Trudy needs to be shown the door. The door that leads to the stage. The stage with the rope and trapdoor.

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I'll gladly open that door for the tyrant!

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Sep 12, 2022·edited Sep 12, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I have a lawyer friend who is very active politically and she lives in Canada. She sent me some info on this guy and I am not so sure he is what he wants folks to think he is. I have asked her to send me info and confirmation on his being against the WEF.

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I was asking myself before I looked at the comments if he can be trusted. If his words are empty and deceitful he should be thrown to the mob.

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If he bans all these people from being part of the WEF he can run the US as well as far as I'm concerned. Why we allow that is insanity...FREAKING INSANITY!! No WEF, No Bilderberg, NO Trilateral. You only answer to the people in your country

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The US gives money to the WEF.

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Sep 12, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Pierre has a long voting record of supporting WEF agenda items. He was listed as YGL on tenor web page until he started his campaign.

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From the comments on the Twitter feed it looks like this guy is linked to WEF, regardless of what he’s publicly saying …. Another deception perhaps.

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Twitter feed...really? I can't imagine how that isn't accepted as gospel since it's so fair and balanced 😲🤔

Lots of people from the other parties (ALL leftist) bought memberships to sway the vote toward Jean Charest, but thankfully Pierre has stayed on message and won over people from all facets of society, including an unprecedented number of younger people who have seen the destruction of trudeau's Liberal (LIEberal) party.

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Yes, fair comment re Twitter. I hope he’s the fair deal. Winning over people seems like more of the same thing, and charming, is not where it’s all at.

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I'm not being facetious here: are you in/from Canada? Charming is not how he has ever been described. He has had to tone down his assertive style to appeal to more people, but more often than not he's been compared to a attack dog (and THAT is what I like about him!).

He asks the turd specific questions and demands "yes" or "no" answers, and hammers him relentlessly until time is up. He exposes the turd's (and his party stooges) inability to answer anything without a script.

The double-speak from politicians is not only nauseating, it's insulting: they say as little as possible in as many words as they can muster.

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‘They say as little as possible in as many words as they can muster’ great 👍. I’m from nz. I’m happy this guy is calling out the WEF. Very important. But I am just wary of the ‘charm and young’ factor and also the contrary of that, the ‘old and senile’ leader type.. In the video he seemed slightly staged, trained, as they all are..Hes the one that needs to be asked direct ‘yes’ ‘no’ questions. They all do. It is not a ‘left’ ‘’right’ fight any more. We’re looking for authenticity, for good people, not actors.

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I agree; politicians must be asked difficult questions AND be expected to give real answers instead of the canned tripe they so often serve up. This needs to happen on a regular basis. We also need real journalists instead of the mindless talking heads in our bought-and-paid-for media.

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Even then you best check for the ambulance at the bottom of the WEF cliff window ..

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And so, it continues to be easy to seduce good trusting people. A simple message, that’s desperately wanted, delivered with conviction. ‘Get rid of WEF’ is now ok to say. Perfect timing, perfect messaging.

These young leaders have perfected these skills and will use them. They sound wonderful. Right now, the mechanisms for accountability in public office have been decimated. So it’s looking like a free ride into power for the attractive trained acolytes. The instinctive hallmarks of personal integrity and true leadership have been lost to slick marketing and fine rhetoric.

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I dont know … I’ve been smacked around so much by politicians I am skeptical, wondering if ALL OF IT isn’t a false flag op … I believe strongly in the free market and am convinced what we have become is very bad so … bottom line: I cannot complain about the pendulum swinging away from where we are but I’m not going back to sleep either

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Great news. In a sea of terrible choices, Poilievre stands out as genuinely on the side of We the People - potentially! I may be parsing it too much, but I would have felt better if he had promised to ban anyone who has EVER actively supported the WEF et al, simply because such individuals will never truly change their stripes. They are infiltrators and usurpers of democracy. If allowed, they will simply hibernate and revert to form at a later date. All of them should be permanently barred from political positions in nation-state democracies. That is the platform we really should be looking for in politicians we want to consider trusting again. In the meantime, this is the best news so far.

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To make it clearer, if you’re a Young Global Leader, you’re out! Sneaked into a Bilderberg meeting or two? Out! CFR? Good riddance!

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I bought a membership in the party and voted for him. He really is our best hope at kicking the turd out on his a$$.

I'm not naive and don't have blind faith in any politician, but he has made the turd's life very uncomfortable in many question periods; he speaks very well and is very knowledgeable. I'll take my chances with him ANY day if it means we get rid of the turd and his corrupt gang of nodding, barking seals in his despicable grubbermint.

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Controlled opposition. His nickname in parliament is The Weasel. Nuff said

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Just the other cheek on the same pimply butt. Like in America you have two wings on the same eagle. I trust no politician

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People are so gullible!

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It's not about the politician, it's about the people.

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now thats a leader

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That sounds like good news.

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Controlled opposition?

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Get that left wing coniving Klaus Schwabb student Trudeau half-wit out of politics and the human race asap.

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I am hoping, for Canada's sake, that he's the real deal! We used to live on the Montana/Canadian border, and we used their money as much as we used ours. Imagine my shock when I came back from Victoria BC, (back in the 80s) and they wanted an ID! I never thought of Canada as a different country before! I mean that as a sincere compliment!!

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