I think I made virtually every important point James raises here on twitter last year. The most important being this is WWIII and it is US (the people of Earth) against the oligarchs and their technocrat stooges.

"Specifically, France's Ministry for the Ecological Transition (which is apparently a thing that exists) decided in its infinite wisdom that the "ecology tax" on gas and diesel (which, it must also be noted, is a thing that exists) was too low, so they raised it. This sparked anger among the general public, who were already suffering from rising gas prices"

That's not it at all. People were told *explicitly* that diesel was the best option and the most ecological (it happens to be true because diesel is the most efficient fuel and if you have have good catalytic converters then the pollution is minimal).

Therefore they went out and bought diesel engine cars and vans. They were then told that the amortization they had engaged in was wrong and that they could pound sand. Diesel costs would be raised to "protect the environment".

That's what made people in France so angry. They were told by investing in diesel they were doing the right thing, then were knifed in the front.

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It is vital to appreciate that we are truly in WW3.

The climate scam changes the rules in mid game because the denouement is depopulation. Winner takes most lives, or takes out the technocrats. It's that binary now.

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I agree with you.

On Monday, we had glorious weather. Not a cloud in the sky. Just nice, hot weather. No chemtrails.

On Monday night they started spraying. Around 9.30 pm (I have noticed this over the last month or so).

They have been spraying continuously since then.

I wear polarized CAT3 sunglasses most of the time when I'm outside, what's insane is that I can see pink, green, purple and orange in the chemtrails when I wear my sunglasses.

You will never see this in natural clouds.

You have no idea how angry I become when I see them doing this, and there is nothing I can do to stop them.

If there were no "persistent contrails" for the whole of Monday, then there damn well aren't going to be any "persistent contrails" the next day when it was several degrees C hotter. If the phenomena was caused by "contrails" then what I have described right here proves that is total BS.

Why are they doing this? And why can't people see what is happening right over their heads?

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Great share, I've already seen this (Mark Crispin Miller posted on SS and maybe you did too). I hope everyone reading this exchange watches this.

I've followed Wigington for years.

Let me quickly recap my experience:

- Be me - aircraft enthusiast since I was a small child

- Spend much of my youth watching the sky, then playing flight simulators

- A walking text book of WWI, WWII and modern military aircraft at the age of 16

- Read multiple books on WWI and WWII aviation, my collection of books on the subject (very rare and out of print) is probably worth about £5,000

- Move to Reading for University. Watch Concorde fly right over my head every day

- Move to Dubai - live within 100km of four (FOUR!) major airports

- Go to France in 2007 and look at the sky - freak out because what I am seeing is impossible, unnatural and insane - this is coming from someone who is fascinated with planes and has spent their entire life looking at the sky

- Find chemtrails only exist in NATO countries

- Travel the globe, never see a single chemtrail in South America, the Middle East or Far East (including China)

- Have friends in NZ and Australia who are "awake" who think I'm nuts because I believe in chemtrails - turns out there are NO chemtrails in NZ or Australia so no wonder

- See the situation get worse and worse in Europe; despair that almost no-one has the brains to look at the sky and see what is happening

It's bonkers and very depressing tbh.

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No, Australia is SATURATED with chem trails, every single day.

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Thank you for telling me that, that's new.

When did this start, in your opinion? Also which state(s)?

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Oh there are chemtrails here in chch. I have the photographic proof. I can also tell you that the planes are NOT registered on the flight radar. They have done it twice in the last 6 weeks.

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"Winner takes most lives, or takes out the technocrats. It's that binary now."

I prefer "oligarchs", because the "technocrats" are just the dipshit, loser, useful idiot servants of the oligarchs, but I know what you mean.

Karl Denninger of Market Ticker has made this quite explicit since at least a year ago. I agree 100% and got suspended from twitter several times for telling shills what happens to people like them if Nuremberg 2.0 happens (I always mentioned a fair trial, in my defence).

