Most people who work in government are oportunistic cowards who lack principles, so I not surprised by the stealth edit. Makes you wonder what other laws have changed in the middle of the night.

As for the ACLU, where have they been for the last 3.5 years? Waiting to see which way the political wind blows as our rights are rescinded by petty tyrants?

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

The one thing I disagree with Dr. Drew on is that people over 65 or 70 should go ahead and get the jab because we are at such high risk. I am 78 - close to 79 - and would never get any of their garbage. People of all ages should get early treatment (see FLCCC protocols). That is what should be recommended. I keep everything in those I-Prevent protocol in my "medicine chest."

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No "vaccine" is useful for anyone. Dr. Drew can't shake the last of this Statist brainwashing program.

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Dr. Ladapo as well in Florida. What stupid advice. The elderly especially shouldn`t take the clot shot. Are these guys part of the eugenics program?

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No, they’re not. If you look at it from their perspective they can’t be seen to go holus bolus against vaccines because they have been (stupidly) administering them throughout their careers and would now look a bit silly to suddenly tell everyone to not take any at all. Best that they gently walk backwards out of the vaccine agenda without having fingers pointed at them for not doing the appropriate homework in the first place. Mind you, that’s not going to reverse all the damage they did to people over their careers. Doctors can’t unjab someone. The damage has been done. Best that victims seek treatment from naturopaths and the like to detox.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I'm coming 71 and my husband nearly 81. We agree 💯 . God gave us a wonderful immune system and a few brave doctors have provided us with early treatments if needed. We don't trust anyone connected to allopathic medicine and won't go to doctors or hospitals.

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[Homer Simpson disappearing into the hedge}

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Canada is clearly a different, much scarier place to be a doctor. There are no provincial laws like AB 2098 forbidding doctors from treating or advising patients based on medical or scientific evidence or foreign medical standards of care that contravene the federal government narrative [Trudeau and Tam], yet every provincial regulatory board is an unfettered bully knowing that if challenged legally, judges will uphold their authoritarianism regardless of the facts or ethics, legislators will do nothing to correct things, and doctors like Trozzi, Hodkinson, Christian, Hoffe, Nagase and others will never get their lives or careers back.

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Unfortunately Aliss, Big Pharma own the Canadian judiciary!

And Trudeau enjoys the added benefits of the 'programable' Dominion voting system.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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At least they have lives to never get back to, unlike many of the jabbed doctors.

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Next up the WHO treaty to attempt to remove our pesky sovereignty and Constitutional rights along with more aggressive debanking etc.

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The westernized Medical Establishments are an INDUSTRY first and foremost.

Truth is being censored at every level these days! Believe ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that the establishment and its Bolshevik Institutions pur forth, .... NOTHING!!!!

"I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don’t believe anything the government tells me."

- George Carlin

Great advice!

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Keep big pharma and government OUT of my health decisions. The overtaking of all things “we the people” is startling. Overreach doesn’t even begin to describe this invasive greediness epidemic that keeps spreading. It is much worse than any virus I’ve ever witnessed. I don’t trust hospitals anymore. CEO’s with no medical training are deciding my fate by their decisions running them. I look at that to base my opinion of worthiness of trust. They were systematically murdering patients with the over use of Remdesivir. I read the information available on the process of the use of that medication without a medical degree understanding it to be a medical euthanasia procedure. Greed is running all of this. Profit over life.

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Seems State Medical Boards and Hospital administrators (they ALL took the money too, along with Congress) believe that the same liability coverage for vaccine manufacturers also covers they’re liability on false charges and financial punishments...

By the time the courts approved or the Bill is repealed, virtually all the previous misinformation is now TRUTH...

Until mass adjudication of the Ruling Intelligence State for Constitutional Rights violations and Crimes Against Humanity...

...you might as well take the money too

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Unfortunately Pete, Big Pharma own the judiciary!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023

So many people have lost confidence in the medical system, they'll have to LEARN how to quit running to the doctor's office for every perceived affliction. The drug manufacturers with their ENDLESS TV ads, persuade us that we need a prescription for EVERYTHING! That attitude has to stop. Doctors are not gods and many of them are quite simply programmed robots.....the pedestals you place them on, is largely unwarranted. This is not to say you should shun care in an ER from a auto accident or fall etc but most doctors are not good diagnosticians anymore especially those who have graduated medical school in the last 30 or 40 years or longer.

Today's medical 'professionals' input info (that you provide) into a computer and Big Pharma software spits out possible causes with remedies.....most often a prescription or two!. We must learn how to doctor ourselves and use what natural substances might be helpful. There are numerous sources of information on 'country cures' for most of the conditions of we imagine we have, so you do some research on your own. Read and investigate herbs etc so you know which are helpful or poisonous etc....Learn how to do some of your own diagnosing. Be cautious, herbs can be very powerful if mis-used, find out what others have reported before experimenting. Learn to be your OWN medicine man!

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You are so correct ... people need to take more accountability for their own health .

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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023

Basically that law said that if you as a doctor advise your patients to do as every doctor in Western Europe is advising their patients to do, based on advice by the medical authorities in every Western European state, they could lose their licence. This was always simply Newsom playing God and that comes at a great price that he hasn't even begun to pay yet.

In the UK for example no-one under the age of 65 is being advised to take any more clot shots and if a US doctor advised their patients under that age of 65 to do likewise the out of control medical authorities in California could have struck that doctor off.

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Goood news but this will not stop...... And just like that – hospitals mandate the new boosters that CAUSE 20-30 times more serious injuries than hospitalizations from C19


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And the gullible will walk right in and get the new boosters.......maybe we're not so bad off if that segment of society decides to delete itself. Hard to say if they are actually contributing to the overall welfare of the population or not.

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The only thing worse than a motherfucker, is a dumb motherfucker.

That CA in a nutshell. DMF

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Unfortunately, Big Pharma own the judiciary!

That's why there's 'NO LIABILITY' for makers of deadly medicines they call 'VACCINES'.

No LIABILITY means, No consequences for Vax DEATHS & Injuries,

No quality control for injected poisons.

Possibly financially incentivised Governments then sign onerous CONTRACTS with Pfizer, & other deadly injection makers, to operate a 'National' Compensation Program for their populations. These governments have created cumbersome compensation schemes that can be delayed for years and, perhaps eventually, allow a claimant a 'meagre reward' for his or her life being curtailed or simply ruined!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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If true, this is rare good news, that California’s outages, narrative sycophant "medical misinformation" law is being dropped.

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I just watched the latest interview with Attorney Todd Callender on banned.video regarding the many pathogens contained in the lipid nano particles in the jabs, Marburg being one of them that will be released with a 5g burst... scary https://banned.video/watch?id=650410a70aa7cbcccac0e257

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One would like to believe that some consensus formed that caused the legislature to reconsider the wisdom of this measure, and that the "quiet repeal" effort is an attempt to make the issue quietly go away without a loss of face for those responsible for this disgusting law. But more likely is that the quiet repeal effort reflects belated recognition that the original law won't survive a court challenge, and so they are hoping to get it repealed before a court ruling creates an important precedent.

Unfortunately, if that is true, it means that those in favor of such a law hope to implement it again in the future when they believe the stripping of our freedoms and/or the corruption of the legal system has progressed to the point that it becomes possible.

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