BTW, why are they called "Breakthrough infections"? Until the COVID jab rollout, those were always called VACCINE FAILURE.

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May 27, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Beam me up now. Can't take this planet any more. Own nothing and eat nothing, more like.

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The problem with lying is that one has to remember the lies they told, otherwise they either contradict themselves or realize they need to change the story and hope that no one remembers

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But we choose 'truth' over facts.

So it does not matter what was said earlier, because we know what we meant to say, or should have meant to say, or we were just talking about 'scenarios' involving 'spin.'

"THE STATE" is not to be questioned, or contradicted, only obeyed!

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“We choose science over fiction; we choose truth over facts.”

-Joementia Biden

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Dr. Paul Alexander has revealed that various doctors who refused to get injected were offered fake vaxx cards because they were too important to fire. This is very interesting. I would like to know whether these cards would pass any check at any checkpoint where computers were involved. Knowing the details of this fraud sheds important light on who exactly is responsible at the top and who is in the complicit chain of command. Supposedly Klaus Schwab insisted that all participants at Davos be vaccinated. So it would be good to find out how many have fake documentation and exactly who is setting this up.

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May 27, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Yeah, you can bet your bottom dollar that none of the participants at Davos are actually vaccinated. Klaus saying this is all for show. I'm not sure who would actually be gullible and naive enough to believe that these so-called "elites" are actually vaccinated with the sacred miracle elixir.

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Yeah, I saw that one where he forgot his story and which arm he pretended to get the shot in. Another good one was the show Mariah Carey put on for the camera when she was getting her fake shot. She gave a little diva-esque squeal to show all the suckers how “real” her injection moment was.

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Thank you for no pay walls. I am deleting paywall ones.You are one of best.

Red Dawn


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I told Zuckerberg he needed to PAY ME.on his last 30 day suspension.

One comment, the freaken meltdown I would cause. That's traffic, Zuck ,

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Yeah, Ol'Cuckerberg's platform isn't very tolerant of dissenters...

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Bill Gates has had a "breakthrough" infection which means he is harboring a variant in his gut that his body has not cleared and will not clear because he has VAIDs. He will get sick with the variant again and again and then die. None of these vaccinated psychopaths are going to survive this. So time is on our side here fans..

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May 27, 2022·edited May 27, 2022

I can’t believe that he actually took the “vaccine” for real. It would make no sense at all, given the layers and layers of deceit and fraud surrounding the whole “case” for the shots that have come to light so far.

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none of the scum have taken the vaxxine

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Here is my take on this whole thing: The Totalitarians’ Vaccine Miscalculation

(The Self-destruction of 21st Century Totalitarianism) https://lawrencebutts.substack.com/p/the-totalitarians-vaccine-miscalculation?s=w and you can check out my Newsletter...

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did he get red pilled, or did his next sentence sound like one of the following?

"The point is that it gives a level of control over the population"

"The point is that we need to keep the pandemic in the forfront of people's minds to ensure compliance"

"The point is to incentivize others to get vaccinated"

"The point is to maintain the illusion that vaccines work"

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Globalist are masters of delusional word salads.

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Yes, Kill Gates, tell us what the poiynt is. Go on, say it.

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Billy, was that a Pf-reudian $lip???? ......also...thanks, again for the Hat Tip, friend! 🎩

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There is a scale applicable to those who make false assertions, and it ranges from ignorance (forgivable) on the left to deliberate malevolence (never forgivable) on the right. Billey Gastopo’s rating looks more and more like it is all the way to the right - pure purposeful malevolence for control over the un-blessed.

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Time for an us or them revolution

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As the WEF would probably say about the rest of us, "Let them eat grass". I wonder how that turned out?

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Bill, the shrill likes to hear himself talk.

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Just another 'Big Lie'. you are required to believe, no, not required, but 'mandated.'

Rather than just require vocal belief/support, they now require ideological support to be proved by receiving the 'mandated' injection.

"Yes I contracted SARS-CoV-2 but I am 'grateful' for the protection the 'vaccine injection(s)' give me."

It is the same insanity from all the 'usual suspects' each and every time.

They must swear allegiance to "THE STATE" or be persecuted by 'CRT' which stands for Communist Race Theory. (can't remember where I saw that CRT explanation first)

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