Aug 26, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I do not trust Robert Malone.

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Then by all means, go ahead and do nothing about this. You trust the FDA, et al, more? Whatever your gripe with Malone is, he’s right to speak out against what is going on. You can criticize him all you want, but at least he’s working to stop this horror.

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If you consider yourself to be part of the medical freedom movement you might consider pointing your gun outside the tent.

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You may want to consider doing more research and not blindly believing stuff. Start with this idea - do you believe mRNA is a good thing or a bad thing? Simple question, right? Now, who is boasting about being the inventor of mRNA?

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It’s bad. Very bad. It’s causing harm that might last for generations. This is the best explanation for why the mRNA gene therapy must be taken off the market.


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Perverted logic. Keep firing your guns inside the tent and call it beneficial. Malone is clearly also one of the early professionals exposing the harm and the lies.

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He Cannot be a master of Mass Psychosis (as he claims), and fall for Propaganda for taking the shots. AND then Sue the Breggins who have done nothing other than warn peeps of the harms of psych meds. MAL one is 🐴/snek. Horse farm my azz. He breeds Lusitanos.

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To be fair, Malone claims that he learned of mass psychosis after having taken the injections. You are reversing the order ....and then making your case. I think they call this tactic a staw man.

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I don't care. Go look up his CV and see that his claims do NOT Mesh with his actions. What does he say about himself and who did he contract to work for? (Alchem, Oligo, nanoAMD, Inovio, Gillette, Erasmus Lab, Windber Lab). Why was George Webb kicked out of a MFM conference (he had a paid ticket for entry) where VRSF & CHD members were? Malone was there too? Where was Malone on 9 11 sept 2001? Why won't he answer these questions? Why is he Suing George Webb? Sorry, More digging is warranted, and trust is gone at this point.

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My working hypothesis is that sir is salty because he could not win a Nobel for his beautiful vaccine, so he will do everything he can to sink it. Dude wants to be famous by hook or by crook.

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."

-Thomas Jefferson

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The first article I ever wrote on Substack was about Australia's plan to inject livestock with mRNA products - the collaborating company is American (Tiba Biotech) that works with Fort Detrick and the Gates Foundation. The NSW Government has taken everything about the program off their website and will not answer anyone's questions about the status of the program. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australian-state-government-set-to

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because they are just going to do it.

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I know mate. I'm just trying to go down swinging because God is watching.

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ALWAYS! Do not comply! Resist and refuse! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. Pray pray pray.

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Eat local from producers that you know and trust. Probably not a smart business decision to make livestock sick with mRNA vaccines.

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Removed (Banned)Aug 26, 2023
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How about NO vaccines in food! WTH!

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Good job! We love you, second smartest guy! Hammer the light! Thor

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I guess Substack doesn't want people posting. They didn't discourage people enough with the drop down banners, now this idiocy of having to go to my inbox for ' my security' to respond to a post sent to my inbox..

I can't know what their game is, but it surely is not my security.

Meanwhile, Brighton and the rest of the Profiteers still will resolutely not provide captions, eliminating millions from access to their reporting.

I guess it's back to common sense and figuring stuff out for myself...

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It’s all so deeply depressing & infuriating. From contaminating food, water, the very air we breathe, it is obvious they DO want us dead but how do we avoid it now if it is or will be in everything?

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Like Palestine, OH?

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you don't like 4 eyed Trout? Simpsons anyone?

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I’m in a rural area w/ lots of farms & ranches but local won’t be so easy for millions. And no guarantee that local producers won’t eventually be forced to use same death products to compete in the “organic” market, as you pointed out. I’m so dismayed at how deeply corrupt everything is. The “organic” nature of “organic” products was what made it such a great alternative for people who care about the philosophy & quality of the products. Now they abandon all of that to be just like the rest & there will no difference to the GMO poisonous products. Vitamins, over the counter meds & other health store products likely next if they aren’t corrupted already.

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You can't. Just cook your meat thoroughly if you can't buy it from a trusted source, and live with honor and integrity to the best of your ability. Don't be the obverse of a Covidian worrying about a cold. The reason those people are so contemptible is because they're frail cowards. Worrying excessively about things like shedding and mRNA in one's food is also a form of cowardice. Try to mitigate damage to the best of your ability but live. Live without fear. We will all eventually die.

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The issue is there may be no source that can be 'trusted' to KNOW what they are accepting in their practices. I do not feel worried or fearful. I AM someone who works hard on my farm to proffer produce that is loved and 'clean.' If my organic dairy farmer (whose cows are eventually slaughtered for meat) is actually defiantly unconcerned with how they produce their product, I simply want to KNOW what they are using so as to refuse their product and find another source. I feel I have the right to be informed. Not fearful. Not giving in. #donotcomply. And, btw, 2 years ago, I was transmitted to by an entire family recently 'vaxxed' who, knowing my objections to jabs, purposely neglected to tell me. I have been ill ever since with symptoms similar to those with adverse reactions to being jabbed.

