Jul 28, 2023·edited Jul 28, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Hottest in 120,000 years, huh? Well if it got this hot 120,000 years ago, when there were just a handful of primitive humans on earth, why should I be concerned that it has gotten this hot again, OR TAKE THE BLAME FOR IT?

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Check this out.


I posted another link down thread that’s worth a look at too.

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Stop with the logic will ya!!!! You are just pissing everyone off :) :) :)

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Man kind will survive and most likely even thrive any climate changes. However man kind will be much worse off if it implements any of the stupidity proposed by the greenies/left/progressives

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Let’s emphasize that the climate hoax serves to give cover for the depop agenda while harvesting money from taxpayers while also ushering in a global authoritarian regime to micromanage the dwindling human herd

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Excellent article, btw!

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I believe it was a Project Veritas video whereby they captured a CNN producer on hidden camera stating that after Covid hysteria winds down they have plans to ramp up Climate hysteria to take its place. Hysteria keeps ratings up. High ratings means they can charge higher prices for advertising. High ad rates means lotsa revenue for the network. And that means these idiot talking heads keep their million dollar salaries. Meanwhile, the general public is depressed and bamboozled. And the peddlers of climate change become more enriched and powerful at everyone else’s expense. Great, huh?

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absolutely great for thieves and grifters like kerry and so many others. Haven't heard from algore the inventor of the internet for awhile though.

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Too busy counting his money.

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UFOs, bubbling seas, these psyops are getting silly.

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Very silly, I had a woman tell me we were in an ice age too. Wouldn't my srms be stuck to my sides? The military has already told me to expect many UFO Invasion false flags.

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We are in an interglacial period...

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That sounds right.

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Something like 60 years into an ice age is ludicrous.

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No, we are in an interglacial period and we are around 60,000 years overdue to return to our icy state. It would be cool if we could skate on the Thames again in winter...

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I just told someone else an interglacial period makes sense. We're also under a polar vortex.

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Let's not forget that James o'Keef uncovered this psyop before he was fired from Project Veritas

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Wish you would address the accelerating climate warfare geo-engineering doing the climate change they so desire and fund, destroying the globe

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Oh dear, better go tell those polar bears that they're toast, just like those coral reefs. 🤔😐🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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They think of us as useless eaters, cannon fodder.

They were looking for an enemy to unite humanity. They made us the enemy. “The Common Enemy of Humanity is Man”

“We came up with the idea of pollution, global warming, water shortages and the like will fit the bill.”

(Let’s fool the cannon fodder, useless humans)

They made us the enemy of the whole world.


Sandi Adams


Agenda 2030 — Part 1


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OMG, its summer. I remember 1 year here in Phoenix about 30 years ago the temp hitting 122. And now, who would have guessed, 113 the other day and we're all in a heap of trouble, the earth will explode in a few months. If they get their way, no more growing food, no more cows because they fart, no more gas to cook, no gas to drive, and no more farting people left either. But have relief, at least China and India will be thriving. These elites took everything the nazi's & Dr. Mengele tried and just refined it over the last 90 years and making it all Hollywood from top to bottom, country by country. Everything from experimenting on bodies, to financial kaos is all playing out text book chapter by chapter

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Yes! Was in Phoenix in 1990 when temps really rose to the 120's. The dashboard on my new (rented) Lincoln Continental melted; looked like the side of a candle. And, since then, the rise and rise of e-media has brought nothing but deceit and a most effective 'cover' for those that have always wanted ultimate control of everything. Unless we wake /rise up, they are likely to succeed and even a partial success here means societal transformation.

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Your right on. Unfortunately, its no secret the education system the last 25 yrs raised a bunch of idiots that expect everything for nothing. If people really looked back a little longer than the Weimar Republic, everything is playing out almost the same, except more technology. And the debt is paper and digital. They are purposely putting us into a deep depression so our only option will be to obey. It is so evil to think about, that its terribly hard for people to face the reality, which most won't

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Sensible Environmentalism—Patrick Moore


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Secretary General António Guterres: “... the era of global boiling has arrived. The air is un breathable” Uh, haven’t noticed anything “boiling” around here (Nevada desert), and what’s this I’ve been breathing that’s “un breathable”? What a donkey’s rear end this guy. Now the weather’s the source of all evil, all unexplained deaths, adverse medical experiences, any and all negative acts of nature, etc. If you stub your toe it’s due to climate change, etc. The entire point is to use every opportunity to drive constant fear deep into the minds of the innocent to the degree that whatever the “globalist” deem necessary for survival must be welcomed.

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Without CO2 the planet would be freezing and CO2 is plant food so CO2 is good.

The "greenhouse" effect of CO2 has its greatest effect at far lower concentrations than we have today so if we continue to increase the concentration the effects reduce relatively speaking so that from today's levels upward the effects of increasing CO2 are virtually zero.

It is like putting on a jumper, it keeps you warm and an extra jumper will keep you a little bit warmer but not much. We are at the stage with CO2 where the earth has 50 jumpers on and the planet "greenhouse" effect due to CO2 has barely changed since the 5th jumper went on billions of years ago. They knew this back in the 60's when the club of Rome came up with this scam but they decided to go with it anyway as they thought people would be too dumb to see through it with them controlling all the media as they did even back then.

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Precisely. This psyop has a new twist with the ocean currents: https://youtu.be/U_bY8M-v_74

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Have you seen this article about the volcano that blew up under the sea last year and blew trillions of gallons of water into the atmosphere?


They said that the effect from that much water in the atmosphere would affect global temperatures for years. Plus the ice in the Antarctic was warming during a very cold winter possibly due to volcanic activity from the earth’s core.

Lots more information in this essay. Worth a read.


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"Heart Attack Risk can Double During Heat Waves, High Pollution: Study"

Yes, of course, and heart attack risk and actual heart attacks are occurring now for so many other reasons too. In fact they're even normal in teens and incredibly healthy athletes!

It's a a real tragedy. And the irony of it all is that most (never say never/all) of these increased instances of heart attacks are occurring to people that protected themselves by acquiescing to Injections for the prevention of some mythical non-existent ailment. Geez, how unlucky.

Pfft, what are the odds of that occurring! It's amazing, if we weren't told otherwise and know better, one would think that there's a correlation.

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Yes! A real tragedy!

Most that I talk to figure right up to about August 2021 'we' ( collectively though I am meaning me) trusted the CDC and most of the white coat brigade-Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, Universities and even some of the politicians who demonstrated real empathy in trying to protect their constituents.

Now, two plus years downstream, 'we' are learning that ALL of it was a deception on a massive scale. How do those that initiated all of this expect us to react now?

Continue believing in their deception?

I reckon many will not!

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If we get the same initial response at the next "crisis," then we're screwed.

All the evidence that this was a gigundous hoax and psyop was out there the moment that this all broke back in the late winter of 2000.

That's why I'm worn out and perfectly willing to let others do the dirty work from now on. I was preaching from the rooftops that it was all a psyop and the end-game for the Globalist Central Banking Cabalists, which it is, and was treated like someone with leprosy at a fancy soiret.

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