That statement is proof of how the allopaths approach all this. Here, take this shot and now you're a sick patient for life! Rockefeller would be so proud! By the way, is there any truth to the possibility of ivermectin proving successful in the treatment of shingles?
I have read high dose, preferably IV vitamin C. Use DMSO on the Shingles. Can’t remember where I read about the Vitamin C. If I got it, I’d go get treated by my private pay md who practices functional medicine and has IV vitamin C. Learn about DMSO. It has so many uses. Never another vax again.
No, You'll didn't get it! It's sort of like Hippocrates, "First do no harm." Only differen't. It's now it's, "First do harm" [with toxic vaccines] then treat with, more side effect "medicine" causing more harm, and making money!
With iatrogenic "medicine" killing over 2191 a day [according to Dr. Null's book, Death by Medicine] if so-called doctors had to spend their time apologizing, they wouldn't have time to kill as many people! Don't you see?
The pharmacist that tried to give me it because I'm over 50, wouldn't tell me any of the warnings either. I refused it and let him know that informed consent was informing people of the pluses and minuses of anything he's willing to inject into my body. He did not like that as he had people waiting for flu and other vaccines to shoot up. I was just picking up some antibiotics that I needed for cellulitis when I was asked.
pharmacists are lackeys for the cartel, divest and quickly
Costco actually had a booth out front at entrance to solicit the Quax, sometimes when I feel testy, actually stop and ask the Pharm some leading questions that I know they cannot answer
Thankfully, I for the most part avoided "annual checkups", so was not recommended the Shingles vaxx. Then in 2020 I had the Shingles. That was the first serious health event I had experienced. My local doctor at the time said there was a "vaccine" for Shingles, but didn't push it. I was skeptical so said no thanks, no reason to now anyway. My case was pretty severe, but manageable, and the side effects subsided after several weeks, but my immune system was "compromised" somewhat I believe. Luckily, no further outbreaks since then.
My husband had shingles right before the jabs and bronchitis the same time. A very unhappy camper. He did get the shingles 2 shot but months later. He’s still a believer somewhat but got only 1 JNJ and will get no more flu shots either. I will never get any of them. Period.
I had two frozen shoulders early 2021 when I got the shingles up my left arm, the pain was unreal but I got on Valtrex immediately and it subsided within a week after that. Had to get a steroid shot in my left frozen shoulder which helped but I would no way in Hades take a vaccine for the shingles. If I ever get that shingle tingle again I'll immediately take Ivermectin and lemon balm tea.
Wow good to know-Is there some literature on Ivermectin for shingles? I can only imagine the challenge in obtaining it for shingles-please share more thx
What are some home remedies you can do when you get a shingles outbreak? And if I've had chicken pox as a child, is it just a given that I'll get shingles when I'm older? I don't know much about it. Thank you in advance. (I will not be getting the shingles shot for sure, no way.)
Get your vitamin D level up to at LEAST 60. Eat real food not processed boxed food. That’s probably the top two things you can do to avoid “complications “ from any virus. And honestly the cheapest and easiest. Get a good vitamin D that has been made by a company that allows FDA inspectors (not that that means anything anymore but it’s more likely that it’s made correctly) eg Natures Made. I have lab evidence that their vitamin d works. And lab evidence that others don’t so…(based on my personal levels of vitamin D).
I'd upvote this a bunch, if it were possible! (1) I did same: first goal was 60 ng/mL. I reached that (taking 8000 IU D3 daily) and then increased the goal to 75 to 100 ng/mL. I've been stable at ~90 ng/mL (10,000 IU D3 daily) for many months. I've been sick just twice in the last four years, both times at Christmas, which I attribute to stress and lack of sleep. According to two antibody tests (for the N-protein), I have not have had the virus. (2) I'd recommend A,B,C,E,K2 (directs CA into bones rather than tissues), in addition to D3; herbs / supplements - curcumin, quercetin, trans-resveratrol, all anti-inflammatories w/ a number of other properties, as well - L-Lysine, a trace mineral supplement and zinc. Zinc requires a zinc-ionophore - for me that's quercetin - but that's how HCQ works against the virus, too. It allows zinc into the cells.
Yeah I didn’t want to scare the guy! 😂😉. I too take 10,000 iu daily as well as zinc, quercitin, nac, berberine and several others (much in combos when possible). I just started taking a new product that hopefully helps rebuild the lipid layer of cells to improve my Krebs cycle and boost my energy after I read a great article about this theory. Looking forward to good results hopefully. My best results actually came from the vitamin D and a product called Chelex by Xymogen as I was looking for a way to battle the nanoparticles that seem to be in everything these days including micro plastics. It made a HUGE difference in my mood, pain levels and energy levels. I never skip a dose.
the exact amount of D3 is a bit quizzical. I live in subtropics, sun is available here. That said still have mega dose D3 (50,000 IU) as an elephant gun. D3 is a fat soluable HORMONE mischaracterized as a vitamin. Have not seen L lysine to be that useful clinically for the Hepetic sufferer. I realize it is part and parcel of suggested protocol. The info on Zn is spot on. Early Covid an Iranian scientist using a simple plasma chemistry procedure with Zn plate was suggesting "one cup, one life"
Simple enough to do, I did it, still have the substance, had no need for it for myself or others.
Zn supplementation is easy enough as is quercetin, a stand by for hay fever peeps.
As I understand, Shingles is a re-emergence of the chicken pox virus, but not everyone will have the shingles outbreak. I haven't looked into home remedies or treatments. I was given a prescription for a topical cream for the itching and skin eruptions.