I'll say this again, nicely. We can do this the humane, civilzed way, or we can do it in the brutal, barbaric, horrific way. These scumbags seem to be opting for the latter option. Not my problem.

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I love James Corbett's stuff. More important, I respect James Corbett.

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I admit I may be naive, but this war on cows and nitrogen bothers me. Our gatekeepers consider Nitrogen a pollutant, so much so that the wizards of EU require nitrogen “output” to be cut in half by 2030, somewhat mindless of effect on food production. Cattle and fertilizers are considered the main culprits for putting this stuff (nitrogen) into our air. OK. Ahhh, the natural stuff we call air, and kinda important to us, is 78% nitrogen. That a lot of “pollutant”. Is all this a result of those wondrous one hundred climate models and their assumptions or some similar ‘let’s fix nature’ thinking’? That’s too similar to let’s reduce O2 in our atmosphere, after all, who needs it. Dhhhhhhhhh.

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This is a terraforming depopulation program. Once you appreciate that, it all makes sense.

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SPOT ON! CORBETT SCORES A HOME RUN! It's the 99% against the 0.01% of predator globalist technocrat megalomaniacs and their diabolical agenda of TOTAL SLAVERY!

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Well written and documented, as usual — thank you, but this time with a hedged heart. To keep it short and sweet, the following passage is where I see a limit to optimism, and something I've been wrestling with for a few years.

''Yes, it is time to throw away the stupid, artificial left/right split and other wedges that have kept us divided and ruled for so long. The idea that groups who don't see eye-to-eye can unite on the existential threat they are facing isn't pie-in-the-sky, wishful thinking.''

I suspect that we can no more throw away those wedges than expect people to immediately see the metaphors underlying a Hollywood blockbuster, traditional religion, or the appeal of STEM as the new, 'one true' faith. Another way to frame it is through taking another look at the end of Jill Bolte Taylor's great TED talk from a few years ago. (I actually exchanged a few e-mails with the great woman). When she made a plea for 'choosing' to step into a neural right-hemisphere mindset, the very act of choosing comes from a largely left-hemisphere process.

Like James Corbett, I have spent a long time in Japan ... now 40 consecutive years. Several years ago, I was backed into a choice between mental (or physical) suicide and resigning from a tenured college teaching position ... a not so unusual pattern in Japan Inc. I resigned, and am now winding down my career as an educator — working as the sole native-speaking Assistant Language Teacher for 3 Jr. Highs, 8 elementary schools, and a special needs school in a small township in West Tokyo.

I mention the above, because I am in a position to observe the farce that public education is revealing itself to be, probably always has been, but now more ludicrous because of our agreed upon perception that we are in the midst of WWIII.

From my last couple of weeks at the schools alone, one example is the conflation of English Communication skills with technical dexterity (laptops, tv monitors, software) while wearing masks which effectively prevent only the spread of micro-expressions. The masks, while a bad mistake at best regarding public health, IS effective at one thing — dehumanizing communication between those at the bottom of the hierarchy. And habituating even elementary school students to divide their concentration between commitment to the topic, appealing to an audience, and rubber stamping a power point slide show ... plays right into the hands of redefining communication as one-way, top to bottom, while that laptop is busy collecting behavioral data points for the algorithms that will attempt to control the students' emerging reality and behavior. Public education is an exercise in herding behavior. Thinking about Japan's public education system's roots coming from Victorian Robber-Baron era roots, maybe always has been

Another example is how officially credentialed teachers young enough to be my son or grand-daughter, expect me to evaluate student speaking skills in a stressful testing situation ... but without having the faintest idea that the validity of their slipshod tests depend on accounting for a myriad of variables such as inter-rater reliability, intra-rater reliability, item-reliability, construct validity, face validity, and so on. It is all too easy to see how some teachers with fragile egos can attempt to bond with their students by outsourcing the scary foreigner as the executioner and judge of students ... students for whom I had no hand in teaching what is being tested, had no say in constructing the tests, and no input on how to re-frame those tests into motivational, teachable moments rather than a dog-eat-dog competition with each other along a bell curve. Hell, without a pretest to show the students' starting baseline, a year of Jr. High education could just as likely decrease English skills. There's no way of knowing whether the teacher has been effective or not. Ha.. Not unlike a popular medical treatment. Like the teachers I take my orders from, I am expected to be no less, no more, than an efficient cog in a machine — not the morally autonomous adult in the room.

