Anything other than verifiable paper ballots is banana republic sht.

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And citizen voter ID.

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Agreed Tirion.

Something else occurs to me: the fact this very accurate and secure method of voting-- obvious to any thinking person-- has been replaced by programmable/hackable/ internet - connected computers is also intended by THE WEAPONOIZED PILES OF MONEY AT THE TOP to crush and demoralize the populace.

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Quite possibly; but we will have the last laugh when we topple the cult.

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Sep 25
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No, it's been controlling, manipulating and harvesting humanity since The Beginning. It's the descendants of the Ancient Babylonian families/bloodlines started by the sons of god and the daughters of men, The Black Nobility:



They hide behind Zionists, who in turn hide behind Jews/Jewishness/antisemitism - all intended to obfuscate, confuse and distract.

They began in Babylon and from there they went on to infect and infest Judea, Rome, Venice, Amsterdam and, in 1688, they took over Britain, from where their influence has spread globally, thanks to the British Empire.

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Sep 26
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Oh yes, I'm not denying that they are using AI as part of their control-manipulate-harvest model; but the AI is a tool/weapon rather than the ultimate source of our problems.

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These deceptive practices were all proven in the 2020 election, including the millions of dollars that the "My Pillow" guy Mike Lindell spent with a Cybersecurity firm out of Texas; the problem is when you have judges paid off to hear these cases and take them to court they fall flat on their face. https://rumble.com/vdlez5-mike-lindell-the-full-documentary-absolute-truth-election-fraud-exposed.html It is the Fox watching the Henhouse! We are witnessing the crumbling of an empire! Absolute Power Corrupts!

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Let’s hope the margin of victory is too big to rig, and if they do cheat again it is obvious to both sides. What happens next is the question☠️

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Unfortunately, there is too much at stake to leave it to "hope."

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Yes, we can "Hope" in one hand and poop in the other, and see which one fills up first!

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Eww, thanks for putting that image in my head!

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This is a fascinating article. First, this makes sense because after the 2020 election, the my pillow guy and others did a deep dive into these voting machines and found some very unusual entries in databases that revealed outside influence. Secondly, this algorithm process would explain why in so many state and local elections the number of votes cast were greater than the number of people registered to vote. And lastly, algorithmic interference would explain the election of counterintuitive candidates with hardly any support. You may be able to chalk up their first election win to luck, but after they have done significant damage during their first term, to then be reelected for a second term, like Bill DeBlasio in New York, makes absolutely no sense. People are dumb, but they’re not stupid. Well, maybe in New York City they are.

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Steven it works more in favor as to who has physical control of the voting machine hardware and software! 98% of most cybersecurity breaches occur through Social Engineering and Physical Breaches (access to hardware and security from the inside). As for Software breaches it is easy for coders to install variables into the software so that when votes are casted for one candidate they are flipped to another candidate. This was illustrated by Mike Lindell when he hired a Texas Cybersecurity firm and spent millions of dollars https://rumble.com/vdlez5-mike-lindell-the-full-documentary-absolute-truth-election-fraud-exposed.html

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Yes, of course, electoral and party politics are largely fake, fraudulent, pretense and misdirection. Wasn't it Stalin who said, "It's not who votes that counts but who counts the votes"? It took hundreds of years of trial and error to create an electoral system that had integrity and we allowed them to throw it all away when they digitized the system. No digital system is secure. None.

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They Do Want You Dead!


You see, from this article, they don't need you alive to vote, period!

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Today USA is headquarters for “Nazi death cult” of bioweapons war criminals. US Administration is in agreement with the NWO! The US is a weak as it has been in a very long time. No leadership and its sad to watch our country fall apart.

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Richard Condon’s Prizzi Family Mirrors the Satanic Black Nobility Mega Trillionaire connection between the Mafia, Senators and Presidents - The Black Nobility of Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires - The Satanic Religion Rulers of the World!

Mafia families are usually from the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility families whose history stretches out to 10,000 years of Phoenician History. Particularly in the Prizzi series which even had a movie made out of them.

The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility use Satanism and the use of Satanic Religion Rituals to corrupt people in order to create a group of Psychopaths willing to follow any mandate in order to Rule the World…

The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility own and run the Vatican, SMOM, Jesuits, KOC, and La Cosa Nostra. The European Monarchies like the British Crown are branches of Rome and they manage secret societies like the Freemasons which infiltrate government agencies and run corporations for the monarchs.

