Dec 15, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022

Born in the late 50's and I've ( we've) faced down and battled some pretty big issues; Vietnam, civil rights, wanton pollution and plenty more. It's a requirement and obligation to think critically and 'get involved' and push back against the psychos of our species.

Never imagined that I'd be spending my last years being stupefied- not just at what's occurring, but at the apathy from the younger gens. Growing up with a device in their hand has taught them to be docile and easily manipulated. There is no fervor or outrage left; only compliance to electronic 'authority'.

We are goners unless major changes occur in perception.

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Evidence keeps mounting; I must assume eventually the trickle becomes a flood that can not be denied. thanks.

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In the meantime, the CDC has been quietly adjusting VAERS:

The foreign data set was gutted this week in VAERS and the cancer signal was halved, the myocarditis dose 3 response signal was lost and 994 spontaneous abortions/still births were dropped


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Excellent article! Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from cancer with fenbendazole, a safe, inexpensive, off patent, otc drug. So far it saved two people close to me. Read the detailed Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com

Breast, colon, prostate, glioma, lung, it doesn’t seem to matter, fenbendazole seems to eradicate

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1433 times greater risk!

Just let that sink in a minute.

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Don’t worry. I’m sure big pharma has a pill or injection they’ll sell you for that pesky cancer.

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All part of plan. Just follow Moderna's Investor's news/publications... the mRNA Cancer "Vax" is well under way. This should be Moderna's slogan.... "We cause the problem and we sell you the solution, which causes another problem... endless mRNA for you!"


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Big scandal around official German health insurance data showing a tripling of sudden deaths from 2021 onwards brewing.

Now spreading also to cancer, doubling since 2021.

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Extraordinarily important post thanks. Real science will take some giant leaps forward as understanding of these complexities continue to accumulate. Will take place from the foundations of this tragedy if we have a future to inhabit. Fortunately for now the fragments of information provided by essays like this lead us to inescapable conclusions.

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God I know! There’s times I feel so helpless.

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In a hundred years no one will remember this happened. Do you remember the sons and daughters of the men who died in the gas attacks of WW1?

The evidence of the atrocities is buried in the fields. Their kids were never born.

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I have one boosted friend who recently died of Turbo Cancer.

His family is not making any connection with the vax. And they'd be offended if I suggested the vax killed him

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Another reason to report my partner's explosive lung cancer to VAERS 3 months after the 2 Pfizer jabs. I looked up the lot #'s. They were both "bad batches" with the most adverse reactions.

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Removed (Banned)Dec 15, 2022
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