The Fed is collapsing the economy because that is the entire point of their existence.
The Fed was created under cover of market stability, but, like all government “acts” the real purpose was for the true globalist owners of America to increase the amplitudes of boom and bust cycles such that at the cyclical troughs they buy everything up for pennies on the dollar from wiped out Americans.
The below chart depicts exactly what the Fed did to deliberately cause the Great Depression:
They are doing the exact same thing today ahead of deliberately setting off the Greatest Depression:
And now just like on the eve of the Great Depression the Fed is tightening while raising interest rates.
The Fed knows exactly what it is doing.
The Fed is a critical One World Government node.
The Fed was instrumental in funding the PSYOP-19 depopulation and control program.
The Fed feigns ignorance, but the above 3 charts are well known to Powell & Co.
What we are witnessing is the activation of PSYOP-MARKET-CRASH to coincide with all of the other CFR, WEF, UN, Wall St., Gov, et al. psyops to usher in their Great Reset.
Just like the G7 central banksters have since their 2008 Great Financial Crisis scheme coordinated their QE, CPI adjusted NIRP and various other fraudulent policies, they are now in concert pulling the plug on the global financial system as their PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION ramps up.
The Federal Reserve has a long record of mistaken decisions. Unless the Federal Reserve’s intent is to collapse the economy, the current policy of higher interest rates will go down as the most mistaken reading of the economy since the Great Depression.
Prices are rising sharply in Germany, UK, and Europe, but not because of an increase in money creation. They are rising because US Sanctions against Russia have reduced the supply of energy and disrupted transportation. Supply reductions have driven up prices of everything dependent on energy and transportation.
The US is not experiencing these problems to the same extent. Energy prices have risen some, because the companies are taking advantage of the situation.
In the US higher prices are due to shortages resulting from the lockdowns that closed businesses and broke supply chains. In America’s global world, problems abroad restrict supply here. The point is that the inflation is not a monetary inflation. Therefore, the Federal Reserve’s policy of raising interest rates is nonsensical. Higher interest rates just add to costs, shrink supply, and mean higher prices.
If the Federal Reserve actually knows what it is doing, it is intentionally trying to cause an economic collapse, which makes me wonder if the Federal Reserve is in league with Klaus Schwab’s WEA plan to cause crises that can be used to establish heavy-handed rule.
The latest news in the US, if not fabricated, is that consumer demand is collapsing. Federal Express reports that its business is hurting because orders are declining. Merchants report that consumer traffic is off. The real estate market has been brought to a halt. It is mindless for the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates in the face of collapsing consumer demand.
So the real question is: what is the Federal Reserve really up to?
Let me correct Roberts’ article.
The Fed has never been “mistaken.” The Fed knows precisely what it is doing.
The Fed is aligned with the WEF.
The Fed knew that by criminally printing trillions of dollars for “pandemic” relief and illegally gifting pittances to average Americans, that when those monies would be spent consumer demand must collapse.
The Fed always planned on hiking rates as said relief monies were being used by increasingly desperate Americans. Concurrently, the banks that own the Fed were never going to raise interest rates on savings while simultaneously raising credit card, lending and mortgage rates. This not only puts a worse squeeze on Americans, it also forces small and medium business to hire less and fire more. Big corporations then have the optics to also let more workers go.
The Fed is engineering higher unemployment to coincide with their causing deteriorating economic conditions.
This was all planned and is now being perpetrated exactly like it was leading up to the Great Depression as per the above chart.
The charts, mandates and policies all incontrovertibly prove that the Fed is an unconstitutional and criminal privately owned central bank whose primary purpose is to destroy We the People by slowly stealing away all property rights and possessions.
The entire “pandemic” provided the requisite cover for untenable stock “markets” and the debt supercycle discharge such that the Fed may now both extract the last vestiges of We the People’s wealth while concurrently discharging debt as it sets off the Greatest Depression.
The Fed is a vital One World Government technocommunist central planning node accelerating their 4th Industrial Revolution hell on earth.
Do NOT comply.
Invent the poison then sell it as a cure to the disease it causes.
Sound familiar?
It should. Both are from the same Demonic Social Engineers.
The fiat currency scam is coming to an end. The Fed is there to make sure it happens and force a digital currency like the WEF endorsed Ethereum on us. Go BTC, go precious metals.