Dec 24, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

So let me get this straight:

Australian gov't has covered up pedophile after pedophile for decades. But we are surprised this same child torture/rape/murder group covered up bioweapon deaths of children?

Did I get that right?

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Im assuming that this story will get zero traction in Austrailia just like nothing negative about the vaccines makes the news in the U.S. Maddening.

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These people are vile and heartless. The fact that they will continue to push this vaccine and murder more children is reprehensible. I don't know how they go to sleep at night. There is a special place in hell for them.

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Clearly, stockings are not the only thing that should be "hung with care" this Christmas.

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Alas, it will probably get very little attention from the MSM, but we will make very good use of it here in Québec in our battle against the health authorities. Many thanks for this timely, although very sad, information. These innocent lives should not have beeb lost in vain.

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I lived in Australia from Oct 2020 until Oct 2021. I was quarantined for 14 days in a detention facilty in Sydney when I arrived, without opening windows for the full 14 days. I was not allowed outside for the entire time. I was perfectly healthy the entire time. When I was released they tried to charge me $200 per day for the incarceration. I refused and luckily I did not give them any credit card details so never paid. During my entire 12 months in Australia the government relentlessly tried to encourage me and coerce me into getting their DEATHVAX injections. I refused. When I finally decided to leave after 12 months I actually had to apply for an EXIT VISA. It was a lot of paperwork and fortunately I am a Photoshop expert so I could provide the documents that the establishment wanted to see. A great honour for me to fool the fools with fake papers. I always thought that Australians were liberal, free thinking critical people. How wrong I was. Australia has over 20 years become a nation of self indulgent, lazy and self entitled sheep. At least 90% of them.

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I'm in Australia and the death and injury to children was all over the alternative media but as the article notes they (the establisment and health minister) instead of addressing the issue covered up and apparently lied about those events.

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They were not following orders, they were following the money.

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They traded their integrity for complicity and blood money. After damning themselves, they double and triple down on their crimes rather than come clean. Ugh!

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Well, it should be pretty clear to people now.

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TGA is lucky. Australian courts and government work hard against Australian people still.

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What about the 24 thousand school children that were taken to I think it was The Acer Arena right at the start of this BS to be injected? I believe it was a Hazzard plan. I was able to watch the story on social media before the woman telling the story was taken down which she knew she would be. She told the story about a mother decided to drive there and wait for her child. The child did not show up back at the car. The teachers knew that the child was to go to her car. While the mother waited, she saw an ambulance turn up. Little did she know it was for her child. Her and her husband then went to the hospital and the woman telling the story about this believed the child died due to what the parents were screaming at the doctors in the waiting area. It is believed on that day there were 3-4 children that died. Maybe more. There was also a Rumble or one of those type of channels with heaps of footage about what happened that day and it was heart breaking what was happening. I have heard that a lot of parents have been paid off too by the way.

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I never complied. I simply got on with my life the best I could. Luckily I was already spending a lot of time at home. I refused to wear masks, take tests or anything else that was part of this disgusting plan. I remember the first day I went for a walk (rural town mind you) without a mask and someone from a car literally yelled out from afar to tell me to wear a mask. It shocked me that people were on board so early on. Yep the self imposed mask police were everywhere.

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Merry Christmas to you & Yours!

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Great work here, thank you!!!!

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