"We are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind...and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world."
-- Edward Bernays, "Propaganda", chapter 1 (1928)
There are some nuances to Desmet’s Mass Formation Psychosis theory that some may not be fully appreciating.
For context, I (re)posted two articles with my comments on this subject:
Several subscribers were quite upset by the critiques and analyses of Mass Formation. Other subscribers cited chapter 8 of Desmet’s book “The Psychology of Totalitarianism” where he explicitly lets the cabal off the hook for their crimes while blaming society for their “organically” formed mass psychosis.
This substack does not consider the entirety of Mass Formation as being incorrect. In fact, much of this theory perfectly describes our current technofascist tyranny. But there are some issues in this theory that must be addressed, and need to ask questions, analyze the fact patterns and inconsistencies of both psychiatrist and his work.
This substack coined the (modified) term Mass Induced Psychosis which was previously defined as lifelong indoctrination that creates much of the Death Cult compliance and mass ritual slow suicide we are witnessing today. For example, the uptake of a slow kill bioweapon injection campaign whose architects and apparatchiks (the actual perpetrators of this global Mass Induced Psychosis) have gone on the official record in admitting that the DEATHVAX™ does not prevent transmission. And yet the Mass Induced Death Cultists continue with their murderous boosters precisely because of the mass inducement of psychosis/fear/compliance.
French philosopher and self avowed Marxist Louis Althusser touched upon this in his seminal essay Ideological State Apparatus (ISA). The ISA drew on the work of Antonio Gramsci who correctly recognized that as the West became increasingly affluent the class struggle core theme of Marxism required updating. Gramsci thus invented and became the grandfather of identity politics. Althusser also incorporated Freud and Lacan in his masterwork, thus synthesizing Neo-Marxism with psychology to usher in feminism, critical race theory, LGBTQ+ agenda, State sponsored neo-racism in the Soros funded BLM, open borders, the DOJ’s “domestic terrorist” program, and so on and so forth.
The concepts put forth in the ISA course through all of culture today, and inform Mass Induced Psychosis. In fact, it was the CIA that in the 1970s began importing into the American universities Althusser’s disciples who were all radical communist intellectuals that seeded and fomented today’s conquer and divide identity politics.
And identity politics is but one of the driving forces of Mass Induced Psychosis as is PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE which leverages hate of the self as polluter and destroyer of the planet into mind control predicated on junk science. This kind of indoctrination and self hatred conditioning is vital for mass compliance. All powerful memes are like infections in the mind, like a catchy tune that you can’t get out of your mind, and PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE is a most powerful and infectious meme that also happens to be most contagious. Because all effective memes are like viral outbreaks of the mind, and Mass Induced Psychosis shapes society because it is a curated collection of State supplied memes.
Another radical Neo-Marxist Jacques Derrida wrote in his “Of Grammatolgy” that violence in language and life is responsible for all meaning. He argued that without opposition there could be no meaning, and that meaning could ultimately be hyper-subjective. He coined the term “deconstruction,” a concept which informs today’s historical revisionism, absurd pronoun gender use with men and women identifying as whichever sex and color and animal they feel like. In other words, the meta-violence of meaning strips and erodes the reality of meaning.
Just like PSYOP-19 used fear predicated on junk science or scientism to disseminate and drive Mass Induced Psychosis with the critical ISA nodes of mainstream media, BigTech, social media, the Cass Sunstein online government propaganda and disinformation agents and fact checkers (same thing), and various other Intelligence Industrial Complex tactics and operations.
Let us not forget that CIA creation and lifelong communist Barack Hussein Obama quite literally in one fell swoop overturned the Smith-Mundt Act and authorized an active ISA-like program that allowed for overt State sanctioned propaganda; to wit:
Readers of this substack are aware that the CIA was created when the OSS was combined with the Nazi SS:
And now taxation is nothing more than theft for social engineering, which is itself a variation of the ISA and informs Mass Induced Psychosis since “Death and Taxes” is the State driving and reinforcing fear and violence. The fact that this pernicious social engineering paid for the “free” DEATHVAX™ also functioned on the subconscious level of society since they were paying for their “Trust the Science” while donning their fear and violence MK Ultra masking which further reinforced the totality of the Mass Induced Psychosis feedback loop perfectly.