But, as opposed to 'private' or 'charter' schools ... isn't this what compulsory public education has been mostly about? Producing efficient cogs and widgets for the Mammon-machine?

And a third example ... on the 25th of July, I will be going to only the first of what I hope will be many informal chats over beer between myself and a handful of teachers (all Japanese) who see through this plandemic for what it is, and are worried about what the ruling class has in store for their own children. Those few colleagues have known each other for years, more or less known about each other's stance regarding the official narrative for at least a year, and are just now having their first meeting. Why now? Because people are not only divided by ideologies ... they are purposely divided by time and place.

MEXT, the central Ministry of Education (I used to work for them as a cultural advisor and textbook editor) has long since imposed so many top-down requirements for choice of teaching materials and testing schedule, number of years a teacher can spend at any one school, to stipulating even the techniques which are allowed in the classroom ... so many, that the quality and drop out rate for Jr. High teachers in particular, is infamous. Despite a few who are aware that all is not right with this picture ... their wage-slave position is micro-managed so that they don't have the time and place to even begin organizing.

The current plandemic NIPs of masking, social distancing, limiting numbers who can gather and restricting times ... are there for a reason, and it is not public health. Those NIPs are eerily similar to the same techniques of 'quantify-commodify / divide and conquer' employed by bureaucratic ministries everywhere and every era. The only difference now, is one of scale.

Teachers, students, and myself included, are not rational beasts, capable of full responsibility of our choices. We are rationalizing beasts, and mostly post-hoc at that. Although I am reluctant to frame my stance as somewhat biological-reductionist, I have no problem in believing there are limits and constraints, and yes possibilities, as to what it means to a member of the species 'homo sapiens'. Yes, at one level of abstraction, I buy into the Taoist 'we are all one' mindset of god as a metaphor for nature in its entirety. But at another level, social primates are different from crocodiles or mosquitos.

One of those constraints includes a genetic predisposition for altruism (common to a few social species which must protect very vulnerable young), but also for dark-triad behavior traits ... the persistent percentage of pathological narcissists, machiavellian opportunists, and morphologically defined psychopaths among us.

I don't want to think so, but that last group I mentioned may be the great filter that answers the Fermi Paradox. Any species of sufficient intelligence to expand beyond limited resources, has the same capacity for self destruction. I would like to believe that ours is the first and only species on earth to be the exception to that rule, but the dispassionate critical thinker in me believes not.

Meh. Crows are kind of cool. I can imagine a scenario where the next 'apex' species are the descendants of corvids. Not covids.

Thanks again 2nd Smartest, for forwarding a thought provoking essay.

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FYI, no commercial fertilizers are all that great but industrial farming now depends on them like a drug addict. it takes time and soil development to get to the point where you don't need them and then, as a farmer you can declare your independence from chemical inputs. that said, you can't go cold turkey and governments should be positively aiding the move to regenerative modes of farming rather than setting arbitrary edicts like "cut the use of XXX by YYY% by ZZZZ year" or else.

but in the meantime, one of the best sources of nitrogen is 1 part urine mixed with 9 - 10 parts water. ideally you want urine that isn't polluted with hormones, anti-depressants, chemotherapies and other drugs.

also, if you use too much, you get lots of full leafy green growth but no fruit. so far the technocrats haven't figured out a way to own your pee.

see you at the barricades!

