WAYNE ROOT: My List of Studies & Government Data from Around World Showing the Covid Vaccine is Dangerous and Deadly, and the Worst Health Care Disaster in World History
This substack is cited by Wayne Root in Gateway Pundit.
Wayne Root compiled an exhaustive compendium of PSYOP-19 crimes against humanity. There are 18 citations from this substack amongst many other articles and studies.
Please share widely.
Do NOT comply.
Going to need a non-governmental and decentralized reporting centre for disease and death of the Vaccinated to have effective and unassailable evidence for what Humanity is entitled and deserves in future Truth Commissions and criminal trials.
Great info all in one place. The ads are annoying and when you click to read the various substacks, you don’t usually return to the spot you left but HEY, first world problems! Still very much a worthwhile read.