I was forced to get my 93-yr-old mother vaxxed in order to get her into a residential facility. Prior to that, I had struggled for months to care for her, and I was flailing badly (she had no Medicare, a minuscule pension, and her home had been destroyed by her insane son), as I could not locate a home for us to rent (thanks to the madness in California). Long story short, she was diagnosed with Leukemia 13 months after the vax, and died within a month of that diagnosis. She had always been healthy with the exception of Dementia, so I firmly be,I’ve it was the vax that killed her. 💔
The pharmacist at our local United Pharmacy a few months ago when bringing current prescription to me pointed to a sticker on it stating proudly I might add..."Your insurance company has approved a free shingles vaccine for you!" I replied..."NO THANKS! Government is trying in many other ways to kill us enough without adding another dangerous vaccine to the mix!" He looked ABSOLUTELY OFFENDED and treated me with such distain for my comment! I'd given anything for him to have retorted back with something so I could let him have my ENTIRE thought after trying to push a vax on me then I'd notified a manager. His mannerisms were that of an offended gay man so I wasn't completely surprised he was ALL ABOARD THE VACCINE TRAIN! 🥴 Since he likes things up the rear view...he can put my shingles vax there too for all I care!
Agreed! EVERY time I go in there some old people waiting filling out what looks like at least 2 maybe 3 pages of paperwork! I bite my tongue. If they don't know by now they don't want to know! Not my monkeys...not my circus! We gave my father-in-law every bit of info we could...his response...thank God for the polio vax! Well he can personally thank Him now! On his death bed he kept'd I get here...and so fast! Boosters and Moderna vax's got him. 😮💨
Yours is hardly the only refusal he has encountered. A large percentage has permanently lost trust in the Cartel and their lackeys. I like exposing the charade when there are witness'.
2SG, Thank you for all of your pertinent articles and especially this very important one that supports my position that doctors, drugs and hospitals are detrimental to health. I came to this belief after watching many horrors during my years as an RN and after the iatrogenic deaths of both my mother and husband by the medical mafia. I am a healthy independent 83 year old female who hasn’t been to a doctor or taken a drug or vax in 50+ years. My children and friends think I’m crazy and tell me I should have a doctor, but they are all sick and I am the picture of health. However, they don’t see or won’t admit any connection.
I can outwork all of my five children and often do. I help and take care of them when they are sick. I research their problems and try to find natural non- pharmaceutical remedies for their illnesses. It frustrates me that they don’t take responsibility for their own health and feel they have to rely on docs and drugs, but thankfully I think some are starting to wake up and realize what is going on. I will keep trying to help them see the light regarding the flaws and failures of modern medicine. I attribute my excellent health to staying away from doctors, drugs and hospitals and taking responsibility for my health. I hope my motto will eventually rub off on those I love…
I avoid doctors at all costs too. I'm 80 and doing very well. I remember way back in the early 70s there was a 6 week doctor strike in France and undertakers noticed a big decrease in deaths.
Good for you Patricia, you've witnessed so much during your years as an RN. If you're healthy, take good care of yourself, take no RX drugs, but instead nutraceutical supplements that works with our bodies is the way to go. My husband & I (72 & 67) have been doing this for years and we feel great. It's also important to exercise no matter your age. Gotta keep our bodies moving!
We have to learn how to be your own doctor. We no longer trust Allopathic medicine. They are still practicing 19th century medicine. Their method is never to get to the root of the problem and get better, but chronic sickness till death, making millions off the people with their cut, burn and poison, toxic drugs and vaccines.
Good for you! I live next to retire critical care nurse. She also comprehends the medical cartel and also is ridiculed despite her vast experience. We are dealing with World Views that are imploding in every direction with some very undesirable outcomes. The Flexner report is how it all began...
Reading this, its hard to shake the impression that this particular doctor, and indeed many in the 'health' professions, have lost every shred of human feeling. In treating patients as income-generating units (the doctor in question was surely on a bonus per jab, like all the rest), combined and accentuated by professional detachment, health professionals seem to have been turned into monsters, with eyes only on the perceived health policy rather than the benefits of individual patients. I feel the COVID 19 psyops highlighted this and shook those of us who could be awakened, awake. I hope that one day I might be able to support my parents in the same way. God bless you both.
What needs to be understood is that the majority of physicians are well schooled in the allopathic medicine model which runs on Rx drugs. Less than 20% of the medical schools provide an education on the role of nutrients in maintaining good health. Those that do, focus on the negatives of overdosing on zinc, Vitamin A and the erroneous concept that Vitamin D dosing should be limited to 400 iu's. In addition, the concept that nutrient supplementation during chemo treatment interferes with the efficacy of the chemo drugs is pushed. Rather than test for nutrient deficiencies before prescribing drugs is ignored. Testing for Vitamin D and Magnesium deficiency would self-correct most of the soft bone issues which are expressed particularly with women in their senior years by fracturing a hip and the result is falling. The fall is the result of the fracture. The treatment for soft bones is bisphosphonates that are chemo drugs that target the osteoblasts and stop them from destroying old bone. Go to my substack to read the article on Why Medicine doesn't understand the true value of Vitamin D.
For the last two years or so I have taken several supplements that I found recommended for after Covid. One is Vit. D with K2. I take a 5,000 IU capsule. I also take Magnesium and zinc. I take these generally every day.
Those bone drugs destroyed my sister’s jawbone. She got cancer and she died after her first mRNA jab. I don’t go for dexa scans anymore because osteoporosis and osteopenia are another scam. A new technology requiring a disease to go with it. $$$.
Sorry for your loss. There is a book called Drug Muggers by Suzy Cohen RPh that lists all the Rx drugs that cause nutrient depletion. Totally ignored by the medical RX prescribers.
Thanks. She was just a stick figure and no appetite by the time the cancer got her. Years on RA drugs gave her 2 forms of leukemia before the small cell sarcoma. Then the jab. She never had a chance. We were Irish twins.
So glad you and your sweet mother were able to escape the medical cartel! Do you have any references for dosing of ivermectin and fenben to treat dementia? My Mom, 106 years old, is also starting to suffer from dementia and I have been thinking about starting her on ivermectin and fenben. Thanks for all that you do. Your substack articles are saving people!
