Sep 13, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

The fact that so many people, in the US and other countries have discarded their identities of left or right and now declare themselves as INDEPENDENTS, shows that the PEOPLE are on the right track and the elites and their puppet media fantasy stories are no longer working. They have the power and equipment to destroy humanity, yet they haven't. Not all of us. Every stage needs an audience. What will happen when we refuse to watch their performance? I think we are going to find out sooner than they think.

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This. Is. Brilliant.

Goes nicely with my first piece:

• “A Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind-Killer” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized)

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Perhaps the best essay that I've read.

At least in present circumstances.

Kudos (and thanks) to Russel Blake.

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That this manipulating is neither party is quite obvious. If it were, the reps would have stood up against the mandates but they didin't. People from WEF are in both (or in other countries, multiple) parties. They have puppets in almost all governments of the world. Especially in Europe. Who is behind all this? Schwab? He is a puppet too. Kissinger installed him. Who is behind all this? A very evil person or persons for sure. For over 100 years af handful of filthy rich American families have governed most of the world. Under the guise of philantropy they have ruined the health and healthcare of America and are now doing it worldwide with the WHO. Eugenicists, they have tried to kill, maime and harm as many as they could. But they will not succeed. Nature, God, will protect us. I strongly believe that Earth is a living being and will finally settle things. One earthquake and they are all gone...

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i dont think many of these 'elites' understand if they break us they die too

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Well written and 100% accurate. We are brethren.

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It feels good to see that others feel the same as I, yet i found myself feeling sad while reading this and a little less sad toward the end. I guess all we have is our vote for what it's worth.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

This brilliantly exposes what I have been writing about over 15 years. This Bankster cabal has to be broken but of course they have all the material power and therefore we can't use their weapons against them theven if we had them. But their power is dependant upon the compliance of we, the people. If we withdraw our consent and do not comply their power withers to nothing.

This is how we win by NVA (Non-Violent Action) - the last thing we must do is violent revolution because that will give them every reason to unleash a military response. A good friend of mine wrote an article abut this which I published recently:


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"You are part of the everyone else. You're com"letely expendable."

You gotta love how these assholes NEVER include themselves with 'EVERYONE ELSE'.

These scorched earth dipshits literally believe that they can kill over half of humanity and not only be okay with that but think their frankenfruit bio engineering and bee colony collapses won't kill them too.

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You have a good eye 2nd Smartest. This post is so much what every patriot needs to keep first in his mind rather than the distractions. This message has been essentially the same for 2500+ years now. Many follow-ons lines of thinking to the post can be deduced with little background knowledge. What I found most discouraging was when I realized that the men that we have always thought as fighting and dying for the freedom of their fellow Americans, were in fact, fighting and dying to further the goals of said overlords. for example, Patton famously mused as he spoke of the threat then being posed by the Soviet troops pouring into Europe that we perhaps been fighting on the wrong side. DeGaulle, upon hearing of the death of Hitler reportedly said, "Then, we are all doomed."

I like to think at least the Soldiers that Fought in the Revolutionary war Fought a Holy and Good fight. I was,still am, inspired by their courage and foresight. I feel indebted to them for their sacrifice that was at least partially motivated by hope for the freedom of future generations of Americans. Even there that one perhaps bright spot was dimmed when a teacher said that The Colonies would have been granted independence without a war. Just like India. That is not satisfying though cuz wouldn't want to be a part at all of that empire. Same with the freeing of the slaves. That was bound to happen sooner than later.

Civil war was caused by greed of [the same bunch]. Yankee Industrialists forcing Southern States to trade their cotton to them rather than to the Brits where they got better prices. That why the first shots fired in the Civil war were rebels attacking Fort Sumpter in Charlston harbor as it's guns were set to enforce the blockade of Southern Merchant Ships if they headed out to sea.

WWI, The Depression, WWII, All just Christian Nation pitted against Christian Nation through deceit, bribery, blackmail and the evil power of the Bankers money. Roosevelt and his Commie Wife being big fans of the Socialists "Experiment" in the USSR egged the japanese on to attack Pearl Harbor to solidify popular support to war against Germany. FDR Knew clearly of the coming attack. Staged the fleet to be in port even ordering some that left to return so could also be targets. Others simply left port against orders cuz their commanders knew what was coming. Search for Benjamin Freedman's speech at the Willard Hotel.

5 And the devil, taking [Jesus] up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. from Luke 4:

We truly are wrestling against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Yes, we are men of this time and will be judged as such. We must communicate with all we can and at a level they can grasp. But we gotta Pick our Battles wisely. We musn't allow ourselves to be caught in the weeds of the latest transient slant of the never ending psy op. Great to see so many men stand so strong. God help us all.

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Standing ovation for that FB commenter. It's absolutely *critical* that we do not alienate potential allies here, or we will fail. The surveillance and propaganda apparatus now arrayed against us is unprecedented and appears impenetrable. There is undoubtedly a soft underbelly for us to attack, but unless we have as many as possible fighting alongside us, success is by no means guaranteed because "good always wins". Sometimes, it fails spectacularly, at least on a timescale relevant to our short lives.

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I couldn't have said it better myself, dude.

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Globalists vs The Human

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Lots of truth bombs in this post! I'm certainly not expecting any saviors from the political realm. I know not to expect anything I want or need from those folks. Most of them are power to represent themselves and their interests.

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Ok, what's a PM?

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Good luck getting enough people to wake up to what’s happening and then actually do something. We have all been brainwashed from the start but a very small percentage of us are aware of this and dare question what we thought was reality. The easy way out is to believe the narrative and that is what will happen so I don’t share the optimism that we will win even though I hope we do.

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