All these individuals and entities are cancer that has metastasized throughout humanity. The cancer is so pervasive that it is beyond being able to be cured and will soon destroy the host.

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You're hitting on all cylinders!!! What will fail or the way it will is they are forcing their dystopia down our throats A REALLY STUPID MOVE. Did they think we were finished? Personally, I haven't started fighting yet. A little like when gays wanted equal rights, not that many had a problem. Special rights, BIG PROBLEM and it put a few in boxes.

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“Personally, I haven’t started fighting yet.”

They know this. It emboldens them. What are we waiting for? The existential dangers couldn’t be any more apparent.

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Agreed! In the past when I tried getting people up n running it didn't work. so I thought about it. What is missing? We are motivated, but we aren't organized. That's what we have to work on. I have a plan that has us taking the Republic back starting Dec. 15th.

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Good always defeats evil... really ? I agree that the Vanguard Group and Blackrock heavily influence all that happens worldwide. They own controlling interest in all companies globally... and in all governments. A sad state affairs. And what the hell can be done about it ?

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The thing to keep in mind with the "ownership" footprint of these brands is that they are largely conduits for other people's money. Which includes most government and private pensions, municipalities, and other groups that rely upon a return on their investment along with the facilitation services. The aggregation of the everyman's capital into these beasts that then wield power and influence to enslave the everyman is the paradox of the system that every man must reconcile on his own. Its easy for a man to call out these brands as an enemy but far more difficult to divest himself of the multitudes of tentacles of that same beast, many of which butter his bread.

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Agree and that is where we all would have to start. But it is going to be very difficult, since it has to come out of individual, decentralized movement, as opposed to the organized platforms. If we as societies were even slightly close to that state of collective awareness we would have never found ourselves in this shithole. That is why they keep us in perpetual divisions, conflicts and confusions using us as weapons against each other. I don’t believe it will happen any time soon, but I am a man of little faith.

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Yes. It is difficult. Like I ask time and again, what are you willing to live without in order to secure a better future for your grandchildren? Most people these days, even the most aggrieved by the "covid" and/or "elections", are still deep in their own rationalized submission to the inversion. There is a great fear that grips their hearts.

They desire to keep all the spoils of the machine while demanding the machine drive itself back into the barn. Or if only their guy could drive it, a la the "we just need better leaders" fallacy. Nope.

The truth is there are never a majority who set into motion some 'revolution'. There are pioneers and explorers and a few dissidents who reject those spoils and pay the price. Their mettle - and the dust of their bones along the way, are what pave the way for other men to find some comfort in following. We are few, but we are busy out there living that life. It is hard, but beautiful.

In discomfort we have the makings for great bursts of growth. I have little faith in the current system, or the self-appointed betters and arbiters of earthly powers who claim to rule over me. Or in the hopium that the masses of slumbering men will rise up and do the right thing. This is a fallen world, after all.

I do, however, have a great faith that transcends all of this here. That faith is the currency of life, not the fiat they print and coerce us into worshipping. Find your faith and they will never own you.

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Very well said and I agree with all you are saying.

On a personal note: although there is not much chance that I will ever regain hope in collective humanity, or the system as you call it, what gives me comfort is the fact that no matter how far apart there are living souls tuned to the same vibrations, who can meet and exchange their ideas; and that’s curtesy of the internet. However much time is left for them to still enjoy it in relatively limitless ways. (Suggested “Google Archipelago” by Michael Rectenwald).

By the way I may not have much faith in humanity but one thing I am sure about is that the forces that trying to prevail won’t get my soul.


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That is in fact the choice over time however, and having CHOSEN to focus on the mammon aspect of it, we essentially have earned and deserve what we get. I've ALWAYS encouraged people to invest in other peoples' small businesses, NOT in Wall Street casinos, etc.

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Particularly with everyone, including many of "the awake" partaking of its pleasures, like the stock markets (heavy on Big-Corp), the immoral filth that they call entertainment with all of its subversive satanic agenda crap, etc.

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Steve Schwarzman was also Skull & Bones, from the same class as George W...68' I think.

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The previous article points out the link between BlackRock and Blackstone, but failed to mention that Pete Peterson of Blackstone was the CFR chairman (1985-2006) when BlackRock was founded. Treasury secretary Yellen is a CFR member, and former secretary Geithner is a CFR director.

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They will be crying over their spilled milk. We will refuse to comply en masse...and it will be one big MESS.

No shots, no inhalants, no digital ID or $, no lab food, no dead people compost

They can and will SUCK IT. Hard.

This is the only hill to die on.

Congress is useless.

Interesting (albeit redundantly written) piece here:


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You do realize that most of the population(s) actually want to comply, right?

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It was nice (the fantasy of revolt) while it lasted.


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There is hope, but most people either dismiss the source of that hope for one or more reasons of their own making, or they've reinvented that hope to suit their incongruent needs and desires.