My mom has dementia and MCT oil has been a tremendous help. She went from being almost a zombie to being able to carry on light conversations and remembering my name again. MCT oil is a fat that produces ketones, great brain fuel. I give her two tablespoons a day spread over her meals. It is basically flavorless.
So do I. We use rosemary extract and vinpocetine for short term memory, and extra vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid to reduce homocysteine. Have you found anything else helpful? My mom has vascular dementia, which is a little different from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
Thank you, I will look into the possibility of adding MCT oil to my mother's diet. We are blessed that she is still living in her own home, so it might take some convincing to get her to take it or put it on her food. Maybe I can convince her to put it in her coffee!
Yes that's how we take it. Cant really tell. Just nice and creamy in the coffee. Wishing the best to you and your mom. What a blessing to have mom with you~
My mother was born just after yours--in 1918, and lived to this month, 9 years ago. Didn't quite make it to 98 though. Edit--reading these other comments, I am very glad that my parents--and husband's-- died when they did. They avoided this elder-horror.
My thoughts also, I am so thankful my Mother was spared this. She passed in May of 2015, peacefully, at home. She would have turned 98 in October that year.
Oh gosh I said the same thing in another comment—my grandmother was born in 1918 and died in 2016 in a car accident. I too am grateful she didn’t live to see or experience this awful moment in time having lived thru world war, the depression and an abusive alcoholic husband she left (but refused to divorce due to religious belief) when in her 50’s. I couldn’t imagine having to fight to protect her from what happened as I know I would have had to do. But I’d have done it and been grateful to still have her she was such a lovely soul. It’s hard to believe it’s now been eight years almost to the day since she died…
The last “vaccine” we took was the flu shot in 2020. Thankfully my wife and I have gone jab-free since then.
We lost our precious Mamang (nickname for mother in the Philippines) in 2022. We miss her dearly and are thankful for all the time we had with her. She was ready to go with us anywhere, any time day or night. She lived to be 91.
I wish we had understood more about the “vaccines” sooner … then we would have never had her get the shingles jab.
Thank you for telling this story. Hopefully someone will read it and spare their parent/children/relative from getting these poisons.
Oh! BTW spot on about Ambien/zolpidem. It’s long been on my list of horrible drugs to avoid at all costs. Not only do its users exhibit some of the worst seeking behaviors I’ve ever seen as a pharmacist, but I’ve personally known people who have experienced the “adverse effects” of sleep eating, sleep driving and daytime zombie behavior associated with its chronic use. Any time I have a patient getting a “first time” RX for this drug I put a consult block on it and make sure to include graphic warnings about the abuse potential, the addiction potential and the personality/behavior changes that can occur while taking. I try my best to talk them out of even trying it. And you wouldn’t even believe how many people not only take zolpidem, but I’d estimate that at least 30% (low ball estimate) are on AT LEAST one (but usually two or more) benzodiazepine like alprazolam, clonazepam and/or lorazepam. It’s awful. I have no idea how these people function with all this garbage stewing in their system. You can bet they probably couldn’t tell you what they ate for breakfast let alone why it’s a bad idea to inject yourself with an experimental drug. Our medical system is beyond fucked up in ways most people can’t even imagine. I see it every day.
benzos are pure poison. Many are damaged by these poisons and get abandoned by their doctors. There's an online support group benzobuddies for people struggling with withdrawal from these poisons.
"Our medical system is beyond fucked up in ways most people can’t even imagine."-- Agree 100%. I have a family member who got her life destroyed because we trusted a doctor. And I have a parent who was killed at the hospital (basically under the cover of covid).
A retired physician acquaintance says to stay out of hospitals- they are killing machines that view patients as human ATMs.
I was taking a medication that was supposed to be used short term and I felt these inner muscle spasms but was also going through a stressful situation. I told my Doctor about this and asked if it could be stress and he said it could be. Really wish he would have associated it with the medication he prescribed because about a month later I had uncontrollable movements. My PCP said it looks like you have Tardive Dyskinesia which is often permanent and that I better get in touch with the Doctor that prescribed it fast. An emergency appointment was made where the diagnosis was confirmed. He said to discontinue the medication and prescribed muscle relaxers which do nothing. There are two drugs Ingrezza & Austedo that treat the condition that cost about $10k per month. Tried both which did not work. Nine years later I still suffer from these constant repetitive movements. I was looking at videos on YouTube where a Doctor has channel and a person posted that medications for Bi-Polar reduce life expectancy which he did not respond. I check Bing Chat and it says they do indeed reduce life expectancy 15-20 years. I saw several people with condition similar to me on the documentary called Died Suddenly. Here is the link to this if you haven't seen it and would like to. No vaccines of any type for me because I hear they are all mRNA. They do want you dead and you hear so called conspiracy theories that the Rockefellers were behind putting fluoride in the water, creation of the FDA, as well as medical universities and hospitals and it seems to be reality.
Tardive dyskinesia is a very well known side effect of most if not all prescription anti-psychotic drugs, some of which are used routinely for nausea and vomiting, coughing and other sundry, benign conditions where less virulent therapy would be more appropriate. You’re lucky (considering the ignorance of the various people you asked about your issues) that you didn’t have neuroleptic malignant syndrome, another well known albeit less common side effect wherein you become dangerously and potentially fatally affected by these drugs. I’m sorry you’ve been injured in this way and am going to actually check out the information linked in the comment by KT as I do occasionally run into patients who have been injured in this way and always welcome potentially helpful information. Best wished.
Sorry I missed your comment. Thank you! Yes it was Perphenazine which TD was listed as first side effect. I remember him saying something about tics. I wish it were that simple. I could not afford the Geodon I was taking and he said this was an alternative. He thinks it was coming off the Geodon but I think it was the other. Then I read these are supposed to be used short term and not to just keep taking for years. I now read all leaflets that come with prescriptions these days.