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Thank you for this excellent report. It’s critical to realize that as important as protesting is, the elites’ evil plans and murder and mayhem will not end until there is a mass return to G-d and morality. Please see what I wrote towards the end this article and spread this message to others. https://truth613.substack.com/p/unprecedented-orders-of-child-sized

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Nobody "fires a live round by accident." The tractor was already on its way off the road, when fired upon. Not that it matters; water cannons against demonstrators contained some mighty unhealthy stuff already nearly two years ago in Germany. Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) have already been used against crowds in Canberra, Australia, and in Israel. In Canada, foreign mercenaries were used against the truckers:


The process of destroying and taking over food production in the US didn't start yesterday, either.

Geoengineering (via chemtrails) in the past 30 years made sure that LOTS of farmers went bankrupt due to artificial draughts or precipitation in the last few decades, while the politicians and insiders bought up farmland for pennies on the dollar and collected subsidies from the taxpayer for NOT growing anything (that started at least 30 years ago). When the big crooks or taxpayer-subsidized farmers grow something, it is usually GMO doused with pesticides. Farmers couldn't even have survived otherwise, courtesy of the insider-operated middlemen who bought up the produce.

Food riots are planned, which is why weapons in Americans' hands are still left intact; let them reduce the number of the "useless eaters" themselves and martial law will be a lot easier to introduce in a startving populace that is even demanding it. Turn in your weapons for a bowl of pesticide-laden GMO slop!

Genocide has many facets in the US, but for deliberately-planned food shortages, let it suffice to think of the fertilizer and animal feed shortage and price increases, the enforced limitation on railway capacity, the railway workers' strike from 7/18/22, and the more than 100 food processing plants that seem to have been burnt down with DEWs in a similar manner most "wildfires" wrecked property value in several parts of the country.

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Hi Ray ... I'm tempted to say 'sounds like a plan' for your great connecting of dots, but as we both know it is so morally corrupt, that phrase would not do it justice. I am seeing a despair-inspiring. wide spread of intellectual integrity here in comments, but your insights give me hope. Before we can address the problems, we have to identify them. You are spot on.

Cheers from Japan.

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Seems that eugenics and malthusianism goes with the territory if you're filthy rich. “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”

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Yep. That 'filthy rich' part is the connection between the two. Ways of addressing limited resources without resorting to eugenics is the way to go, but their money outsources moral responsibility ... or so they think. I can only hope the chickens will come home to roost, and eat the rich.

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Love Corbett! He knows that resisting means nothing without people coming together and that fascism isn’t synonymous without communism. Brilliant work.

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I'm a bit torn on this one, as I've been watching the threads of our life support systems fray and snap, especially in the last 5 years. There are simply too many people for our biosphere to support long term. Our swollen population (rising from 2 to 8 billion in just a century) is a direct result of fossil fuel utilization -- a support pillar which is also crumbling. From that perspective alone, we're screwed. It's this knowledge that's driving the Davos driven genocide -- they want to be the few that make it through our biological bottleneck.

Yet, I still feel the need to fight against the elites and their campaign to fix the population problem. I suppose I hold two opposing viewpoints at the same time.

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Neo-Malthusianism is a scam.

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Would you like me to point out the various components of our life support systems that are currently in freefall, or should I drink the happy kool-aid too? I'll bet you can come up with a few of your own, and you won't even need to think too hard.

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Sure, I've advocated long ago for cleaning up points of pollution, and have railed against geoengineering, etc.

This is from earlier today (see doc):


Here's an interesting take on the environmental disasters:


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Even if we were to discount CO2 (and methane, NOx, etc), you are aware that there are thousands of serious forms of pollution that now span the globe, many of which have the potential to end human life, or so I would hope.

A coworker of mine's father was a retired chemical company exec. After retiring, he wrote a book on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) that now span the globe and are causing serious harm. Many are like PCBs, which evaporate from wherever they're released and condense and accumulate near the poles. That's why tests have shown that many arctic peoples now have such high concentrations of these chemicals in their body that they themselves qualify as toxic waste, and are suffering from serious problems with reproduction and brain development.

