A little less vaccination a little more action, please.

All this Sadsgravation ain't satisfactioning me.

A little more Nuremberg, a little less Pfizer.

A little more fight and a little more hangings.

Cover your arm and open those nooses, baby, satisfy me

Satisfy me, baby

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Good one! Is this yours? If so, sing me more.

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Maybe I used to live in an alternative reality and somehow shifted to another plane of existence, but isn't it the case that the reason that woman live longer than men in general is because they don't really suffer heart attacks?

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One article I saw mentioned her opioid addiction in the past to explain it all. They did similar with Adam rich a few days prior. He had proud jab posts . I don’t know about Ms Presley

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

We don't hear much, if anything, about people having sudden heart attacks and dying because of previous drug use. So, the drug use excuse doesn't satisfy my curiosity.

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

But the media likes it.

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Yes but you are not a MORE-ON ... if you were a MORE-ON you'd believe whatever CNNBBC tells you to believe

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I saw that too. I would however say that a coke/crack/meth addiction would be more likely to cause heart arrhythmia.

Having accidentally OD'd on diamorphine once (oral, I would never inject anything) I would suggest that a heart attack was the least of my worries.

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She had been clean for a while? I think . I’m glad you pulled through your od!

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I used to be a proper nutter. I recall going to a house party once. A person who was on psychiatric meds offered me any of their medication I wanted. I recall saying that Monday was the crappiest day of the week, so took their "Monday" medication.

I woke up twelve hours later in a shopping trolley with a sombrero on my head. I have no idea how I got there.

Yep, I've done some pretty crazy shit over the years.

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I’m laughing out loud. I drank too much & blacked out often. Very fortunate nothing tragic happened to me in my blackouts. I had to go to rehab twice when it was the insurance industry fad late 80’s& early 90s. Now it’s almost impossible to get into one I hear.

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"I’m laughing out loud"

Yeah, it's good to know you have lived. 🙂

If anyone young is reading this NEVER "candy flip" - that is taking Ecstasy and LSD at the same time. Urgh. That's bad karma.

I'm sorry you had to go into rehab, I've always had a handle on things. Everything I have done has always been in the name of spiritual advancement. It isn't supposed to be a pleasant experience, but I found I could either meditate for twenty hours or take a couple of E's and get the same result.

My experiences from ayahuasca (which you may already have read on here), peyote and salvia divinorum were perhaps the most profound.

I remember my poor ex-girlfriend. She was an innocent 21 year old when she met me. We went to Amsterdam once. We went to the zoo and museums and so on. On Saturday, I suggested we take the most potent magic mushrooms available in Amsterdam. Much like my heroin OD, we yummed down said mushrooms, waited an hour and nothing happened.

My ex-GF shot downstairs in irritation and ordered another batch! Just as we finished this second batch, the first batch kicked in. Oh dear.

By the end of the night she was asking me her name, whether she was a female human and needed regrounding in everything she ever knew. The trip itself was ridiculously intense, but once it was over I was fine. The same couldn't be said for her.

Being a psychonaut isn't for everyone.

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Oof. I met a guy on a train. He was an IT professional who worked in the City of London. He traded me some Thai Stick weed for some pills. I didn't know how they worked so took one, nothing happened. Waited two hours took another. Waited another two hours and took another. Slow release. Damn,.

Slept for about two days, kept waking up itchy. Threw up more times than I care to remember. Had the most insane visions.

Really nasty. Won't be doing that again. It's literally heroin. Holy shit.

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Ohhh , really glad you came through ok . I remember when I could trade stuff. Scary these days with all the fentanyl and whatever else. I worry about a few friends who still dabble with recreational drugs. ( I had a lot of interesting experiences going to concerts in the 80’s & early nineties. Lots of Grateful Dead shows , probably too many! )

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🙂 I hear you.

I agree, fentanyl is no joke. The reason I got so hammered by the diamorphine/heroin was because I had no tolerance to it. Having worked in the City for a while, the amount of substance abuse going on is ridiculous. Everyone is getting high to do recreation or getting low to sleep. This guy probably didn't realize he was basically trying to kill me.