If you're still without insurance (or you have a large deductible and your insurance company doesn't give you the same discount they give themselves) and need a decent discount for the (hopefully generic Geodon as the brand is insanely expensive) there are some really good discount web sites out there to include -- from what I saw there the price for both ziprasidone and perphenizine is about the same. The prices on that website are way better than goodrx (at walgreens anyway but I would guess that other national chains may have their own sites). And how a 1st generation anti-psychotic could ever be compared to a second is beyond the pale. They are FAR and away more likely to be associated with all the nasties as later iterations generally work out many of the issues but it should be said that they, too, can cause TD, especially now that you've had an episode, which as you probably are aware, can be permanent. But there are often times extenuating circumstances as to why you would be on long term treatment with Geodon which would obviously include your diagnosis and weather or not it was actually benefiting you along those lines. But it is interesting that you took it for years with no troubles and then...
A Midwestern Doctor has a great substack (The Forgotten Side of Medicine) and is very knowledgeable about these things and has written about the wide over prescribing of the many drugs used to treat various psychiatric conditions that I would recommend checking out if you have time. ..Best wishes to you.
Thanks! Yes believe it or not the Generic form of Geodon had just came out and the savings in price for the name brand was very minimal. I want to say about $20 less if that. Perphenazine was suggested and after using for two months I felt spasms but they were not yet noticeable. Then they could be seen visually and my PCP said I likely had TD and it was often permanent. The drug was stopped. I participated in study for Ingrezza and was promised if it worked I would continue to receive the drug until it came to market by Neurocrine Biosciences. It did not help one bit. I then tried Austedo and that too did not work. Do you have link to "The Forgotten Side of Medicine"? Thanks!
Why yes, and the price makes much more sense now as the generics are always more expensive for the first six months until "competition" comes into play driving down prices. Here is Forgotten:
1) uncontrollable movements or tremors maybe caused by exposure to certain heavy metals like mercury from dental fillings and contaminated fish plus toxic adjuvant from vaccines.
2) nerve damage from eating too much soy from tofu, nightshades vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, Glusophate from foods.
3) look into having therapy done to help heal nerve damage. It's new type of bodywork that is very gentle but effective.
4) restless leg syndrome caused by low magnesium and heavy EMF exposure such as new 5G and wireless transmission towers.
Thanks! I bookmarked this form of treatment to look into. In my case it was definitely an adverse event from the medication. So no vaccines with mRNA or anything. These are filled with metals too.
Some actually recommend shutting off routers while you are asleep and keeping your cell phone away from you like in another room. It could have been in my head but when we were notified about an emergency text from the federal government was sent I felt something which I could not describe. Some were saying it was going to activate electrical components built into the vaccine but I never took it but then we hear about shedding and through herd immunity it's been said everyone has been vaccinated to some degree. They have been adding mRNA to pigs since 2018 and cows are next. They want to do chickens as well but their is not much of a mark up in that source of meat but it was suggested they could be vaccinated through aerosol. Then look at just about every food product that is made and you will likely see bioengineered food ingredient(s) and it sure makes one wonder about a nefarious agenda. Some say we will get the cyber attacks on election day to ensure a democrat and not Trump would win, however Robert Kennedy Jr. does not seem to be being considered at all. He is now running as an Independent which under our 2 party system will only take away votes from one or the other as they have never won.
The shingles vaccine has a FDA black box warning on it for developing Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
Your doctor won't tell you.
Nor will they tell you about all of the other possible adverse events......
When I refused the shingles vaccines at the VA, I had a medical resident tell me that GBS was "treatable."
I was stunned. If I had not been rendered speechless, I would have asked her the following questions.
What part is treatable?
The auto-immune part?
The partial paralysis part?
The complete paralysis part where you end up in a nursing home, eating mashed up food, wearing a diaper, and wishing for death to end your misery?
So another words if you’re rendered a paraplegic, don’t worry we’ve got wheelchairs. Wow just… Wow. can even become a quadriplegic.
This post was so powerful. Our elderly are vulnerable and still believe that those in positions of power are good and care about them.
At this point, I wholeheartedly disagree. The medical institution has turned rogue.
Your “badass” mom sounds like an amazing woman. She is so lucky to have you!
That statement is proof of how the allopaths approach all this. Here, take this shot and now you're a sick patient for life! Rockefeller would be so proud! By the way, is there any truth to the possibility of ivermectin proving successful in the treatment of shingles?
I don't know if IVM would help shingles. But, it couldn't hurt to try it.
IVM is safer than taking Tylenol.
IVM is also an can be taken for cold sores and other herp-a-derp too!
Seems like I read something about it just a few weeks ago. It may have been on this substack.
I have read high dose, preferably IV vitamin C. Use DMSO on the Shingles. Can’t remember where I read about the Vitamin C. If I got it, I’d go get treated by my private pay md who practices functional medicine and has IV vitamin C. Learn about DMSO. It has so many uses. Never another vax again.
Here is reply to other poster about ivm and shingles from the author of this substack.
2nd Smartest Guy in the World, Feb 28 Author
Scant overall IVM and shingles studies for obviou$ reason$.
you can obtain it here:
Great! Thank you for the links! I have ordered IVM from you and will again.
I’d have asked him, “Will you be the one to remove my impacted feces, sweetie?”
No, You'll didn't get it! It's sort of like Hippocrates, "First do no harm." Only differen't. It's now it's, "First do harm" [with toxic vaccines] then treat with, more side effect "medicine" causing more harm, and making money!
"First, never take responsibility for harming a patient".
I've never known a doctor to apologize for having prescribed a drug that causes harm, pain, misery & suffering.
They're just practicing, after all.
With iatrogenic "medicine" killing over 2191 a day [according to Dr. Null's book, Death by Medicine] if so-called doctors had to spend their time apologizing, they wouldn't have time to kill as many people! Don't you see?