PFOAs and PFAs are another great example. They're in everything from carpeting to firefighting foam to your Gore-tex raincoat. The human body doesn't know what do do with them, so they accumulate around our organs and inhibit their function. They're still being made too. Not only that, but we're inventing new chemicals on a daily basis with similar longevity and effects. Just one of those effects -- human sperm counts are currently declining at a rate which will have them hit zero by 2045. There are multiple genocides currently in play, as it turns out. If the WEF doesn't get us, we're busily trying to off ourselves.

I basically arrived at the conclusion that continued human life and industrialized society are not compatible. Looks to me like the latter has already "won".

Long story short, even if CO2 were not an issue in and of itself, it's a byproduct of a thousand different industrial processes which *are* serious problems. All of it needs to go if we're going to survive. But... nobody is willing to let it go voluntarily. Such is life, eh?

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The planet has real environmental problems, but all of them are subsumed by the BS "Climate Change" agenda. It makes me very angry as someone who cares about the planet we live on.

What almost no-one is looking at is the fact that other planets in our solar system are experiencing the same problems we have on Earth. It's maddening.

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You and I probably agree that the WEF's proposed solutions (we'll all drive Teslas charged by wind and solar, and heat our homes with electricity!) are complete BS -- as was aptly pointed out by Moore's film highlighted in this article.

It's irrefutable that CO2 captures infrared energy much more efficiently than the dominant nitrogen and O2 in our atmosphere -- a fact which was pointed out in the late 1800s, and which can be demonstrated in any laboratory. It's also irrefutable that modern fossil fuel burning humans are basically carbon-releasing machines who have increased the concentration of that gas from 280 to 420ppm.

It's also irrefutable that the warming we've experienced is due to atmospheric changes rather than increasing solar radiation because we've seen a rise in night-time lows relative to daytime highs -- because increasing CO2 has an insulating effect.

So if my concerns about climate change are BS, please point out specific areas where I'm lacking in knowledge and have it wrong. I've been studying the subject intensely for over 35 years, and while I don't personally have a PhD in atmospheric science, I have a friend who does. I also worked in a climate focused lab in the 90s, and have a decent understanding of basic chemistry and biology, and the all important carbon cycle as both a former professional forester and current farmer.

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If you think the planet is overpopulated then lead by example. You won't.

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I did -- it's called a vasectomy. I allowed myself one kid -- a 50% drop in population levels across one generation if all were to follow suit. Yes, it's a self imposed infringement on my own liberty, but it's far better than the wars, famine, and plague (self created or otherwise) that we'll be using to trim the population now that nobody has exercised self control. Self discipline is always better than the alternative of externally imposed discipline.

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Agree 100% with you on this David. Mathematically, it just doesn't make sense to expect unlimited growth under the constraints of limited resources. Sure, we could probably cram a few more billion into what places remain, but at what cost? We certainly will not all be taking joy rides into space with out brother like Jeff Bezos ... while his minimum wage workers are getting timed on their piss breaks. And like you said, when the easy oil runs out and the supply chains fail? Chris Martenson has run a few good YouTube posts about this recently.

The single largest private land owner in the U.S. is not stupid, but Bill Gates is morally corrupt to the core. I don't expect he will be using any of his land to feed and house the growing numbers of homeless. At the very least, those who suppose that exponential growth in population can be sustained forever, should question the quality of such 'sustainable' life.

And where we both feel uncomfortable is in the morally repulsive way the power-monger elites are going about addressing this problem. At the moment, it reminds me of two literary references: one being the evolution of the Morlocks and the Eloi in H.G. Wells' ''The Time Machine'' and the other, the following non-fiction passage ...

''Thus, Norse society’s structure created a conflict between the short-term interests of those in power, and the long-term interests of the society as a whole. Much of what the chiefs and clergy valued proved eventually harmful to the society. Yet the society’s values were at the root of its strengths as well as of its weaknesses. The Greenland Norse did succeed in creating a unique form of European society, and in surviving for 450 years as Europe’s most remote outpost. We modern Americans should not be too quick to brand them as failures, when their society survived in Greenland for longer than our English-speaking society has survived so far in North America. Ultimately, though, the chiefs found themselves without followers. The last right that they obtained for themselves was the privilege of being the last to starve.''

