AIDS-Like "Chronic Covid" is Taking Over Europe, Australia and NZ
The Boosted Cannot Clear Covid Easily and Keep Getting Reinfected
by Igor Chudov
This article will explain exactly why endless Covid reinfections happen, and the dangerous consequences that they lead to, based on recent scientific advances.
What’s happening?
When Omicron appeared around December of last year, the powers-to-be in most Western countries found themselves in a situation of mass vaccine failure, where a Covid variant Omicron, about infectious as measles, was spreading like wildfire, while at the same time evading vaccine immunity.
So, the clever solution was to abolish containment altogether, wish “illness and death” on the unvaccinated people, and hope that the vaccinated world gains “herd immunity” while enjoying relatively low mortality.
Unfortunately for them and for us, things did not work out this way. Hospitals are overwhelmed by the vaccinated. Endless Covid short term reinfections, plaguing the UK and the rest of the Western world, are sliding towards “Chronic Covid”. Herd immunity is enjoyed only by unvaccinated countries.
Chronic Covid is a situation where the vaccinated cannot develop natural immunity, cannot quickly clear infections, and remain ill and infectious for extended period of time. Such repeat infections progressively damage their immunity to the point of not being able to clear Covid at all. That would lead to people being chronically infected, infecting others, and overwhelmed with toxic Covid viral proteins, while remaining immunosuppressed.
This article describes scientific mechanism and shows why this is happening. Using three recent studies, I will show that
The vaccinated cannot develop “natural immunity”
The boosted cannot clear the virus quickly upon infection
Covid virions invade and damage monocytes, the blood cells providing immunity, due to vaccine-mediated Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE), leading to gradual destruction of the immune system. Sars-Cov-2 also infects immune T-cells.
Natural Immunity and Original Antigenic Sin
Myself and many amazing substackers, including El Gato Malo and Eugyppius, wrote many articles pointing at the likelihood that the vaccinated cannot acquire proper “natural immunity”, like unvaccinated people do, due to so called Original Antigenic Sin, or “immune imprinting”.
Please note that another notable substacker, Brian Mowrey, disagrees with us. I am providing a link to his article just for completeness, however here Brian and myself disagree.
We finally have a well done scientific study, showing OAS in neatly presented form, based on meticulous scientific research.
This is not the place to give this very important Cell article full attention. The point to take out is that vaccinated persons do NOT produce a full immune response to any variants that they are infected with, instead producing useless Wuhan antibodies that did not even keep them from getting infected.
This is the main reason why the vaccinated get reinfected so often. We spoke a lot about it on substack, but finally have a scientific confirmation.
Slow Viral Clearance in the Boosted
Another groundbreaking article shows not only that “Covid vaccine” does not prevent infection, but also that the boosted remain infections and Covid positive for extremely long times after apparent resolution of their symptoms.
You can see here that the boosted participants, despite appearing to resolve their symptoms, remain infections FAR LONGER and still show high viral loads (Ct < 30) even at day 9. Mind you, CDC said that they can end isolation at day 5. Well, we know how that worked out, but such a long viral clearance is extremely concerning. It shows that despite resolving the symptoms, the patients remain ill, infected, and infectious! What other virus does it? That’s right, HIV. The symptoms go, but the virus stays.
This also, incidentally, explains why the boosted have so many heart problems and pulmonary embolisms around day 10 of their illnesses. The other, less visible result of that is extended damage that Covid does to their immune systems.
Please understand how abnormal this is: the boosted immune system stops “symptoms”, such as fever, without actually clearing the virus completely. This represents an immune failure to do the most basic job of the immune system: to clear the virus. The symptoms stop, but the virus persists for quite a bit longer, doing its damage without opposition.
Vaccine Antibodies Enhance Infection of Immune Monocyte Cells via ADE
The worst part of my article is contained in this section. It turns out that the dreaded “Antibody Dependent Enhancement”, or ADE, finally found a scientific confirmation. It turns out that vaccine antibodies help “breakthrough infections” infect and destroy so called monocytes, which are blood cells responsible for many functions of human immune systems.
What the article is saying is that antibodies facilitate infection of monocytes by Sars-Cov-2. This infection leads to death (pyroptosis) of infected monocytes, leading to inflammation, severe symptoms, destruction of monocytes and damage to the immune system. Read John Paul’s article for more details.
Killing off monocytes with each infection is unlikely to work out well if reinfections are tightly spaced together.
Note also that, strangely using the same LFA-1 protein as HIV, Sars-Cov-2 also invades and kills T cells. So we have damage to monocytes and also damage to T cells, occurring with each reinfection.
So, in summary we have original antigenic sin inviting first several reinfections. These reinfections might seem mild outwardly, but fail to clear the virus for up to 9 days. The result of each reinfection is progressive damage to monocytes and the immune systems.
All of this is in addition to numerous reports, much discussed in my and others’ article, that mRNA vaccination itself is damaging to the immune systems. Some people even use term VAIDS to describe such immune problems. I explained this term in my article two months ago.
How will it end up? I am not sure if it will end up well. I hope it does. It may actually end up with mass fatalities. I hope for as few as possible but dread that it could be very many.
It happens across the entire heavily vaccinated world. In the UK, for example, 1 out of 13 people is having Covid right now. It is the same for all UK countries so here’s England:
The cases are still sky high
And the UK is becoming slightly dysfunctional also:
And this is how Chronic Covid may end:
I have to respectfully disagree with Igor who seems very well-intentioned. The "vaccine" itself causes all of the damage. Getting "reinfected" with a fake virus is propaganda meant to deflect from the true cause of deaths i.e. the clot shots. I don't deny there's a "COVID illness" but there's zero real proof it's due to a virus. Getting tested with a nasal swab COVID test can give you "COVID"- it's the perfect scam.
think i mentioned i had the covid a couple of weeks back, well i was ill again this week, took weds and thurs off. was only ill for a day (due to high dosing liposomal vit c) but i dont think my immune system fully recovered despite being unjabbed. i have been working real hard physically but i wonder if we are reaching mericks disease where the unjabbed are badly effected by the mutations. hope im wrong and i just never fully gave my body the rest it needed.