The pharmacist that tried to give me it because I'm over 50, wouldn't tell me any of the warnings either. I refused it and let him know that informed consent was informing people of the pluses and minuses of anything he's willing to inject into my body. He did not like that as he had people waiting for flu and other vaccines to shoot up. I was just picking up some antibiotics that I needed for cellulitis when I was asked.
Here is a link to the FDA black box warning for the shingles vaccine.
Spread the word to warn others.
pharmacists are lackeys for the cartel, divest and quickly
Costco actually had a booth out front at entrance to solicit the Quax, sometimes when I feel testy, actually stop and ask the Pharm some leading questions that I know they cannot answer
Thankfully, I for the most part avoided "annual checkups", so was not recommended the Shingles vaxx. Then in 2020 I had the Shingles. That was the first serious health event I had experienced. My local doctor at the time said there was a "vaccine" for Shingles, but didn't push it. I was skeptical so said no thanks, no reason to now anyway. My case was pretty severe, but manageable, and the side effects subsided after several weeks, but my immune system was "compromised" somewhat I believe. Luckily, no further outbreaks since then.
My husband had shingles right before the jabs and bronchitis the same time. A very unhappy camper. He did get the shingles 2 shot but months later. He’s still a believer somewhat but got only 1 JNJ and will get no more flu shots either. I will never get any of them. Period.
I had two frozen shoulders early 2021 when I got the shingles up my left arm, the pain was unreal but I got on Valtrex immediately and it subsided within a week after that. Had to get a steroid shot in my left frozen shoulder which helped but I would no way in Hades take a vaccine for the shingles. If I ever get that shingle tingle again I'll immediately take Ivermectin and lemon balm tea.
Wow good to know-Is there some literature on Ivermectin for shingles? I can only imagine the challenge in obtaining it for shingles-please share more thx
Scant overall IVM and shingles studies for obviou$ reason$.
you can obtain it here:
Iver good for helminths except hookworms.
Some discussion about other "virus" effectiveness.
Here's one protocol using IVM in conjunction with other supplements to treat shingles:
2SG posted some great info!
very impressive post vax and post therapeutic pics
The treatment for the toxoid bioweapon is not much different than the quax recovery protocol. That is suggestive.
What are some home remedies you can do when you get a shingles outbreak? And if I've had chicken pox as a child, is it just a given that I'll get shingles when I'm older? I don't know much about it. Thank you in advance. (I will not be getting the shingles shot for sure, no way.)
Get your vitamin D level up to at LEAST 60. Eat real food not processed boxed food. That’s probably the top two things you can do to avoid “complications “ from any virus. And honestly the cheapest and easiest. Get a good vitamin D that has been made by a company that allows FDA inspectors (not that that means anything anymore but it’s more likely that it’s made correctly) eg Natures Made. I have lab evidence that their vitamin d works. And lab evidence that others don’t so…(based on my personal levels of vitamin D).
I'd upvote this a bunch, if it were possible! (1) I did same: first goal was 60 ng/mL. I reached that (taking 8000 IU D3 daily) and then increased the goal to 75 to 100 ng/mL. I've been stable at ~90 ng/mL (10,000 IU D3 daily) for many months. I've been sick just twice in the last four years, both times at Christmas, which I attribute to stress and lack of sleep. According to two antibody tests (for the N-protein), I have not have had the virus. (2) I'd recommend A,B,C,E,K2 (directs CA into bones rather than tissues), in addition to D3; herbs / supplements - curcumin, quercetin, trans-resveratrol, all anti-inflammatories w/ a number of other properties, as well - L-Lysine, a trace mineral supplement and zinc. Zinc requires a zinc-ionophore - for me that's quercetin - but that's how HCQ works against the virus, too. It allows zinc into the cells.
Yeah I didn’t want to scare the guy! 😂😉. I too take 10,000 iu daily as well as zinc, quercitin, nac, berberine and several others (much in combos when possible). I just started taking a new product that hopefully helps rebuild the lipid layer of cells to improve my Krebs cycle and boost my energy after I read a great article about this theory. Looking forward to good results hopefully. My best results actually came from the vitamin D and a product called Chelex by Xymogen as I was looking for a way to battle the nanoparticles that seem to be in everything these days including micro plastics. It made a HUGE difference in my mood, pain levels and energy levels. I never skip a dose.
Chelex has shiligit and EDTA. Oral EDTA not so effective.
Shilagit commonly has unacceptable amounts of Pb and As. Interesting that you report stellar results.
the exact amount of D3 is a bit quizzical. I live in subtropics, sun is available here. That said still have mega dose D3 (50,000 IU) as an elephant gun. D3 is a fat soluable HORMONE mischaracterized as a vitamin. Have not seen L lysine to be that useful clinically for the Hepetic sufferer. I realize it is part and parcel of suggested protocol. The info on Zn is spot on. Early Covid an Iranian scientist using a simple plasma chemistry procedure with Zn plate was suggesting "one cup, one life"
Simple enough to do, I did it, still have the substance, had no need for it for myself or others.
Zn supplementation is easy enough as is quercetin, a stand by for hay fever peeps.
indeed, the protocol is the same advice for anyone of any age, in order to attain, or sustain, or remediate a heathy outcome
That is telling, The virus storyline is just that.
As I understand, Shingles is a re-emergence of the chicken pox virus, but not everyone will have the shingles outbreak. I haven't looked into home remedies or treatments. I was given a prescription for a topical cream for the itching and skin eruptions.
100% KJ
Makes my blood boil! Say their names. All of them.
I did.
I know :) I'm just making a broader statement.
Could not agree more, they need to be outed.
No more get out of jail free passes.