I think that OD was the closest I have been to death. I really thought I wasn't going to make it.

I met an American at a party this summer, we discussed fentanyl and we both agreed that all chemicals are off limit now. I also raised this with my brother and he knows his weed dealer like a best friend, so he isn't concerned.

As for me, I've taken just about everything known to man and can learn nothing more from these substances. so I'm done with it all now. A dram of Ardbeg and a pipe of Nightcap tobacco will do the job just fine these days.

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“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Joseph Goebbels.

Official propaganda sources compete in finding the most ridiculous reasons to explain the genocide. Some cite “to much of video game playing” as a reason for excess deaths in children, others “global warming” disaster.

If you tell one lie people will dismiss you, when you tell a thousand they will adore you. Stalin knew how to use it perfectly.

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Oh yes of course - now the excuses will be trolled across CNNBBC and the web to explain this away.

And the MORE-ONS will believe them

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These reports are coming so frequently it’s difficult to keep up with them all.( I watched 8 is enough religiously. )

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Well, maybe this is tlsome of the "equity" these people have been yammering about.

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You think they will be unable to deny it any longer?

They will deny till their death and without autopsies we will never be able to prove it.

Even if we did have autopsies all the media has to do is refuse to report it (just like all the falling birth rates and soaring excess mortality) and the majority of the country aside from substackers will never know.

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An autopsy was promised, but the hospital said it was cardiac arrest. So that might just preclude an autopsy. Maybe deliberately?

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Yes, they are not going to stop now.... that's why all the censorship and the forced vaccination Bills being rammed through govts.... they will not have people talk about the truth and they will force this on everyone to enter stores, work, etc.....just watch....oh, and the WHO Treaty will be the final nail on the head.......

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You're so right! Here's something even worse:

"4 New SECRET Censorship Methods Introduced in ‘Operation Jigsaw’ by Google " - Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov - 10 days ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VknCrJUCbfU

I'm sure, as Roman suggested, Google's motives are most likely against what they call - "domestic terrorists." Meaning, those who protest it's dystopian control. They've schemed up so many ways, means, and words to cover up the truth. I hope they trap themselves in their own web of deceit! An "operation" is usually performed to remove something from the body. Calling jigsaw an "operation" is an accurate description. It's just like the anti-gun excuse. Every time there's a shootout, more gun restrictions are placed on us. Which is also why the FBI's watch-list doesn't prevent the target from committing a crime because the crime is used as an excuse to ratchet up gun restrictions. It's circular, I know, but so is censorship. Freedom is like space. It gets smaller as it gets restrictive.

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On this note I highly recommend a great book “Google Archipelago” by Michael Rectenwald.

Not for the faint-hearted though.

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Thanks. Not faint-hearted these days - lol. Let's see, an archipelago is a group of islands.

We have 7 continents. A watershed plan? I'm guessing, no more freedom soup for us. I'm eager to check out this book!

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I think you can find free PDF downloads or even audiobook Marlene, at least I have. Best of luck😊

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Some are of the belief that her previous drug issues were a contributor???

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Like the drummer for the Foo Fighters. To name just one other where conveniently there's another things to blame. And much more palatable to the masses than climate change, stress, etc. Although the masses are buying those reasons too.

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Yeah they said the drummer died of a drug OD. Meanwhile his heart was twice the normal size.

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We're not certain in this instance given the previous history. Not to say that (vax) didn't tip the iceberg.

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One foes ‘t exclude the other necessarily.

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It is interesting to view individual medical privacy when it comes to jab status alive vs. after sudden death. Complete opposite

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Yes, the everyone must be jabbed crowd are keen to promote how many jabs they have had and abuse those that don't want.

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Remember there is shedding also; we haven’t reaped the full impact of that yet.

I bet she was vaxed; some said she was frail since her son died. BTW, he dealt w/ depression & shot himself during Fauxci’s lockdown. Suicides reportedly increased then. Fauxci, death & destruction follow you.