I realize that's cryptic, but that's intended.

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I consider all possibilities. And I'm ready to make sacrifices, as long as my dogs don't suffer. FKKN SUXX that this is my 'plan.' I guess there was no other outcome, but to see the world for what it really is, once the tyrants in charge played their PSY-OP Covid too fast and loose.

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People have warned throughout history, but as ALWAYs, a vast majority claims that they're "conspiracy theorists" or the like and the dimwitted unwise majority drags the cognizant, wise & astute down with it. The warnings by many re: the creation of the Federal Reserve Banking SYSTEM were very much out there. Hence the octopus politcal cartoons at the time, and hence why they had to create it in the dark of night on the cusp of Christmas with Congress vacated.

It is via that mechanism that they control everyone, including the government(s). There are the European equivalants (ECB for example) and the global organizations that are related (BIS for example). They throw out the most money in our society and arrange society such that those helping it the most are rewarded the most. That's why finance and medical for example pay so much. Naturally the SYSTEM takes for itself by making getting those credentials very expensive, often indebting those that do it significantly.

And then people, many so-called Christians included, validate that system and even to the extent that those people "work harder" than others, even those with two full-time jobs for example. Because you know, natually that's "WWJD." SMH

And don't get me going on Romans 13. I just love how so-called Christians complain all the anti-Christ-ian, evil, and immoral things that the government(s) does, but how Romans 13 dictates that we obey it (them/man) rather than God. Yeah, that makes a ton of sense. Clearly "WWJD." LOL

Perhaps my biggest amazement is how so-called Christians claim to understand spiritual warfare, but limit it to politics and the like while missing the 99% of it that's floating just over their heads and around them as if they're in a swimming pool.

7 And shall not God avenge his elect, that cry to him day and night, [e]and yet he is longsuffering over them? 8 I say unto you, that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

Luke 18:7-8

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You are so spot-on, from the Central Banks to Scripture. I read this quickly. Will reread later.

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Thanks Emily for sharing this link. Great stuff.

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022

When Biden won the election the stock markets should of dived. But they didn’t!!!

Normally when you you get lefties in government that are anti oil ...that takes a hit on the petro dollar and the USA dollar as the reserve currency.

The solution they manufactured? A petty war in Ukraine! They create chaos in Eurasia to keep the dollar and economy afloat in the USA/ Canada and the UK to a degree. They learned from the mistakes they made when Obama was in office.

There is a few articles about this out there that are suppressed. Even on Facebook they are shadow banning comments pointing this out.

Blackrock, Vanguard are chinas/ Marxists puppets playing games with the world. They are ruining the middle class.

If the left wants green policies .... that means the end to our petro dollar. The only thing to save it is chronic world chaos and fake wars to prop it up!!! Fake energy crisis!!!

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@R U,

The dollar is a big nothing, it will only last as long as "they" want it to.

Gold is the medium of exchange for the big boys. I think they just take

whatever they want or need, and they aren't buying Rice Crispies.

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Who is "they?"

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You can call them globalists but most of the household names that we hear (in media) are just the puppets doing the bidding of their hidden masters. We can start with the Black Nobility and go from there on up to hierarchy (Jesuits, etc.) https://eraoflight.com/2019/09/09/exposing-the-18-families-of-the-black-nobility/

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I still stand on Y-h’s promises.

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The great expert in technocracy Patric Wood pointed out in this huge but fantastic interview some years back that Trilateral Commission has been created by the usual suspects with main agenda: recreation and practical implementation of technocratic society.

Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 1 of 3)

Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 2 of 3)

Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 3 of 3)

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Good always defeats evil

Usually at the cost of tens if not hundreds of millions of lives

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Well 2nd,

It seems the wealthiest, and thus the most influential financial interests have

all thrown into the plot to bring the Neo-feudalism agenda to the peasants (and

soon to be peasants) to their end. White Anglo-Saxons have the nick-name of

"pig nose" and we will be the first to go.

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Thank you for all the info - which is so needed - and a reason why they will fail.

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Has anyone been watching the 9 part of Propaganda Exposed Uncensored? https://go2.propaganda-exposed.com/docuseries/episode-6/

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And, to be consequent, the real driving force, has to be a different dimension, non-human force. Even those few billionaires and monarchs allegedly pulling the strings have to be answering to their handlers, if we choose calling Luciferian the “driving force” they answer to.

Obviously such a non-human, dark force has been in existence forever, whether it is called Satan or Lucifer, Archons, Jinn, Chitauri and alike, depending on culture, location and systems of belief.

Modern societies have been conditioned not to believe in their existence despite overwhelming evidence written in rituals, artifacts and subculture. Somebody once said that the real victory of Satan comes from the fact that people rejected it’s existence.

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Thank you for those links, enlightening is an understatement. I am sharing with my circle, I suggest everyone do the same.

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😊you’re welcome, happy you liked it

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