Jun 26, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

They want us to hate our governments so much, that we demand a NWO.

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Indeed. The anti-christ must appear to be a savior, and will fool many.

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Heard today some poll has Biden's approval rating up to 43%. Increase mostly due to independents. I mean WTF. Did I miss something? Did inflation and gas drop? Did the border close? Did corruption and bribes stop? Did.....you know what I mean.

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Polls are fake and rigged

Pay no attention

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Yes, and I think you can probably say the same about most, if not all, official data these days :(

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I have never nor do I know anyone who has ever been polled.

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Ignore ALL polls. They are geared to drive a narrative not demonstrate the pulse of the public. You would be surprised how many people depending on the polls and those that create and report on the polls know that.

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Exactly. Not against Christ, but in place of Him.

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I'm pretty sure I can't hate anything THAT much!

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That's Dr. Vernon Coleman's claim too.

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Doesn't it make you EXTREMELY suspicious that the media is finally acting like a real media when questioning Kirby/KJP? Videos here if you haven't seen them:


It makes me think they're throwing Biden under the bus and will claim all the problems have been fixed once he's gone.

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I believe you're on the right track.

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It'll be tough to thread the needle between "Ok you guys were right and Biden needs to go" and "Now the corruption is cleaned up, we promise!"

But I think they'll try.

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I don't doubt it.

The normies will believe it all, too. 🤢

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Jun 26, 2023·edited Jun 27, 2023

I don't know...Been rather refreshing to see something SO stunning...ADMITTING to having secrets of the Country and selling them is almost as admitting to running the most diverse and inclusive ELECTORAL FRAUD IN HISTORY before the 2020 Election.

Laughed and laughed until I fell to the floor since I honestly believed there was nothing that could ever surprise me about the Imperial/Feudal NAZIS any longer after their Premediated Mass Genocide and it CONTINUING unabated...With the attendant propaganda with outright, easily-proven lies.

The first time in a decade I could listen to the Dementia-Ridden, Treasonous, Pedophile and actually tolerate it with uproarious laughter.

"Just can't make this shiest up." 😲😂🤣🤣😭 Dog-Faced Pony Soldier, for certain.🤡😈🤡


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I always considered that a gaffe (as it almost certainly was), but what he meant to say was actually more important: that he was going to fight the election result with a team of lawyers and 'experts'.

I'll repeat that: If Biden lost, he was planning on contesting the election everywhere he could.

But when Trump did the same thing, it was INSURRECTION! and ASSAULT ON OUR DEMOCRACY!

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Of course, you're correct...And, it was obvious.

Still, it's a gas. Can't recall ever in all of history reading about erroneous gaffs, blurbs; subconscious TRUTHS spewing forth at the most unfathomable times and places.

Where is it recorded by anybody of any Nation speaking or behaving as this...ATTACK ON ANY SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT. AND, NOBODY DOES A THING ABOUT IT?

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I'm afraid more people are going to have to hit rock bottom before they 'wake up'.

And the bad news is......they will.

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Jun 27, 2023·edited Jun 27, 2023

In all honesty...reality is in as THE ESTABLISHMENT RULING CLASS AROUND THE WORLD ARE THE ONES DEVELOPING THESE PSY-OP and FALSE FLAG CHARADES TO BEGIN WITH. That's what happens when people are lazy, spoiled, bored, don't know how to do a real day's work and ROB OTHER PEOPLE WHO DO AS THE IMPERIALISTS HAVE DONE FOR MILLENNIA.


REALITY IS LEAKING OUT...Like blood dripping from a shot deer running away to die.

Dementia has been hypothesized as connected to those Baptized to Jesus Christ who have been well blessed in life turning away from God to perpetrate evil and losing their ability to hide the sins committed in secret.

The more time continues; the more it's appearing to me to be fact...

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In 'Liar Liar', Swoozie Kurtz sounded provoked in the 'Outtakes' when playing the role of the opposing Attorney when she blasted, "Over-Actor!"

