The PSYOP-19 Effect: Record numbers of children are being hospitalized with colds after their immunity was weakened by social distancing and masks, CDC report reveals
As this substack has been warning since the DEATHVAX™ rollout, mortality and other adverse events will surge as a result of every single recipient of these slow kill bioweapons having developed in varying degrees VAIDS. Children are especially at risk.
Heading into this cold and flu season will be especially grim for all EUA mRNA gene therapy recipients.
The Daily Mail does its utmost to coverup VAIDS in children while also correctly ascribing blame to the deadly lockdowns and MK Ultra masking; to wit:
Record number of tests on inpatients under 18 years old picked up a common virus in August last year
The level was comparable only to December in previous years, when it has also crossed the 50 per cent mark
Scientists warned the sharp rise was likely down to lockdowns weakening immunity among children
Of course, not a single mention of the word “vaccine” in this article.
Experts have repeatedly warned lockdowns and measures used to contain Covid like face masks also suppressed the spread of germs which are crucial for building a strong immune system in children.
Did the “experts” really not appreciate the ruinous consequences of masking while somehow not realizing that no cloth or even n95 mask filters 0.01 micron virion particles a la the absolute impossibility that asymptomatic people transmit viral infections?
Even Dr. Mengele 2.0 not only knew, but even published a paper on it:
Dr Scott Roberts, a medical director at Yale University, today told that lockdowns robbed children of the chance to build up immunity to common bugs.
Again, no mention of the deadly “vaccine” in this article, or the deadly childhood vaccine schedule as a whole.
And the most insulting lie of all in this whitewash article that literally contradicts all of its other points and completely subverts basic epidemiology:
Common respiratory viruses were virtually absent during the Covid pandemic as restrictions — such as face masks and stay-at-home orders — stopped them from spreading.
So masks miraculously eradicated the flu in 2020 and 2021, but somehow made benign respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) deadly in 2022?
Masks stopped the flu, but somehow did not stop the spread of COVID since cases and deaths are now “mysteriously” exploding higher since the DEATHVAX™ rollout?
The narrative utterly falls apart when the most basic logic is applied.
This scammy article then goes on to blame deaths on guns and the economic disaster and associated rise in suicide as direct results of locking down all for a 99.9% C19 survival rate:
More than 26,000 Americans killed themselves using a gun in 2021 - or 55 per cent of all suicides. That marks the highest rate since 1990.
It is feared to be an early sign of the economically brutal effects of lockdowns and pandemic restrictions.
Except, with a global death rate of 0.76% in 2020 which was the exact same rate for 2018 and 2019 there was never any pandemic.
And far more Americans were killed by PSYOP-19 hospital protocols using deadly Remdisivir and intubation along with denial of efficacious early treatments than suicide. But the Center for Disease Crimes (CDC) rolled up suicide and iatrogenocide into the C19 mortality tallies to further juice the mass induced “pandemic” fear.
Astounding that this article did not invoke PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE as a cause of childhood immune destruction and suicide and the flow of Fentanyl across wide open borders which has resulted in massive increases in overdose deaths which the CDC has also been quietly counting as COVID cases.
We may call this Faucicide or Democide, with indirect and/or delayed Democide still being a form of State genocide.
Do NOT comply.
Excellent, thank you. Your logic and reality trumps all the lies. In another Substack of yours today I lost all I had written and the gist of it was that we need to examine and possibly change every concept we have because we have been brainwashed and lied to our entire lives.
Followed potentially by a lifetime of sickness. Of course it could worse as we have no idea of the longer term impact of the jabs.