Feb 25Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I still haven’t flown once since the illegal TSA was brought into existence. Considering I had lived and traveled all over the world before 9/11, that is no small feat. I still can’t believe that false flag crime was never exposed.

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Reassign all TSA employees to the border! If they refuse, fire them. This will increase the manpower needed to secure our border.

Stop flying illegals all around the US. They board these flights without proper ID… I don’t think a folder with “papers” is adequate.

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When the TSA was formed, I did the only thing I could think of to protest. I refused to ever set foot in an airpirt again.

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This is happening in all countries of the West with the US taking in the most illegals. Soros "Open Society" operates as Philanthropist as does the "Bill & Melinda Gates of hell Foundation" This word guised as charity is the new evil in my opinion. It appears that Republicans & Democrats are complicit in this which goes against the Constitution they swore to uphold. This video shows segments of the invasion taking place here as well as the UK, Germany, and Sweden. Welcome your replacements. White replacement theory was being floated by one alternative news media and I thought wow that's taking it too far but it looks like it could become a reality now. We must find a way to stop this and protect our sovereignty. Write your elected puppets and tell them you oppose the upcoming WHO Pandemic Treaty coming up again for signature in May. Here is link to video showing the proof of invasion taking place. https://vimeo.com/151445525

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Yes…. They want us dead.

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Ironic isn’t it that today in several airports, such as Boston’s Logan International Airport, illegal border crossers are being “housed” right inside the airport terminal. Our country is led by fools. Nobody will be safe.

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Has TSA caught even one potential hijacker?

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Damn 9-11 terrorists.


We're all Palestineans now!

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I've been in the Dave McGowan speed reading course since 2020, but I can remember I was watching the news, waiting to leave for the airport on 9/11 when IT happened. One week later I decided to make that flight and I was the only passenger. (Got great service that day.) At the normally very busy BWI, I could hear my heels clacking through the terminal. I couldn't believe the airline didn't cancel the flight. There was no extra security at that point. Flash forward a couple of years, after that sinister Patriot Act passed, and I found myself refusing the "lowest-bidder" scan option and had to endure the public humiliation of being "patted down" behind a plexiglass wall by a TSA agent wearing gloves, while all of my belongings, including a company laptop, sat unattended well out of my reach. I actually wondered if they would take me down if I had leave the "jail cell" to protect my stuff. That was enough for me, never again. If I can't get there on the ground, I don't go. It's all I can do in my part of not complying. Unfortunately most travelers prove they will do anything they are told to get an a plane.

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Nothing showcases what a clown show our DHS is like the open border and our insane extreme left government's insistent defense of keeping it open and encouraging millions of potentially very bad actors to flood willy nilly into every nook and cranny of America.

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The 911 legacy that afflicts every airport in the world. Degrading everyone to terrorist treatment and a great way to (limit byo water) ensure dehydration is an airline feature, deadly for some.

If you have an appetite for truth, I’ve three articles you may find interesting.

We breathe air not oxygen is my first.

I’ve a new take on blood and lung physiology and the nature of air and water.

And you will find out why colds and flu are seasonal.


A demonstration of oxygen becoming nitrogen.


How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking? Is my third.

This connects chronic dehydration with the adrenals.

And you’ll find out why women are overly represented in Dementia wards.


I hope you will read and ponder.

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Brilliant video comparison between different "borders." And, conditioning us to accept a police state, which appears to have worked--witness 2020-2022 and, arguably, beyond.

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We're the pawns on this manufactured chess board. They keep pushing forward and we resist. But it doesn't matter because they're very organized against the native Americans What gives them this power? They've got us all in a Trust- In God We Trust. It's on the dollar bill. In other words, they have us, the American people captured already. At birth, they cut our extra embryonic material and turn it into commercial property. it's in a 'decedent estate'. They've made a lot of money through us. That's how they get their mojo to commit these crimes against us. It's not just the US controllers, it's the highly organized and tight fitted Vatican and other parties I don't care to mention. Just know that you and I have no rights if you claim a birth day you are a fiction, a birth-certificated person who does not know your divine origin at fertilization. Every so called government agency is a Private Membership Association. The police, the IRS and other alphabet agencies have been commercially extracting every one's life energy and money through a fiction set up in 1933.

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As for me. I’ve taken this and feel better than I have for a long time. I was on toobigfarma med and got worse in a hurry. Stopped the Pharma poison and feel better like I’m on the mend. Thank you 2SGW

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I can't find when the first passenger scanner was installed. The development and manufacture of something like that would take a while, right? If they were put in Service to soon after 9/11, that could indicate they were already in development prior to 9/11. Anyone remember when that crap started?

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