Social engineering, Mass Induced Psychosis and the various psyops are all comprised of and/or function as standalone infectious memes. There can be multiple Mass Induced Psychoses flowing into and out of each other, just like there can be multiple social engineered memes and psyops working in concert with each other. Which is not to say that some psyops, social engineered and Mass Induced Psychosis projects will not be retired.
Behavioral psychologists shaped and deployed their PSYOP-19 program in the very same way that Leni Riefenstah induced mass hatred through her powerful films, or Joseph Goebbels and his ministry of propaganda used media to vilify the Jews a la the “anti-vaxxers” du jour.
The behavioral psychologists were always CIA assets, just like Operation Dark Winter and Event 201 involved the CIA, CFR, WEF, UN, The Rockefeller and Gates foundations along with the NIH, CCP et al. These are all the One World Government entities that are daily deploying a range of psyops that make up the Mass Induced Psychosis which in turn amplify the various psyops that flow into and out of each other.
Yet another Neo-Marxist post-structuralist philosopher Roland Barthes in his “The World of Wrestling” essay also granted us a peek under the proverbial hood of Mass Induced Psychosis. Barthes cleverly wrote that the spectacle of modern amateur wrestling (today’s equivalent is pro WWE wrestling) harkened back to classical ancient theater. He described an over the top binary or either/or “spectacle of excess”where the audience were allowed to superimpose their emotions onto these archetypal characters; there was always a good wrestler versus the villainous wrestler and these god-like athlete thespians could transmutate the notions of justice into its most essential binary meanings. This is related to the Hegelian Dialectic where thesis and antithesis becomes synthesis, or problem, reaction and solution. There can be no room for interpretation or shades of gray in Barthes’s wrestling arena, there could only be Orange Man Bad vs. (insert name:______) Democrat savior. The unambiguous “spectacle of excess” happens to be identical to that other phony and excessive spectacle of politics. And with a Mass Induced Psychosis populace there too is not much room for subtlety, nuance, uncertainty and shades of grey: there can only be archetypes of red vs. blue, pro-vaxxer vs. anti-vaxxer, patriot vs. progressive, racist vs. leftist, etc. & etc.
The Cult and its agents that are waging this planetary war against humanity with their Great Reset agenda are all extremely well versed in the psychological and behavioral dynamics of Mass Induced Psychosis; after all, it is they that are doing the inducing. They are the ones nudging humanity to actively participate in their own decarbonization and thus depopulation. After all, the best kind of eugenics program is the one where the target demographics perform their own suicides with the least amount of inducement by the murderers, but inducement nonetheless must be applied or there can be no agenda.
And if Mass Induced Psychosis mass did not work, then the One World Cult would not be actively deploying it against us 24/7/365.
Unlike Desmet’s Mass Formation Psychosis theory, Mass Induced Psychosis puts the blame squarely on the Agenda 21/2030 Great Reset perpetrators of this Great Reset power grab we are being subjected to, which wholly inorganic whereas Desmet claims that his Mass Formation IS organic and not centrally planned.
And this is the crux of the matter: while many people comply because they want to be on the power structure’s side and know that life is easier going along with the technocommunist agenda, a majority of individuals have since birth been indoctrinated, miseducated and propagandized into a kind of thinking that allows them to far too easily slide into the tyranny du jour.
There is a fine line between nature and nurture (propaganda) and many complex influences and societal inputs inform the mass or majority decisions being made in various cultures. But the sociopaths in power know far too well that nudging the masses and foisting high stress scenarios like PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION, PSYOP-WW3, PSYOP-MARKET-CRASH, etc. are necessary to get the dystopian results that they seek.
Mass Induced Psychosis is the mind control bridge, or hinge that facilitates the fears, meanings, values and ultimately agendas.
I hope that helps.
Do NOT comply.
Apologies in advance for any typos, errors, etc.
This article was written very quickly to address comments made earlier today.
I hope this article helps clear up some issues up, though i would not be in the least surprised if it causes greater confusion.
This was all whipped up off the cuff in a matter of minutes......
PS i was in such a rush that I forgot to add the subscribe button.
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