Mar 24, 2022·edited Mar 24, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Hmmmm....really interesting he talks about gold as a nano third DNA strand.

I went down a deep, deep rabbit hole (sorry I know you hate that term) years ago regarding monatomic gold.


This stuff is supposed to do the opposite of what Patch is claiming in this video: liberate the consciousness and perhaps turn you into a Buddha.

Yes, Hudson did go a bit "off the reservation" by claiming he was a direct descendant of King David (the Israelite King of the Bible) but....

I managed to secure a TV slot on a UK broadcaster where we terrified the life out of a celebrity at a castle using a variety of known techniques, including automation and low frequency sounds.

It was hilarious.


Anyway, I'm in that video (no, I'm not that prick Tim) and so is the guy from the London university. He was sound as hell, considering he is in the same department as one of the chief supernatural deboonkers.

We went out for a curry and had a great time. We were both musicians on MySpace and loved each others work. The moral of this anecdote is that I sent him Hudson's ORME research and he concluded that "there was some very interesting chemistry".

I won't claim that monatomic gold is the elixir of alchemists, but it is extremely interesting. FWIW, I have drunk 24k flaked gold espresso in Abu Dhabi and can confirm gold in its normal form has no effect on the human body.

Probably a useless post ultimately, but whatever. :)

I have tried ingesting ORMEs but given my susceptibility to supernatural phenomena, I stopped. I don't understand it and therefore don't want it in my life.

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Mar 24, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

What do you think of Dr. and Patent Investigator David Martin's work? https://rumble.com/vy9wm1-dr.-david-martin-we-are-allowing-human-organisms-to-become-bioweapon-factor.html

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I think Dr. Martin is a kind of hero.

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Mar 24, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I agree, my criticism of him is that he dances around the subject (isn't he some kind of motivational speaker or something?). Less showmanship, more details.

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Is it legit?

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Hey Rich, how are you?

Well, so does Steve Kirsch, and he's pretty based desu.

I hear what you are saying though. I want an explanation as to how Yo-Yo Ma is one of the lead suspects in this crime.

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Martin is a Freemason so I'm skeptical of him now.


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Mar 26, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I love you Rich. As you already know, on this subject we have to agree to disagree. If you wanted to say "Covid-19 is a chimerically altered spike protein hitching a ride on a coronavirus quasi-species swarm" (i.e. not really a virus at all) then I am all on board. That was confirmed by the DARPA leaks from Veritas.

If you don't believe viruses exist at all, then my experience with what I initially thought was Covid (in December 2019) and my latest brush with Omicron are inexplicable. Terrain theory/ exome theory are simply not believable given my own experience. Sorry.

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Mar 24, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Out with the Old narrative, in with the New...

(Not surprising considering the only reason there was ever even a show "investigation" was due to the 9/11 Mom's raising hell. Even then they spent a paltry sum, less than one tenth of the Watergate budget, and 9 of the 12 handpicked commissioners have since come out saying the investigation was bunk and the military industrial complex sidelined and gaslit their efforts.


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So there's a "moral independence" gene that the injection can turn off. The WEFers are missing this gene.

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I was actually having fun with this. It's not that I actually believe that the Cindy doll and the Trudy doll are GMO, but unfortunately I am not an influencer so I can't make a fun assertion go viral, unlike the Covid influencers.

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Bull Gates might know.

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So you think that Cindy is just POS, not GMO POS.

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RemovedMar 26, 2022·edited Mar 26, 2022
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I didn't used to be open to the idea of such things being genetic, but I have been surprised by a whole lot of things lately. School C biology learning dates me a bit. Used to say that no one knew what the golgi bodies did.

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RemovedMar 27, 2022·edited Mar 27, 2022
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