Diamond, Jared. Collapse (p. 276). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

Despite some of the questionably (to be charitable) assumptions and logic of those responding to you ... I don't think you are in trapped in cognitive dissonance at all. I think we both clearly see and agree on:

1 — physical limits to unlimited growth

2 — the ruling elites' morally repulsive response to this

The next step, and hard part, is thinking of ways to sustain our species, while evading the trap of 'the devil's bargain'. And no, I am not a fundamentalist. I just think Joni Mitchell's most famous anthem (Woodstock) is indicative of one of the best English language singer-songwriters of the 20th century.

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That's the grossest misrepresentation of the idea of eugenics I've ever seen. Eugenics is about human gene pool 'cleansing' where only the 'best' should be allowed to breed and the rest can die. Trying to alter the meaning of the word at this late stage of the game is just cowardly.

Do the math surrounding how much land each person needs to eat and how many people there are compared to arable land. You will quickly find out that no, overpopulation is NOT a reality on our planet. Seems simple and easy to figure out because it is.

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I encountered this same argument (from a Mormon who had studied the issue -- imagine that!) a few decades ago. He suggested that the entire world's population could be fit into the continental US with each family of four receiving 5 acre lots. Allow me to give one small example of why his figure was nowhere near true.

It sounds good until you realize that physical living space is not what constrains us. Americans use an average of 18 trees worth of lumber and wood products annually. So that family of four goes through 72 trees (let's assume softwoods since those are the majority). A mature pine or douglas fir plantation will have roughly 180 trees to the acre, so this family would need to harvest about a half acre (.4 acres) a year just in trees. Those trees would take about 50 years to reach maturity on the very best ground in the pacific northwest (and considerably longer on the majority of forestland). So that one family of four would require (at a bare minimum) 50 x .4 = 20 acres of high quality forestland to sustain the american lifestyle *just in terms of wood products*.

Now, we add some reality to our calculations, and this figure grows by leaps and bounds. Add in some drought (lower growth rates), forest fires (which have spiked considerably world wide), and that family will likely need to pad that 20 acres by 50% -- let's say they need 30 acres to account for those factors. Considering that large portions of the US don't get enough rainfall to support trees (10" annually is the bare minimum, and then only in shaded areas that rain flows to), we're looking at maybe 50% of the US that can support such a forest. So that 30 acres becomes 60. Oh, and the vast majority of forest land is not class I or II where you might be able to achieve a mature tree at 50 years. Let's say that the average across the US is more like 70 years (I'm guessing here, but as a forester myself, I think that's reasonable). We've gotta bump up that acreage by 40% to accomodate this, so the family now needs 84 acres to sustain just their wood product requirements.

Now, we can start looking at their food requirements, fiber for clothing, heating fuel needs (since wood is the only really sustainable fuel), potable water requirements, transportation fuel for themselves and everything they use... but you already know where this leads.

My mormon friend's calculations were a bit simplistic and off by many orders of magnitude, to say the least.

I'm intimately familiar with such calculations because I've tried to provide for my own family's needs as much as possible on my midwestern homestead. We've produced the entirety of our family's heating and cooking fuel, probably 75% of our own food, and much of our own clothing fiber (primarily wool, though I've also dabbled in linen production), so I like to think I have a fairly realistic idea of what such things actually entail. For the vast majority, these goods are simply purchased, masking the actual requirements from most of us.

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You a forester? I'm reminded of one of my favorite books, Aldo Leopold's 'A Sand Country Almanac'. Another empathy-driven thing we might have in common, I worked three summers as a mountain fire-fighter in Arizona, G-4, Tanker Truck Operator ... but spent more time hiking in Nomex with a piss-pump on my back. Good memories.