The Sovereign Military order of Malta SMOM is the top military council and it works closely with the Orders of St John ran by Protestant monarchs. The Knights of Malta are the engineers of war. The royal and noble bloodlines are all working together as a global crime syndicate and part of the modernized Roman Empire.

Their Mafia, Senators and President Minions will conscript you and send you to war, mandate the Deathvaxx, Digital identity, Central Bank Digital Currencies, total surveillance and the end of free speech!


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It's worse than that. The cult is in control of all the NATO and Five-Eyes countries as well as Ukraine, Israel and others.

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The only reason to use computerized voting machines is to enable rigging the outcome.

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Intelligent article. Several wise people have figured out their dark plans, detailed the methods, called out the ABC agencies or persons responsible for this great reset. But, people are so complacent it matters not to their comfy life, until it's too late. The clock has run out for some to turn back from their evil, but until our last breath, we can wake up, repent and turn from our wicked selfish ways. The erosion of our culture has created the erosion of our freedoms, and the end of how we go forward from our previous normal. This is a spiritual battle like it or not. Choose this day Whom You will serve - God or the Devil. Right now the devil is running the great reset and the uniparty.

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Such a clear explanation of a complicated topic. Your children analogy was helpful. Thank you.

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Wow. A clever scheme, though they needn’t be so clever when they hold our judicial system hostage. Add in suppression of our free speech and punishment of those that question election results and you have it all wrapped up. Totalitarian control.

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This sounds like the suspicious Canadian voting apparatus = Dominion, which is 'PROGRAMABLE'. To what end, use your imagination and join the dots.

Trump might have been correct in the previous US elections! He might have even won by a landslide if the elections hadn't been 'tampered with'? Who knows? The CIA might? Obama might? Blair might? But nobody's telling because there's so much at stake on Nov 5th 2024.

How else could Pussy Trudeau have been previously elected or reelected. Every Canadian I've spoken to says he makes them nauseous. Me too!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer is Pfizer accept LIABILITY!

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Considering what was exposed about Secretary of State for Colorado Jena Griswold in the film Selection Cody... Yeah, and the fact she signed documents with Dominion stating she would never audit their machines and their US head quarters used to be in Denver prior to the 2020 election and after the elections they vacated it immediately and had a document shredding business in the alley shredding all of their evidence. Seems pretty suspect.

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It's like Roman history all over again, like Deja Vu! I.e. our [once] "Creator" inspired "One nation under God, going from a nation of Law, to a nation of Man [playing god!] by handing out vote buying "Free stuff" and forgiving/ promoting deviant sins! (Just to bring the Chaos needed to destroy our [once] Godley/ prospering nation!) Just like the fall of Rome et-al.

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Haven't the 'forever blue' states been doing this for decades?

All Nations need to do a forensic audit of all electoral records at frequent and random times.

There is zero reason for electronic counting machines. Hand certify voters on the day. Hand count all votes. It takes many hands but removes this fraud.

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I believe we have had uni party selections not elections for a long time to give us the illusion that we are choosing our leaders.

In my opinion Reagan and Trump were under estimated and were never supposed to win. After Trump’s steal the evidence of this selection process has become more evident in my view.

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I believe Trump was pushed into the role because he was ignorant of the political landscape. They wanted Biden in for this term to cement a lot of WHO and UN and WEF goals and a patsy was needed for the start of the pandemic to make sure their extra compliant team was in place for the main event. As a performer he (and possibly Reagan) was easy to coach, had a convenient ego to stroke and probably accepted the role with the promise of money. Once in the role he may have been threatened if it was required or just generally fed BS and ignorant as he is he took it all in. Sometimes he was given good information and either out of stupidity or malice butchered it up. He was told about HCQ (first known effective covid treatment) and Chlorine Dioxide (some interesting evidence on that under the surface and it is not your regular bleach and not intended for injection) and fluffed up the announcement, may have been told to back off or else or he may have been pushed to listen to the Fauci team by his wing of the uni-party.

Our small hope is that he was promised money and safety for making noise and being the Rep candidate just to gross out much of the voting public. He may even have been told he will get a second term but what may have changed him these last 2 months is that he realised the uni-party is happier with him dead than potentially winning and have not protected him as agreed. This is why I believe he has sought some brains for the team from RFK Jr.

Much as I think he is not president material and is a crass buffoon on camera to play to equally crass voters I believe he is SLIGHTLY disillusioned with his handlers.

Remember that Trumps presidential advisor was his daughter who has had WEF YGL training and FOX news is one of the propaganda hums with CNN, AP and Reuters

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