The illegitimate federal government and it’s co-conspirators like the CIA-backed BigPharma, BigTech, WHO, UN, WEF, CDC, The Federal Reserve central “bank” and its undisclosed shadowy owners that just so happen to fund most of the scientific publications in America , the FDA, and all of the various unconstitutional alphabet agencies et al. have been waging a full spectrum soft war via their mass formation MK ULTRA 2.0 fear program known as PSYOP-19 (aka COVID-19).
We are all now in varying degrees MK ULTRA 2.0 victims.
What were the results of the experimentation and practice of social engineering and mind-control during the Cold War? When Project Paperclip was ushered into the United States, coinciding with the inception of the CIA and the National Security Act, Nazi research and trauma based mind-control experiments were brought to the US, initiating Project MK ULTRA. These secret projects were funded through arms deals, drug operations, human trafficking and human slavery. The ultimate goal behind this hidden agenda was to implement mind-control deeply within our government, education, healthcare and media to create compliance in the new world regime. TRANCE weaves Cathy O’Brien’s experience as one of the last surviving victims of MK Ultra and Project Monarch, into the macrocosm of past world events, and the agenda currently unfolding. An eye opening view of our world today and how we got here.
Even if you do not believe all of Cathy O’Brien’s claims, this documentary presents a fascinating look at the history of mind control on the micro individual level and its evolution today on the societal macro level.
TRANCE: Mind Control, Human Slavery & Healing: The Cathy O'Brien Story
Bonus truthiness du jour from 3-time world kickboxing champion and businessman Andrew Tate:
Do NOT comply.
It’s not often I disagree with you 2 smart guy in fact this may be the first time, but mr tate is 4 time world kickin arse champ if I’m not mistaken.
Tate made some interesting points in the video posted on this page. I don't get the nanny state mentality these days regarding news and information. Even children should be allowed to draw their own conclusions about something until they learn more accurate information. There are even ordinary citizens who act as though you must believe everything they believe. And reject everything they don't believe. I am a truth seeker and a truth lover by the way. I also believe that being open minded will bring more truth into a life than being a narrowed minded individual. I do occasionally hear things from people that I may not agree with or have limited knowledge of. However, my mind is open to the truth, and I will believe as much of that as I can receive, understand or am aware of.
Some of us get it that the world today is filled with deceivers and liars and those who speak only half-truths. And sometimes even the best truth tellers may miss the mark somewhere. I'm beginning to think that the nanny states have played the fake news card so much within the past 6 years. That some folks have allowed themselves to believe that there's a fake news boogeyman around every corner waiting to deceive them. And I believe a person may find themselves living in the dark about certain things due to a fake news AKA disinformation/misinformation, false prophet paranoia mindset. And this could be one of the main reasons that some people did, and are still believing most or all of the covid lies, and the lies about everything else.