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Aug 26, 2023·edited Aug 26, 2023

I agree re wanting to know because that’s all part of informed consent, right to know, bodily autonomy etc. But what the blog was saying is that so-called “organic” foods may not have to be labeled at all. I’m very sorry for the exposure & issues ever since (what horrible people) but realistically, unless one retreats to a cave or island, that’s just 1 more thing we cannot avoid - the jabbed. They outnumber us vastly & will be everywhere - stores, work places, venues, restaurants, hotels, resorts, games, stadiums & everywhere else. We’ve all been exposed & I guess that’s just one more thing we can’t escape & need not fear because we can’t change or escape it.

It’s too bad the jab doesn’t turn them a nauseating shade of green in order to shun them!

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My point regarding exposure to the jabbed was the timeframe within which I was in their company -- just a week or so after their jabs when, I believe, transmission is most likely to take place. Reluctant as they are to acknowledge the 'dilemma' in which we find ourselves, they are my best friends, so I would not avoid them entirely, nor would I shun them or anyone for accepting a fearful stance. I simply would have declined the invitation to a later time -- a few more weeks removed from their subjecting themselves to jabs. Obviously, we are in the midst of the (multi-)jabbed -- I do not, however, hug and kiss those others.

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“…an entire family, recently vax’d, who knowing my objections to jabs, PURPOSELY neglected to tell me.” That seems like real malevolence, not “best” friendship.

But beyond that, my point still stands: we’re interacting & breathing w/ people in every sphere w/out knowing jab status & how recently. The US gov is already teeing up the next round w/ at least some / many eager to roll up their sleeves as soon as it’s available (imminently)

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They are my friends of 40 years standing. Through thick. Through thin. They are brainwashed and I cannot condemn them for what I perceive as an error in thinking. With patience and remaining in a loving state -- as normally, I KNOW they wish me no harm, I believe they have made strides in their coming to understand the depth of my research and informed point of view. Time and love. Love, in time.

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Well here’s courage - I’ll never ruin a good steak (esp filet mignon) by cooking any higher than medium rare! As you say, we will all eventually die.

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I ruin every steak I grill since I want mine well or at least medium well.

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One of my friends goes for “cooked to shoe leather” so I get it, Hugh 😂

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God. Get back to God. The only reason He is allowing all this to happen is because He has been abandoned, forgotten, by humanity. And, after He loved us so much that He sent his only begotten Son to die a brutal death to redeem us and open the gates of heaven to those that follow the narrow path of suffering in this life. We should be glorifying and thanking our good God everyday, all day. But, the masses don't even acknowledge the Almighty God much less worship Him. They wouldn't even give Him the time of day if he asked. They're too smart, modern, advanced, and self-sufficient. We have been warned multiple times. And now, the Great Chastisement is at our doorstep. There's nobody, no humam being on earth, that can save us from the evil of our times. The earth has been cocooned, wrapped slowly but methodically for at least 300 years in Satan's web, and the serpent is about to strike. It's similar, but MUCH worse, than in the days of Noah. The coming Chastisement will make The Flood look like a walk in the park. By fire this time, instead of water. We need to stop trying to find man-made solutions. WE cannot fix this. There is no politician, scientist, counter-revolutionary group that can stop this global Satanic assault. The only solution is to turn back with great humility to our Creator, the Triune God, and beg forgiveness. I post this out of great love/charity for all of humanity. It's truly beyond us. When are good, smart people going to realize that the answer is to get on bended knees and pray, like their lives depend on it. Because it does.

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Pat, you don't believe this. It's cult speak.

"Triune God"?

"The coming great chastisement"?

Now tell me about the burning bush.

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I believe there is evil in the world but this sky god stuff is confusing. I mean, Jesus is the son of God and God is the Lord but Jesus is Lord, right? Lots of people praying but not much improvement. Maybe it's like those old son-o-god comics where every time Jesus returns he gets run over by a speeding car and so he just gives up.

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Waiting for Godot?

Why do they (J n G) let genocide persist then? They too busy? Omnipotence not so powerful? They just waiting for the Good will of Men to take over?

Just call psych-os evil and regular moral peeps good and we can move forward.

"TIA Danny. TIA"

Name the movie this line comes from.

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To be considered truly organic, NO vaccines should ever be administered.

