Usually I say hell exists. But I must add, lower rungs of hell exist.

Those filthy bastards.

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Hey 2ndSG, yes, this had the potential to go completely tits up - if the poor baby died with vaxxed blood, that would not have been a good look, the stance of the government only had bad PR written all over it. There was only risk and no benefit to them. Where have we heard that before?

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Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022

It was the surgeon's demand. Nobody can overide her demands. Not the government, the courts or a judge. Don't give any credit to the conscience of the beaurocracy. There is none. Credit to the surgeon who went up against a massive force. But she knew the power she had at the operating table where she is "god" for the duration of the surgery. It seems everyone misread as to where the power lay in this decision as to what blood product would be used for this surgery. Now everyone who is about to have surgery should be having a serious discussion with their surgeon.

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The international conversation better occur soon before bad blood circulates even more among recipients. Maybe McCullough and Cole and a few of their hacks could compare research and clinical judgments.

Just guessing. If this was a Māori family they would have honored the parents demands.

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So let's put it right out there. When a life, ONE life, is on the line. When everything that actually matters matters. The despicable government chose PUREBLOOD. God willing, Baby Will survives. And if its true, that he actually received un-mRNA-injected blood then his parents are heroes.

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We will never know for sure.

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You said it best. Complete and total non-violent-non-compliance. It has a nice ring to it. Will it work?

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Feels like right now the narrative of the goodies is getting more traction than the baddies. Then again, I could be the sucker and they are masterminding the whole show. If Bobby Malone is suddenly moved to head of a "new , transparent and effective" WHO or CDC, that'll be my sign it's all a Truman Show.

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Why did they not offer that at the beginning rather than put the parents through such an ordeal.

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If the hint is accurate, that's great news.

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