Dec 22, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

In the license application for their vaccine, Pfizer-BioNTech presented a study that showed their vaccine does more harm than good:


The FDA approved it anyway. So who’s to blame?

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Wonder if Andrew Bridgen MP is off to see DeSantis? He's just travelled to the US to meet a bunch of people over the present mass murder tyranny.

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Good cop bad cop.

The "good" cop is still a cop.

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Isn't it odd that all of the vax manufacturers had the exact same info. all along, for years in advance then as they were refining it (making it more of a killer) that time.

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If this does not work, every politician everywhere is just part of the act. One big movie all along.

Feels like it.

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They need to do this in order to stop these kill shots everywhere. Even in Florida hospitals the doctors are pressured to push the clot shots.

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As Don Surber says; “No excitement without indictment.”

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I believe the pharma companies will plead they were doing what the government told them to do. They will be correct.

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The problem they will have is that they are supposed to be working with UF Health all of whom are Fauchi, CDC, WHO, FDA, Medical Establishment Synchophants who will obstruct them in every way possible. They will be sabotaged in every way possible.

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With so much proof these jabs are dangerous and do not work as vaccines our UK Conservative MPs are still refusing to admit they are neither " Safe nor Effective". When will they understand what they have done to the population or don't they care?

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I hope it is full spead ahead for the Grand Jury to head off the 2023 push to codify the mRNA injections into the global community. Their ship has to go aground now!


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Indict, convict & publicly hang those guilty of conspiracy to murder by injection.

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I am sorry but the only answer ever was do not comply. All the complete morons did.

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I sure hope they get Dr. Reiner Fullmich and Dr. David Martin involved.

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Thank you for bringing it up again.

No kidding; DeSantis is still on the "presidential" queue for the morons who still think it would still matter.

Realistically, how far is he a hero?


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