The Trend is Our Friend: Bill Gates Exposed in Italian Parliament for Crimes Against Humanity
As PSYOP-19 is being wound down ahead of the next “pandemic” in PSYOP-22, more and more people from all over the world are finally waking up; to wit:

Bill Gates Exposed in Italian Parliament for crimes against humanity. Called a global criminal.
Finally The World is starting to wake up.
More pain is imminent, but we will win.
Do NOT comply.
Despite the “antiquity” of the video, it’s becoming obvious that Gates (who, no doubt, is deep to his neck on the on-going genocide), is being set up as the fall guy. The Arkancide team is very effective (as Epstein knows so well...)
She is speaking during covid, but brings up the older video, which is fitting.
Hey, I don’t care if it was from his 8th grade yearbook. Chipping away at the pedestal upon which he placed himself is kinda all of our side hustle. (Bad grammar, but you know what I mean.)