This substack has been closely following perhaps the largest ponzi scheme in the history of the world, not including the central bankster social engineering debt-slave fiat scam:
The peculiar timing of SBF’s arrest makes perfect sense given that he and his co-conspirator ex were about to rat each other out, and in the process expose not just the criminal Democratic party, but the entire global financial system and its black ops money laundering schemes; to wit:

Outgoing Rep. Zeldin asking what a lot of people are asking tonight. SBF was going to say a lot of things under oath tomorrow. Why arrest him right beforehand? Why not have the under-oath record that would have been created?

Lee Zeldin @RepLeeZeldin
There is good reason why #Epstein and #Epsteined have been trending of late.
Do NOT comply.
"Why Exactly Was FTX Crypto Ponzi Scammer Sam Bankman-Fried Arrested?"
How about for the same reason that Epstein was. Or his twisted she cohort Maxwell.
Who truly believes that Bankman did all of this on his own? Anyone raising their hand, please, step over here for a free haircut and a real deal on a bridge.
I doubt that Epstein is even dead, the perps at the top REWARD those people, not see to it that they're punished. The ones that are punished are the Terry Yeakey's of the world. ... Who's he? Right, exactly.
He was arrested to keep up the narrative and do whatever possible to continue to shield the blind masses from reality. It's bad enough that 10% of the population knows what's going on in general, and that another 30% realizes that "something's amiss," but heaven forbid that you take enough of the blind faith masses' toys to render them discontent.
Meanwhile, the next phases of their operation are FULLY underway while society bickers and argues over the (s)elections and other bullshit.
you and your coincidence theories!