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Perhaps I should qualify that as a "former" forester, but yes. I now work as a software engineer. Pay is better, but it's never been where my heart lies. I've got a BS in forest resource mgmt from the university of Washington and worked as a commercial forester for 4 years. No longer commercial, but I still consider myself a forester as I manage the 30 acres of woods on our Michigan farm.

I did get to do a bit of firefighting, and also maintained a fire equipment cache, have set up hose lays and pumping stations, and was pushed into driving some 1930's tanker trucks that my company kept around (I never quite figured out the gearing, but was able to make them move anyway). Enjoyed the heck out of it, but probably nowhere near the experience you've probably had.

My son (just graduated high school) just got back today from a trip to northern Arizona, out having fun in the desert and enjoying a world very different from where he grew up in Michigan. Neat place!

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Hi David. Envious. My undergrad was in marine biology (UNC-W), but only because I was a fishing nut. Get plenty of fshing here in Japan, but alas, I'm living in a rabbit hutch of an apartment in the Tokyo-Yokohama-Kawasaki metropolitan area. Growing up in North Carolina, I am a fish out of water in more ways than one.

My experience with the trucks, tools, and certifications was only during the fire season ... not nearly up to the standards of mostly full-time hotshot crews or helitack. But still got a lot of good memories out of it. My first summer was down south near Portal Az. (hitting up those cross-border bodegas in Agua Prieta on nights off), 2nd summer in the White Mountains near the New Mexico border (working with native American Hopis), and finished in Northern Arizona along Oak Creek Canyon a bit southeast of Flagstaff (lots of funny stories there).

Yeah, your son must have some vivid memories of Arizona. Those desert dusks and dawns are beautiful ... and the critters, amazing. But 30 acres of forested land in Michigan? From this rabbit hutch in Japan, it sounds like paradise.

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Oh, and the paradise of our farm? A few days ago we got 6.5" of rain, after 3 1/2 weeks of nothing. Every upturned leaf that could hold water turned into a mosquito maternity ward, and for the first time in 14 years, I'm compelled to wear a head-net when venturing outside. Today I was picking up firewood (from a tree downed in a storm that took out our power for 3 days) and the sweat drips filled up the head net until I could hardly see through it anymore. Good times! 8^). I like Michigan, but I like it a whole lot more in the fall and winter!

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Marine Biology sounds like a good route, though perhaps even less lucrative than forestry? My initial hopes were to go into forest rec, but a conversation with a former NPS ranger put the kibosh on that dream (i.e. "you'll work about 15 years with crappy pay at seasonal jobs, to get a better paying desk job, but the desk jobs all suck. As a white male, you'll be lucky to get either"). So commercial forestry seemed a good alternate route. Still super competitive, but I was one of the few that managed to get a job in it. The company I worked for was run by a former green beret whose narcistic personality would put Trump to shame; he liquidated all the harvestable holdings (even clearcutting 25 year old stands at the end), took it public, and then declared bankruptcy. Our manager dubbed me the "first rat to jump from the sinking ship" when I left a year before they went bankrupt, and opted for the IT world instead.

The ocean may be an even greater love than the forests for me. As a young adult I owned a number of different sailboats and ended up selling my house to live aboard one in puget sound for a few years, at the time hoping to cruise the pacific before my wife's increasing anxiety ultimately shut down that dream. The farm was plan B after cruising. Seems like a good place to be during an engineered pandemic/economic crisis... but I'm almost wondering if escaping to sea on a "bugout" sailboat might be better in some respects, especially if a war starts up, and especially with a prime draft-age son. If it weren't for the constant and never ending need of high-priced stainless steel parts, sails, and diesel fuel...

Japan sounds neat too. A good friend in high school was an exchange student there for a while, and shared lots of stories.

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Is that your argument for eugenics?

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No, that's my argument that self discipline is the best way to avoid dire consequences -- like living on an over populated trashed planet where the elites feel the need to eugenicise everyone else out of existence.