I was forced to get my 93-yr-old mother vaxxed in order to get her into a residential facility. Prior to that, I had struggled for months to care for her, and I was flailing badly (she had no Medicare, a minuscule pension, and her home had been destroyed by her insane son), as I could not locate a home for us to rent (thanks to the madness in California). Long story short, she was diagnosed with Leukemia 13 months after the vax, and died within a month of that diagnosis. She had always been healthy with the exception of Dementia, so I firmly be,I’ve it was the vax that killed her. 💔
So sorry. So many placed in untenable positions from evil excuses for humans.
so un-necessary and tragic
Have innumeral deaths and many disabilites which is some ways are worse.
The elderly trust, and their trust violated. I suspect the net result will topple the medical cartel and their Big P bosses.
You can only pray that they get what they deserve.
The pharmacist at our local United Pharmacy a few months ago when bringing current prescription to me pointed to a sticker on it stating proudly I might add..."Your insurance company has approved a free shingles vaccine for you!" I replied..."NO THANKS! Government is trying in many other ways to kill us enough without adding another dangerous vaccine to the mix!" He looked ABSOLUTELY OFFENDED and treated me with such distain for my comment! I'd given anything for him to have retorted back with something so I could let him have my ENTIRE thought after trying to push a vax on me then I'd notified a manager. His mannerisms were that of an offended gay man so I wasn't completely surprised he was ALL ABOARD THE VACCINE TRAIN! 🥴 Since he likes things up the rear view...he can put my shingles vax there too for all I care!
Hope those 2 guys got all their shots. The pharmacists are just as bad as the allopathic doctors now.
Agreed! EVERY time I go in there some old people waiting filling out what looks like at least 2 maybe 3 pages of paperwork! I bite my tongue. If they don't know by now they don't want to know! Not my monkeys...not my circus! We gave my father-in-law every bit of info we could...his response...thank God for the polio vax! Well he can personally thank Him now! On his death bed he kept'd I get here...and so fast! Boosters and Moderna vax's got him. 😮💨
I asked a big grocery store pharmacist clerk ( maybe pharmacist) what they did for informed consent. She was confused and showed me a pfizer printout.
They do not comprehend the question. If you took the microfiche printout Guillian- Barre syndrome is in the first paragraph, (or at least used to be)
These dolts still are lost in space and harming countless.
it was just a propaganda print out on how safe and effective the injections are. No listing of side effects or anything.
That figures. Seems there are a lot of confused people out there with hardly any thinking skills anymore.
Naughty, naughty--I love it. Call a spade a spade.
Yours is hardly the only refusal he has encountered. A large percentage has permanently lost trust in the Cartel and their lackeys. I like exposing the charade when there are witness'.
Your last comment is hilarious. Good for you, stand up for your medical freedoms.
You have to laugh through the tears! 🤭
2SG, Thank you for all of your pertinent articles and especially this very important one that supports my position that doctors, drugs and hospitals are detrimental to health. I came to this belief after watching many horrors during my years as an RN and after the iatrogenic deaths of both my mother and husband by the medical mafia. I am a healthy independent 83 year old female who hasn’t been to a doctor or taken a drug or vax in 50+ years. My children and friends think I’m crazy and tell me I should have a doctor, but they are all sick and I am the picture of health. However, they don’t see or won’t admit any connection.
I can outwork all of my five children and often do. I help and take care of them when they are sick. I research their problems and try to find natural non- pharmaceutical remedies for their illnesses. It frustrates me that they don’t take responsibility for their own health and feel they have to rely on docs and drugs, but thankfully I think some are starting to wake up and realize what is going on. I will keep trying to help them see the light regarding the flaws and failures of modern medicine. I attribute my excellent health to staying away from doctors, drugs and hospitals and taking responsibility for my health. I hope my motto will eventually rub off on those I love…
I avoid doctors at all costs too. I'm 80 and doing very well. I remember way back in the early 70s there was a 6 week doctor strike in France and undertakers noticed a big decrease in deaths.
After WW2 there was no infrastructure and thus no access to medical care.
The net result was a massive statistically significant increase in general health.
Emergency medicine the exception. That said there are maligned doctors that do have your health interests at heart. They are rarely MD's...
Good for you Patricia, you've witnessed so much during your years as an RN. If you're healthy, take good care of yourself, take no RX drugs, but instead nutraceutical supplements that works with our bodies is the way to go. My husband & I (72 & 67) have been doing this for years and we feel great. It's also important to exercise no matter your age. Gotta keep our bodies moving!
We have to learn how to be your own doctor. We no longer trust Allopathic medicine. They are still practicing 19th century medicine. Their method is never to get to the root of the problem and get better, but chronic sickness till death, making millions off the people with their cut, burn and poison, toxic drugs and vaccines.
You, like 2SG’s mom, are a badass! And a hero in my book. May you have continued great health.
Thank you so much Lorri! I guess I am a badass… it hasn’t been easy, but so worth it!!
Good for you! I live next to retire critical care nurse. She also comprehends the medical cartel and also is ridiculed despite her vast experience. We are dealing with World Views that are imploding in every direction with some very undesirable outcomes. The Flexner report is how it all began...
2nd Smartest, you do so much good for your readers. Thank you.
The portrait and sketch you did of your mother is as stunningly beautiful as is your soul. G-d bless you!
this sub attracts some bright lights, well done!
Reading this, its hard to shake the impression that this particular doctor, and indeed many in the 'health' professions, have lost every shred of human feeling. In treating patients as income-generating units (the doctor in question was surely on a bonus per jab, like all the rest), combined and accentuated by professional detachment, health professionals seem to have been turned into monsters, with eyes only on the perceived health policy rather than the benefits of individual patients. I feel the COVID 19 psyops highlighted this and shook those of us who could be awakened, awake. I hope that one day I might be able to support my parents in the same way. God bless you both.
Your assessment is accurate re the Plandemic psyop. As world views implode the casualty list grows. Those who see no evidence never will.
