is vaxxed, posted a conversation on his Twitter from Odysee between Mike Yeadon (ex-Phizer whistleblower) and Maajid Nawaz about the danger of the spike proteins. Too late, Dr. Peterson. I just hope he doesn't die/get injured because at least he has some brains (his support of gun-control excluded).

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Do we have any information at all on cause of death? What if it was a suicide or drug overdose? If it was, in fact, jab-related then it would be shocking to think that he would stay silent and allow another family to go through what they are going through.

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If the conformity and corruption is so deep that DOCTORS are silent or tacitly OK genocide.... it is no problem for a lying POS politician from Illinois. I live in Illinois and it is run by these insane con men/women who would sell their Grandmothers for a nickel.

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I believe jab related could be considered a drug overdose.

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Shocking? Really? That would shock you? Please look at the genocide all around you and not a peep from MSM, the regulatory agencies who 'protect public health'. Please, they are sacrificing themselves 'for the team" 'for the narrative' 'for the greater good' war has unexpected/ unfair deaths the difference is that this is biological war on all of us. This is WW III, minus the bombs. There should be no shock, rather he is a good soldier of the 'great reset' and he will march on despite the personal casualty, loss of his beautiful daughter, in this biological war. I'm brokenhearted. I hope ppl realize and join us - the resistance the freedom fighters....

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I read a tweet from the representative in which he is proudly showing off the jabbing of his entire family, including a 14-year-old daughter.

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It's difficult to watch the insanity of these brainwashed individuals. Like what are they thinking?

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"the Congressman is committed to following established science and finding practical, yet bold, solutions to the challenge of climate change"

In other words, "Consensus" or also known as "The Big Lie."

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Yes! That's the actual BIG LIE!

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....the government is wholly illegitimate....

Schizer has admitted to fraud in court and his defense is that the US government was a co-conspirator.

Isn't that enough to shelve these toxins permanently?


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The man spews ignorance on both climate (relevant earth’s history and no actual consensus on anthropogenic global warming (AGW) (i.e., nothing in support of “man-made” despite famous study fraudulently mis-claiming otherwise) and subject of the experimental chemical concoctions he is pushing. Profile of the typical DC politician, for those who know the meaning, “head up and locked”

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“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” - source not verified but often attributed to Mark Twain

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