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You're right about the shedding. Good point.

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Plus the sometimes necessary for survival blood transfusion if one dodged the other modalities of synthetic gene intakes.

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Another good point. Vaccinated blood kills.

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I guess she wasn't a member of the WEF and didn't get the memo on what not to do.

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I don’t think this is from the jab. Not sure she believed in taking them. Lisa Marie was a heavy drug user. She would mix opiods and cocaine. If you look at recent photos of her, she looks unwell. Her skin is almost gray. I think the loss of her only son was too much for her to bear. She struggled her whole adult life. I was so happy when she released her music. I LOVED it. I was so hoping she would really take the music route. She was so shy & wanted to be home, surrounded by her babies. She tried so many times to get rid of her demons. Going to rehab many times. Now she’s free. She’ll be reunited with her son & the father she adored so very much.

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No cause for celebration here. Pricilla, her mom, was a hoot in Naked Gun. Descending attic stairs, Frank Dremond look up and says: "Nice beaver!" PP: "Thanks, I just had it stuffed" She brings down an actual stuffed beaver.

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Lol thanks for bringing that up. It’s a Classic

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Proof she was vaxed?

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Point made but a testing site is not an injection site. However, if most of you are like me then you would never be tested but you would have a stock of ivermectin in case you started to feel like you were coming down with something.

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I got it just before Christmas. Very mild, it was dispatched in about 4 days without more than a couple aspirin and a couple swigs of cold and flu OTC stuff. Good diet, exercise, fresh air, sunshine is all I need. Definitely no jabs.

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Hey Hugh, Happy New Year.

Neever tested, never vaxxed. Two tubes of horse paste in the medicine cabinet, along with tons of Quercetin, zinc, Vit C and D and even obscure cures such as NAC and chlorine dioxide. That was mostly to help friends and neighbours, I never gave a shit about Covid and probably had it in December 2019 anyway.

Watch the video on this website re: chlorine dioxide:


It makes perfect sense as to why it would work – it’s anti-viral and anti-bacterial.

It also metabolizes in the body after ingestion as water, table salt and OXYGEN. This is a key point because if your blood/oxygen levels start dropping, from breathing, you can get oxygen into your body internally instead.

Check out one of the reviews. Hmmmmmmm.


January 31, 2018

Chlorine dioxide works perfectly, of the five sets bought, no leaks, no cracked bottles! The Sodium Chlorite & the Ortho Phosphoric acid mixed well together for 20 sec's & adding it to pure water has really helped with my cold's of late, as well as cleaning out our so called clean tap water! It seems to have good health values as well as water purification. Great value to.

Still not dead yet. 😂

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That's all good, but I don't subscribe so much to supplements, vitamins, etc. They seem like a racket too. I believe well-balanced diet, in the absence of metabolic problems, provides all nutrients needed. Excesses will simply be eliminated, or worse, cause health injury.

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I don’t disagree with you but Ryan Cole said vitamin D3 levels are extremely important and a supplement is needed if you live in a northern part or the planet.

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Unless you grow your own organic food, and buy meat from regenerative farmers, you're going to be deficient in something. Soils nowadays are not much more than dirt, they've had so much taken and nothing given back thanks to industrial monocropping agriculture.

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"Excesses will simply be eliminated, or worse, cause health injury."

Yeah, I take supplements once in a while (I generally cook all my own food and even make my own condiments). That's why they are called "supplements". Taking that stuff every day isn't a good idea in most cases.

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I will check it out, baboon. I think you should get some ivermectin made for humans rather than horse paste.

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I would if it wasn't illegal here (yes really). But it's literally the same stuff, and all the excipients are food grade anyway.

Not that I care anymore. I will probably use it to do a general parasite detox.

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India mart delivers to the UK. Lots of choice. I really need to get round to ordering some! Dr John Campbell keeps a stash of Iverheal 12mg, but there are plenty of brands that are basically the same thing.

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She was also wearing a mask outside.

