Everyone involved in this should go to jail for life. All such research should be banned worldwide and severe consequences need to be imposed on everyone involved in such research. However, nothing will be done and soon this type of contagion will either escape or be released and here we go again.

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All they have to do is accidentally release the new virus in Boston and it will spread across the United States and decimate the population back down to 60 million!

Time we shut down all these experimental bio warfare labs that are going to destroy civilization if they don’t stop going down this path!

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Someone pays them.

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I love going on TikTok or YouTube and I see these fucking shills, these fucking collaborators, these paid stooges: doctors with their fucking pronouns listed right next to “TEAMHALO” or “ GAVI” in their bio information - you are Vischy shit, you are fucking culpable, you are murderes - Judas Iscariot Doctors taking their filthy fucking lucre. Fuck these people.

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