I dont care how many broads this guy banged. The other day i saw a clip of him in a debate with Alex Epstein where he said “we need gas to be $12.50 a gallon so it will force everyone to drive electric cars.”

Hard pass

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Amazing. I guess this sex stuff runs in the genes within the Kennedy family. I find the excitement over RfK Jr. telling as folk are looking for that 'savior' from bad government totally forgetting that the regime only allows you to vote for whom they vet. You want to change this country, then start locally in your community. Be prepared for when the SHTF and stop looking for easy fixes at the federal level...ain't gonna happen. And what is more important is there is NO accountability for NSA, FBI, CIA, CDC, EPA, ATF, etc. All of these agencies are the deep state and are untouchable. Voting for a president is not going to change anything!!!!

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Wait, wait, wait! This statement right here is pure BS. RFK absolutely does not believe that... "all vaccines are safe and effective, EXCEPT for the COVID-19 shots"... he has been against mass vaccination programs way before Covid-19.

WTF is going on here, why all these attacks and lies against RFK at this point? I smell rats, lots of rats.

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"New boss, same as the old boss...we won't get fooled again?!"

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Thanks for writing this, helps me not get caught up in the political romance. Some "skeletons in the closet" (as RFK Jr. puts it) can be overlooked, but this is too much.

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I’m sure the CIA doesn’t want him to be president. Is everybody in DC morally corrupt? Are the Spin Doctors working overtime to discredit RFK Junior? I don’t know if I can handle another two years. Of negative mudslinging, and not focusing on the issues that are destroying this country and humanity! Having someone in charge that will stop the injections is priority one!

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His climate policies benefits China and will kill our petro dollar. China is already making power moves against the USA. The last thing needed is another democrat in the White House.

China, Russia, Iran, etc, will love RFK jr climate policies. So much so I wonder if they will use their hacking computers to allow him to win?🤔.

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

The illusion that rfk will be anything but the same over again has strong hold in folks. Staged Opposition. Always and forever. They are all connected to Illuminati. Trump Biden Robert Kennedy Clinton Obama. All sickos

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Shocking but not surprising. Typical behavior for a member of one of major Illuminati dynasties.

“Bloodlines of the Illuminati” Fritz Springmeier, chapter 6.

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Apr 23, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I read Steve Kirsch’s substack for awhile in 2021 and he was upset that as a life long major dem donor they had smeared him, taken away his positive Wikipedia page etc. In Dec 2021 he wrote about wanting to support the Forward Party / Andrew Yang but they weren’t returning his calls (sounds like he took that personally too!). He ended the article saying he was going to continue to try to fix the party. I never read much of Steve again after this posting since to me Forward, also Obama’s slogan, is just outright progressive communism. That is enough for me to be very wary of this run.


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I could care less about this guys sexual past or his 2 plane rides to epsteins island decades ago. He did not go after Epstein was outed as a perv. All men have weaknesses. Kennedy has a sex weakness.🤷‍♀️ It does not mean he was having sex with children.

I am hopeful that he can primary Biden out the fucking door!! Stranger things have happened. They already said there will be no debates! If we can just get some election integrity passed in a few states it may be possible. There is nothing worse for our country than another 4 years of Biden. So bring on Kennedy! I pray he gets enough votes from both sides! Then we have a Trump/RFK run. Fine with me! Let's use it to our advantage!

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I was happy to hear that he was running for president until I read this same piece on Health Impact News about two weeks ago. Can one support CHD without supporting RFK Jr.? Solari report publisher and founder Catherine Austin Fitts is part of CHD's weekly Financial Rebellion series.

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Thanks for the detailed background information. I knew in my gut something was off, besides vaguely recalling a troubled 2nd marriage, and her suicide. Big NO for me.

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Kennedy could be a useful idiot in the strategic dismantleing of the Democrat vote fraud machine. The Democrats would have to engage the cheat during the primaries which might be more difficult with many Republicans probably crossing over into the Democrat primary (for Kennedy to eradicate Biden) feeling that Trump is safe.

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I wish I could find the old Vanity Fair article (I think it was VF) that talked about how cruel is mother was to him, wanted nothing to do with him. They had a family friend who befriended him when he was sent to boarding school. That family friend would give him and JFK bj's but it wasn't considered gay at all. Just a friendly service.

Then there is his close relationship with Hollywood types thru his wife. But of course, we can throw all the facts and history about him away and see what fake profile they concoct about him. They will probably use ChatGPT to save time. "Describe a virtuous public servant who is toothy like Beto and a hero to all. Include his life history. Make him like Jesus." Or, if they decide they don't want him, "Describe a villian who will put us all in jail, and who is literally Hitler."

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Ruh roh, some water is coming through the cracks...

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