Aug 12, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

The FBI and the CIA like many federal agencies are unconstitutional and it is time to abolish them all. The federal government has just 18 enumerated powers given to them by the people. Any agency that does not fit into those enumerated powers must be defunded and shut down immediately.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I am so glad he mentioned Whitely Bolger....Mueller was involved in the Whitey case.

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Aug 13, 2022·edited Aug 13, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I beleive most of what you wrote applies to ALL the alphabet agency's let alone ALL levels of Government. Name ONE just ONE that is not corrupt? They're tantamount to rapists - it's all about power and control. Remove the gun from the hip and they revert right back to being the insecure individuals they are - hence becoming agents - and of course the malfeasance. A group together is worse than a pack of rabid dogs - ossified drunk on power. I relish the mere thought of the day the American people finally do rise up and overthrow the Government! There are more of us then there are of them!

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You think congress is up to the task? Look at both what these creeps have both done and not done. This body is worthless and dangerous. The democrats are more powerful because they don’t break ranks like the pathetic republicans. They all work to get re-elected instead of working for us and should not be allowed to ever have more than one term. They won’t ever vote for this so it is up to we the people to somehow make this happen.

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We were warned - by Eisenhower about the military, by JFK about the secrecy of the intelligence community, and by George Washington about the insidious creep of authoritarianism. They were all proven right.

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Please don’t forget that President Kennedy announced he was going to abolish the FBI and other three letter agencies. We all know what happened to him. And remember what happened to his brother, Robert F Kennedy, as he was going after criminal enterprises. The corruption, which you know, is so deep and wide 50+ years later. They’ve just gotten stronger.🤬

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All we can do is hope Robert's son runs in 2024. He has said the same about all these agencies! Abolish all of them - the anger is this Country is at a boiling point. Once the deaths from these lethal injections become inarguable and undeniable and so catastrophic let alone avoidable - the rage will be there! And lets not forget Trump wanting to enact "Schedule F" which gave him the power to terminate ALL civil workers. Probaly one of the most contentious reasons why they want to keep him OUT OF OFFICE. Like Rahm Emanuel said never let a crisis go to waste. Hopefully Bobby Jr. will be able to sneak in the back door while the attentions on everything else. Unlike Trump his knowledge of how the game is played in Washington is infinite - READ HIS RECENT LETTER TO HIS FELLOW DEMOCRATS if you doubt what he's capable of - (why write if if he's not up to something?).


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In fact, I copied that letter so could read it, mark it and keep it. RFK, jr is pure genius on every level. The only reason I wouldn’t want him in politics as is is today, is because I want him to stay alive!

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I could not possibly agree MORE! The sad fact of the matter is they would probably murder him as well. I read a story recently that stated they did the same to his cousin JFK Jr after he told several CLOSE FRIENDS he was going to run for POTUS in 2000. The article said there was a flight instructor on board with him ergo so much for pilot ignorance

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Killary had to get rid of jr because she’d never beat him in the senate race in NY.

What a tragic loss. He would have won in anything he tried. But he’d never accept the liberal loons the Dems are today!

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Who is going to take this side show seriously?

Who on Earth would "abolish the FBI et al.?

Don't people have anything better to do than daydream?

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022

trump is a hero ... they are after pfizer mRNA files ...

DJT saved hunderds of millions of lives by approving these mRNA shots! dont forget it!

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