TOTAL NONCOMPLIANCE: Dutch Farmers Show The World How To Protest The WEF One World Government PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE Power Grab
The Dutch farmers are giving the Canadian truckers a run for their freedoms, and then some:
This is the perfect nonviolent noncompliance response.
Every single concession made to the One World Government tyrants, whether they be politicians, cops, or shopkeepers, is a small deathblow to our cause.
From masking to “vax” passports to the DEATHVAX™, each compromise enables this PSYOP-19, soon to be PSYOP-22 + PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE, to take hold.
Each time you comply, our freedoms die a little more.
Every single time you don that mask so that you are not inconvenienced such that you may be allowed to dine in a restaurant or enter a supermarket or attend some event is precisely how we end up in the technocratic 4th Industrial Revolution dystopia.
Do not fool yourselves into believing that this goes away on its own.
Do not think for a moment that by just giving in this one time so you can enjoy your life that even the seemingly most inconsequential act of compliance does not make a difference.
Every single action is vitally important.
The behavioral psychologists that have game-planned all of these Psyops always knew full well that there is a critical mass noncompliance threshold that completely negates their best laid plans.
After complying for close to two years with the PSYOP-19 scheme, the Dutch farmers have finally come to their senses. Realizing that if they do not immediately push back, their multigenerational family businesses will be eliminated one by one until only a few WEF hand-selected farms are granted the right to survive in strict service to only the technocrats.
Everyone else will be granted the “freedom” to not work, exclusively surviving off of CBDC social credit score UBI that grants them rationed bug-based meals while they are decarbonized = depopulated. Assuming that one’s social credit data never turns any history of protesting, or committing thought crimes of any kind, because any kind of “aberrant” behavior will qualify one not for UBI, but, rather, a reeducation camp holiday that ends in your “happy” recycling into green new deal compliant energy sludge that will be used to power an elite’s Tesla.
The Cult has been socially engineering “climate change” ever since they founded in 1968 The Club of Rome. These sociopaths have been priming the planet for decades with this penultimate scheme of theirs in order to usher in their hyper-centralized technocracy.
And now the Dutch farmers are showing us all the way.
When it is our turn, we too must stand in solidarity, or we will get picked off one by one a la SADS victims.
This NAZI 2.0 war is won in the tiniest of increments by an ever increasing majority awakening to the grim posthuman realities being daily foisted on us.
Unlike Occupy Wall Street, the farmers and other refuseniks will need to start marching on the WEF headquarters, their local governments where their local WEF apparatchiks have been embedded, and just as importantly places like The Marriner S. Eccles building and the BIS headquarters.
It is crucial to now call out these vital Cult nodes while exercising total noncompliance.
Do NOT comply.
This brings tears...just like the truckers did. God bless the Dutch farmers.
Yay ! Finally ! The students are too lame to do a thing But not the farmers And with the farmers, the people who eat. Yes because farmers grow our foods ! That will wake all up !
Have you seen this ? First they poison women so they can't conceive and now....