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They also are going to allow toxic products like Apeel on organic produce. It is already used in Costco on organic apples. Farmers markets often have local farmers, particularly in beef producing states, that sell grass fed meat free of most vaccinations. I also recently found a GA farm that ships that has a commitment to no mRNA (hell NO was their response) and they promise if there is ever a panic to sell to their employees and loyal customers that spend $1,500 annually (not hard to do with meat) over everyone else. Like everything else it comes down to making relationships and being suspect of anything in the grocery stores. Also about 80% of antibiotics are used on livestock so even if you aren’t getting mRNA most of the grocery store meats are loaded with other chemicals and medical products or are fed a diet of soy/corn which is not optimal for use to eat.

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JD Rucker is producing & selling freeze dried beef. I have not bought any yet but seems a reliable source?

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Can you provide the name of the GA farm? Thanks

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

White Oak Pastures https://whiteoakpastures.com/

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That farmer is an absolute legend! What he did to that land is pure genius. And he even has his own processing plant -- only 2 farms in America have that!

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Thank you so much Lis! 😃

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Oops!, ALICE! ☺️

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When are people going to take notice that big pharma is not interested in health they are interested in profit. In countries like Canada, they pushed through the Aglie Nations Charter during the covid fiasco. It is a charter that has the World Economic Forum as a principle member. From what I see, it is to give health, agriculture and manufacturing more ability to regulate and set standards. Also, the government will not step in because they are corrupted.

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They are interested in killing us.

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I would agree. The good in society needs to start speaking out. Fear of consequence is real yet action needs to happen.

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Removed (Banned)Aug 26, 2023
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I do think there are a group of people who wish ill intend and chaos to others. Yes, they are evil. Yes, many of these types are in positions of influence.

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puHARMA makes you lifelong sick and then profits from your death in the end. A twisted but effective plan.

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Why am I not surprised?

USDA is a captured regulatory agency that looks out for the industry.

We are not their concern.

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It does seem like a circular firing squad. How will they kill us and not themselves? I think they only want to kill most of us and then torture the rest.

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Star link = microwaves. One's Social Score (voting record, online profile, etc.) makes you a target. GPS on mobile or Home Address is your location. Send info to hit squad (immigrant army) on their GPS phones. Or use drones. The Sleazy Elitists will be in Hawaii or off coast of NZ or other small island or bunker.

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As they move to accomplish the goals engraved in granite, the Georgia Guidestones, it became necessary to destroy them. They have been telling us what they are going to do to us. It's part of their code. After they TELL us what they are going to do, if we don't stop them, then We Have it Coming.. They do it and laugh. Remember when just saying Bilderberg Group got people laughed at? Now it's just another annual meeting. But they just talk about the kids. Naah, they aren't making plans. History is full of those who wanted to rule the world. This time they have banded together and are going about it slowly. Scientifically, using everything, pharmaceutical, psychological, economic, maintaining social division, destroying anyone who unites. And using ORGANIC foods to attack the ones who don't Want their jabs.. Jim Jones? Ohh, not all the dead drank the koolaid. They had to shoot some of them. Naah, that wasn't a government operation. No, I'm NOT going to commit suicide.

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Benedicamus Domino!

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Come to Mexico/Latin America.


Easy to get real meat and non-GMO produce.

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I've heard Mexico is a good place for Americans. Any recommendations?

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Lots of good options - beaches, mountains, cities, small pueblos (villages).

Safety-wise, places like Queretaro and Merida are solid choices. Pacific coast beaches and overall vibe is quite different than the Caribbean side.

Have you been to MX before?

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Removed (Banned)Aug 26, 2023
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Lots of independent farmers. Mexico is fighting against various GMO stuff, and also has lots of independent farmers/ranchers. Paraguay too.

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The message blasted loudly,

Susan heard it clear

It turned out the worst was almost here.

A message from officials,

Over the six o'clock Sunday news

Of disastrous consequences coming true.

Usually shy and outspoken

She shall soon become

An angel of light for everyone

As denial becomes impossible

Bargaining becomes the norm

Heavy cries from mourning and the shattered glass of scorn.

Friends beset upon friends

Families are torn apart

Hoping for a miracle to open up their fragile tiring hearts

Susan spots a seagull,

Squawking for a petty bit of bread

Reaching slowly into her pocket she said…

How would thee like to see themselves

As if watching from above,

As if seen through the eyes of a white winged dove?

Do you want to look down and see bravery, kindness and love?

Or everything else you never wished to be

Frightened, nasty, pushed around and shoved?

For you might have nothing but now you have it still.

The only thing that matters right now is you.

You alone can shape the way you act, whether for a minute or an hour, or for the rest of time into the next

So the people stopped their sobbing

They contemplated what she’d said.

Realizing they would soon be dead

Choosing instead to live their last memories exactly as they wished

To live their lives cut short, beautifully.

For they chose to die like a poem

A glimpse of a world that never really was.

Without constant greed

Without frivolous panic

Just beautiful, balanced and true

For that is the power of your self image

How it ends, begins with you.

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