Indeed, it's his charm as for many Comics...He's ALWAYS pretty hilarious and gets away with it.

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You think it's Jim Carrey rather than Arthur Roberts?


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Yes, I agree that there is more than one of them. We pay for everything else; so presumably we are paying for this cast of characters, too:


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I was wondering the same thing. When I saw that vid, it reminded me of how reporters used to be in the 1970s.

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Jun 26, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

He needs a Petmectin IV

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Jun 27, 2023·edited Jun 27, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

You have a way with words. I like it! But I'm not demoralized or depressed. I'm entertained!! Worked in the yard, rode my bike and enjoyed some outdoors/sun today.

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No reader of this substack should ever be demoralized and/or depressed!

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Biden actually did say, “I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things..."! (see video)

Right after he said, “I was just thanking Ahhhhhh, Ahhhhhh ... any way” “I started off without ya.” Wonder what Mother named son, “Ahhhhhh Ahhhhhh Anyway”? Look, this guy is a serious embarrassment to our nation as well as what’s called an existential threat to our national security. Effectively, there’s a “For Rent” sign inside his cranium. Previous resident moved out some time ago.

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he meant it as a joke ... i think that is .... old man jabbed a few times ...

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Good. I wish everything bad upon him and his family because they are the scum of the earth and deserve everything we hope they will get.

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Omg! You have read my mind! This reprobate Joe Biden deserves to be impeached , prosecuted and removed from office.

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How about drawn and quartered

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He and his family are so bad that we can’t do enough to them. Glad you agree!

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The Biden administration should come clean with all Biden’s business deals, two explosive IRS whistleblowers and several eye witnesses. This is corruption at its finest . Plea Deal! What a bunch of bullshit. Hunter threw a wedding at the Whitehouse and state dinner as well as a trip to Camp David with Joe. The evidence is clear it’s not the Republicans it’s the Democrats. The house is moving to Impeach Garland. The IRS has the goods on the Biden Crime Family. Hunter Biden gave his dad Joe a burner phone. Joe Biden then gave the ex Biden donor who blows the whistle .

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I really don't understand why the GOP are not screaming "Impeach!" non-stop. Surely, if it was good enough for Trump, it's more than good enough for Biden?

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If that happens, will they finally admit he has some form of dementia?? and therefore can't be deposed or whatever might come of it??

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“Biden”’s planned obsolescence is nearing completion.

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Up next: President Gavin Newsom!

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Anyone but Trump!

It's right up there with "SCIENCE!!!"

[Not even a Trump fan, and not that (s)elections matter, just sayin'.]

"Caitlin Johnstone: Elections are like a Toy Steering Wheel for Babies" thumbs up!

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The anti-Christ is ANTI everything Christ stands for. But ‘people’will still clamor for him........

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Jun 27, 2023·edited Jun 27, 2023

Despite what we’re being led to believe I seriously doubt Biden will be on the ticket in 2024. I think there’s a likelihood it'll be Gavin Newsome for Pres and Michelle Obama VP. And, that will be a very strong team to defeat. If Trump doesn’t start criticizing big pharma a chunk of his base will write-in RFK Jr. If They successfully stop Trump from running there’s no way DeSantis can beat a Newsome/Obama ticket. Watch out. There’s a lot that can go sideways yet.

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Roberts (Biden) debate? He isn't smart enough to be that stupid.

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Dementia frees the victim of inhibitions and exposes the truth.

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Talking of dementia, there is a British naturopathic physician, Dr Sarah Myhill, who claims that dementia is not only preventable but reversible by adopting a low-carb diet and supplementing with B vitamins and fish oils:



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If they take him off his meds he will make even less sense than he does now which is nearly zero.

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What, huh? Wait.. isn't this what they are trying to say Trump did and POTATUS is admitting it? OK Garland, let's see you do nothing again. Literally the worst AG in history.

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Time for a real president: Fetterman on deck!

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