What needs to be understood is that the majority of physicians are well schooled in the allopathic medicine model which runs on Rx drugs. Less than 20% of the medical schools provide an education on the role of nutrients in maintaining good health. Those that do, focus on the negatives of overdosing on zinc, Vitamin A and the erroneous concept that Vitamin D dosing should be limited to 400 iu's. In addition, the concept that nutrient supplementation during chemo treatment interferes with the efficacy of the chemo drugs is pushed. Rather than test for nutrient deficiencies before prescribing drugs is ignored. Testing for Vitamin D and Magnesium deficiency would self-correct most of the soft bone issues which are expressed particularly with women in their senior years by fracturing a hip and the result is falling. The fall is the result of the fracture. The treatment for soft bones is bisphosphonates that are chemo drugs that target the osteoblasts and stop them from destroying old bone. Go to my substack to read the article on Why Medicine doesn't understand the true value of Vitamin D.
For the last two years or so I have taken several supplements that I found recommended for after Covid. One is Vit. D with K2. I take a 5,000 IU capsule. I also take Magnesium and zinc. I take these generally every day.
Those bone drugs destroyed my sister’s jawbone. She got cancer and she died after her first mRNA jab. I don’t go for dexa scans anymore because osteoporosis and osteopenia are another scam. A new technology requiring a disease to go with it. $$$.
Sorry for your loss. There is a book called Drug Muggers by Suzy Cohen RPh that lists all the Rx drugs that cause nutrient depletion. Totally ignored by the medical RX prescribers.
Thanks. She was just a stick figure and no appetite by the time the cancer got her. Years on RA drugs gave her 2 forms of leukemia before the small cell sarcoma. Then the jab. She never had a chance. We were Irish twins.
What an excellent accurate synopsis. Vitamin D is better characterized as Hormone D by definition
Thank you! I left Mg out of my post and it is VERY important.
agree Works with Vit D and K2
will have to explore your sub.
Will be interesting to discover how you crawled out of the box, it has very steep walls...
So glad you and your sweet mother were able to escape the medical cartel! Do you have any references for dosing of ivermectin and fenben to treat dementia? My Mom, 106 years old, is also starting to suffer from dementia and I have been thinking about starting her on ivermectin and fenben. Thanks for all that you do. Your substack articles are saving people!
My mom has dementia and MCT oil has been a tremendous help. She went from being almost a zombie to being able to carry on light conversations and remembering my name again. MCT oil is a fat that produces ketones, great brain fuel. I give her two tablespoons a day spread over her meals. It is basically flavorless.
I have my mother on MCT oil as well. And a few other supplements...
So do I. We use rosemary extract and vinpocetine for short term memory, and extra vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid to reduce homocysteine. Have you found anything else helpful? My mom has vascular dementia, which is a little different from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
Thank you, I will look into the possibility of adding MCT oil to my mother's diet. We are blessed that she is still living in her own home, so it might take some convincing to get her to take it or put it on her food. Maybe I can convince her to put it in her coffee!
Yes that's how we take it. Cant really tell. Just nice and creamy in the coffee. Wishing the best to you and your mom. What a blessing to have mom with you~
So nice to know your Mother is 106. Sounds like she may have been born the same year my Mother was born - 1917. She lived to age 97. No flu vaxxes.
My mother was born just after yours--in 1918, and lived to this month, 9 years ago. Didn't quite make it to 98 though. Edit--reading these other comments, I am very glad that my parents--and husband's-- died when they did. They avoided this elder-horror.
My thoughts also, I am so thankful my Mother was spared this. She passed in May of 2015, peacefully, at home. She would have turned 98 in October that year.
Oh gosh I said the same thing in another comment—my grandmother was born in 1918 and died in 2016 in a car accident. I too am grateful she didn’t live to see or experience this awful moment in time having lived thru world war, the depression and an abusive alcoholic husband she left (but refused to divorce due to religious belief) when in her 50’s. I couldn’t imagine having to fight to protect her from what happened as I know I would have had to do. But I’d have done it and been grateful to still have her she was such a lovely soul. It’s hard to believe it’s now been eight years almost to the day since she died…
You don’t fall far from the tree … you are a “badass” too!
The last “vaccine” we took was the flu shot in 2020. Thankfully my wife and I have gone jab-free since then.
We lost our precious Mamang (nickname for mother in the Philippines) in 2022. We miss her dearly and are thankful for all the time we had with her. She was ready to go with us anywhere, any time day or night. She lived to be 91.
I wish we had understood more about the “vaccines” sooner … then we would have never had her get the shingles jab.
Thank you for telling this story. Hopefully someone will read it and spare their parent/children/relative from getting these poisons.
The zombie herd deserve doctors like this one.
Oh! BTW spot on about Ambien/zolpidem. It’s long been on my list of horrible drugs to avoid at all costs. Not only do its users exhibit some of the worst seeking behaviors I’ve ever seen as a pharmacist, but I’ve personally known people who have experienced the “adverse effects” of sleep eating, sleep driving and daytime zombie behavior associated with its chronic use. Any time I have a patient getting a “first time” RX for this drug I put a consult block on it and make sure to include graphic warnings about the abuse potential, the addiction potential and the personality/behavior changes that can occur while taking. I try my best to talk them out of even trying it. And you wouldn’t even believe how many people not only take zolpidem, but I’d estimate that at least 30% (low ball estimate) are on AT LEAST one (but usually two or more) benzodiazepine like alprazolam, clonazepam and/or lorazepam. It’s awful. I have no idea how these people function with all this garbage stewing in their system. You can bet they probably couldn’t tell you what they ate for breakfast let alone why it’s a bad idea to inject yourself with an experimental drug. Our medical system is beyond fucked up in ways most people can’t even imagine. I see it every day.
benzos are pure poison. Many are damaged by these poisons and get abandoned by their doctors. There's an online support group benzobuddies for people struggling with withdrawal from these poisons.