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Indicting, but not proof. Besides, her lifestyle appears suicidal. I'm glad to live in obscurity vs celebrity.

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" I'm glad to live in obscurity vs celebrity"

Amen brother. Being a malignant narcissist isn't a way to live.

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Thanks, I'm just benign narcissist. I notice these days almost everyone is being called a narcissist. To a degree, it's true, most of us seek attention one way or another. Some are certainly more obnoxious about it than others. I went to school (Dorsey High) with Mike Love of the Beach Boys. He came across that way, for sure. Brian Wilson recently said he couldn't stand to be around him for more than 5 minutes; he was so egotistical. Wouldn't it go to your head being tall, handsome, talented and famous? Age usually has a way of resetting the ego.

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I was at the top of a sport, waterskiing, and the majority of the people at the top were great. However, I was also a tennis player and, although there were some wonderful people in that sport, I met some of the most conceited people in tennis.

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Nah, most people aren't narcissists, although the Internet is doing us no favours.

My ideal wish is to be left the hell alone, and not attract attention to myself.

"Wouldn't it go to your head being tall, handsome, talented and famous"

- Three out of four ain't bad but I regard anyone over six foot four as a freak. When I was born the doctors told my mother I would be six foot six. You have no idea how happy I am that didn't happen. I bang my head on shit enough as it is.

Very cool you went to school with one of the Beach Boys. My favorite album of theirs is, perversely, Wild Honey. I fricking love "I Was Made to Love Her".

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Yep, looks like a Covidian to me.

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Right on the money. It’s really hard to have much of sympathy for those self-destructive souls.

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Right on the money. It’s getting harder to show much compassion for all these self-destructive souls.

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Thank you so much. Just what I needed to hear (read).

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

If I could sit at a table in Vegas, and the game was honest. If every time something like this happened I was handed two hands. One was "had taken the bio-weapon shot", and the other "had not" and I always played the "had taken the bio-weapon shot", would I lose a hand once and awhile? Sure. But I would never have to work again, and I would eventually be able to buy the hotel I was playing in.

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Best analogy yet.

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Thanks :).

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Even Nick from “Deer Hunter” run out of luck eventually. Such are the odds of Russian roulette gambling.

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Wow just wow ...thank you...right on point

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LOL - clever! I guess you're a winner.

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Well, she went to a covid testing site during the peak fear mongering days of covid so I’d assume yes.


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Good clue! This is what I've been looking for. Thanks for the link.

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Good question. We must be skeptical at all times. I could presume yes but could be wrong.

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Lol yea we asked her estate for her vaccine card but they haven’t responded.

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Fair question.

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I am not vaxxed and would never be but just wondering

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I agree. We need to be evidence based. But then if we put our statistical hats on, it's not looking good.

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Yet another coincidence it seems ...

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It is a delayed and camouflaged death. Royally screwing up someone’s immune system is a perfect way to induce dysfunction and/or death on someone.

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Death is highly individualised and so is hidden from the wider community. Thus not waking up the sheeple that unquestion and continue with their lives until it's their turn.

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MRNA is also backed by the largest propaganda and disinformation campaign ever devised.

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Pilferred from Voxday...

To be informed about how best to protect ourselves and our loved ones is the smartest thing we can do. I chose the vaccine.

— 12 March 2022, Lisa Marie Presley

Lisa Marie Presley, US singer and only child of Elvis Presley, has died at the age of 54, after suffering a ‘full cardiac arrest’.

— 12 January 2023

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What happened to Hank Aaron?

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Stop asking questions, you must be an extreme radical to even dare to ask such questions.

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There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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"At some point even the most brainwashed, MK Ultra masked up and genetically modified humans will be unable to deny the slow kill bioweapon eugenics program."

Ya think?

I'm not as sure. I think many will blame it on anything but that.

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Henry Kissinger said, “Vaccines are cheaper than ovens.”

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some of you truth warriors should promote 'The Covid Blog", Brian does an amazing job covering these sudden deaths all over the world

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