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There's a very good chance that Mr. Veale is what is known on 4Chan as a "reddit tourist". 2ndSG posts on r/conspiracy, which is good because he red pills a lot of people, but bad because the chance of infection from the toxic sewer known as reddit increases.

You can tell people who aren't from around here because of their midwittery. I don't want Substack to turn into an echo chamber (and I really think it isn't since it allows free speech), but when you know, you know.

To address your point, my understanding is that we currently produce enough food globally every year to feed 29 billion people, but much of it is destroyed because commodities are so heavily dependent on supply and demand, so allowing that much food into the system wouldn't be profitable.

Then you need to factor in "big government" variables, such as EU quotas, food aid corruption, the amount of food that Western supermarkets price in and just throw in the bin, etc.

Of course, the game has changed over the last few months, so what I wrote was the previous "truth"....

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As a farmer myself, I don't doubt that figure -- but that figure assumes that we should take all animal feed (which is the majority of what we produce, at least here in the US and feed it directly to humans, thus destroying our dietary quality. Perhaps you're aware of the massive drop in human stature and health where grain diets were adapted? Early accounts of europeans encountering native americans noted that the natives were about a full head taller than their (grain eating) european counterparts. In greece, the examination of skeletons showed a 7" average drop in male heights when the transition to grain based diets occurred.

Keep in mind that the majority of that agriculture is based upon inputs which cannot be sustained, whether that's crushed limestone, natural-gas based nitrogen fertilizer (which alone is likely responsible for 2/3rds of humanity), diesel, and various petroleum based pesticides. Take those away (which will happen with or without the WEF's thumb on the scale) and we won't be able to support 75% of the current population, especially true in western countries.

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"the amount of food that Western supermarkets price in and just throw in the bin"

I need to clarify that. A lot of "sell by dates" are a complete scam and are totally ridiculous.

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Considering that I've spent about a grand total of 10 minutes of my life on Reddit or learning about 4Chan, I'm afraid you'll have to come up with a new theory. If you want to learn more about me, I've maintained a blog for the last 14 years at http://haymanfarm.blogspot.com

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lol Dave, maaate, who asked for your blog? ahaha! Noooo one, that's who. Why would you drop a completely irrelevant blog link in here?? Go get traffic without spamming people, would ya, please?! Some people's ego just fills the entire room, yes, even the 'room' of the internet! W O W!

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Just demonstrating a genuine and honest online presence is all. And you?

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Ok, call your response to my question 'honest' if you wish. We all delude ourselves in one form or another.

There is NO argument for eugenics unless, of course, you are willing to go first? Is that you? Are you that committed to reducing the world population that you will back your opinion with genuine action? Or will you just keep spouting 'elitist' nonsense on the 'net?

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Great article, one thing I'd add though is that protesting is bullshit. It's basically asking the master to make our working conditions a bit better so we'll go back to work, with them still in charge. Anything other than organizing to replace them is a waste of time.

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You ain’t seen nothing yet! When the web of lies finally unfolds and it can no longer be covered up for the poison mRNA well hell will be literally unleashed. It’s hard to imagine a world without electricity and morals . I believe this day is coming and life as we know it will be changed forever.

Remember only 80 million out of 360 million said no way to the vax. Think about that number !

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I've thought about those numbers -- and noted that it's roughly equivalent to the percentage of any population who is highly and/or moderately susceptible to hypnosis. Matthias Desmet's work on mass formation seems spot-on to me. Another interesting point of note is that only about 30% went for the boosters (my wife being one of them, unfortunately, though she finally recognized it as futile after the fact), so it does appear as if people may be waking up, slowly.

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Thankyou..So much Positivity ,We know the Problem, Its IMPERATIVE WE LIVE IN AND OUT OF THE SOLUTION

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May we all seek to preserve that which is rightfully ours: liberty.

Love your work, James.

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It's Mother of God against Satan.

But God won't let Her engage fully until She is respected

Gen 315, Our Lady of Fatima, Great Age of Mary....

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