"Our medical system is beyond fucked up in ways most people can’t even imagine."-- Agree 100%. I have a family member who got her life destroyed because we trusted a doctor. And I have a parent who was killed at the hospital (basically under the cover of covid).
A retired physician acquaintance says to stay out of hospitals- they are killing machines that view patients as human ATMs.
I was taking a medication that was supposed to be used short term and I felt these inner muscle spasms but was also going through a stressful situation. I told my Doctor about this and asked if it could be stress and he said it could be. Really wish he would have associated it with the medication he prescribed because about a month later I had uncontrollable movements. My PCP said it looks like you have Tardive Dyskinesia which is often permanent and that I better get in touch with the Doctor that prescribed it fast. An emergency appointment was made where the diagnosis was confirmed. He said to discontinue the medication and prescribed muscle relaxers which do nothing. There are two drugs Ingrezza & Austedo that treat the condition that cost about $10k per month. Tried both which did not work. Nine years later I still suffer from these constant repetitive movements. I was looking at videos on YouTube where a Doctor has channel and a person posted that medications for Bi-Polar reduce life expectancy which he did not respond. I check Bing Chat and it says they do indeed reduce life expectancy 15-20 years. I saw several people with condition similar to me on the documentary called Died Suddenly. Here is the link to this if you haven't seen it and would like to. No vaccines of any type for me because I hear they are all mRNA. They do want you dead and you hear so called conspiracy theories that the Rockefellers were behind putting fluoride in the water, creation of the FDA, as well as medical universities and hospitals and it seems to be reality.
Tardive dyskinesia is a very well known side effect of most if not all prescription anti-psychotic drugs, some of which are used routinely for nausea and vomiting, coughing and other sundry, benign conditions where less virulent therapy would be more appropriate. You’re lucky (considering the ignorance of the various people you asked about your issues) that you didn’t have neuroleptic malignant syndrome, another well known albeit less common side effect wherein you become dangerously and potentially fatally affected by these drugs. I’m sorry you’ve been injured in this way and am going to actually check out the information linked in the comment by KT as I do occasionally run into patients who have been injured in this way and always welcome potentially helpful information. Best wished.
Sorry I missed your comment. Thank you! Yes it was Perphenazine which TD was listed as first side effect. I remember him saying something about tics. I wish it were that simple. I could not afford the Geodon I was taking and he said this was an alternative. He thinks it was coming off the Geodon but I think it was the other. Then I read these are supposed to be used short term and not to just keep taking for years. I now read all leaflets that come with prescriptions these days.
If you're still without insurance (or you have a large deductible and your insurance company doesn't give you the same discount they give themselves) and need a decent discount for the (hopefully generic Geodon as the brand is insanely expensive) there are some really good discount web sites out there to include -- from what I saw there the price for both ziprasidone and perphenizine is about the same. The prices on that website are way better than goodrx (at walgreens anyway but I would guess that other national chains may have their own sites). And how a 1st generation anti-psychotic could ever be compared to a second is beyond the pale. They are FAR and away more likely to be associated with all the nasties as later iterations generally work out many of the issues but it should be said that they, too, can cause TD, especially now that you've had an episode, which as you probably are aware, can be permanent. But there are often times extenuating circumstances as to why you would be on long term treatment with Geodon which would obviously include your diagnosis and weather or not it was actually benefiting you along those lines. But it is interesting that you took it for years with no troubles and then...
A Midwestern Doctor has a great substack (The Forgotten Side of Medicine) and is very knowledgeable about these things and has written about the wide over prescribing of the many drugs used to treat various psychiatric conditions that I would recommend checking out if you have time. ..Best wishes to you.
Thanks! Yes believe it or not the Generic form of Geodon had just came out and the savings in price for the name brand was very minimal. I want to say about $20 less if that. Perphenazine was suggested and after using for two months I felt spasms but they were not yet noticeable. Then they could be seen visually and my PCP said I likely had TD and it was often permanent. The drug was stopped. I participated in study for Ingrezza and was promised if it worked I would continue to receive the drug until it came to market by Neurocrine Biosciences. It did not help one bit. I then tried Austedo and that too did not work. Do you have link to "The Forgotten Side of Medicine"? Thanks!
Why yes, and the price makes much more sense now as the generics are always more expensive for the first six months until "competition" comes into play driving down prices. Here is Forgotten:
Couple of things to consider:
1) uncontrollable movements or tremors maybe caused by exposure to certain heavy metals like mercury from dental fillings and contaminated fish plus toxic adjuvant from vaccines.
2) nerve damage from eating too much soy from tofu, nightshades vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, Glusophate from foods.
3) look into having therapy done to help heal nerve damage. It's new type of bodywork that is very gentle but effective.
4) restless leg syndrome caused by low magnesium and heavy EMF exposure such as new 5G and wireless transmission towers.
Thanks! I bookmarked this form of treatment to look into. In my case it was definitely an adverse event from the medication. So no vaccines with mRNA or anything. These are filled with metals too.
Some actually recommend shutting off routers while you are asleep and keeping your cell phone away from you like in another room. It could have been in my head but when we were notified about an emergency text from the federal government was sent I felt something which I could not describe. Some were saying it was going to activate electrical components built into the vaccine but I never took it but then we hear about shedding and through herd immunity it's been said everyone has been vaccinated to some degree. They have been adding mRNA to pigs since 2018 and cows are next. They want to do chickens as well but their is not much of a mark up in that source of meat but it was suggested they could be vaccinated through aerosol. Then look at just about every food product that is made and you will likely see bioengineered food ingredient(s) and it sure makes one wonder about a nefarious agenda. Some say we will get the cyber attacks on election day to ensure a democrat and not Trump would win, however Robert Kennedy Jr. does not seem to be being considered at all. He is now running as an Independent which under our 2 party system will only take away votes from one or the other as they have never won.
Helluva Post #2!