The President of the United States Sued in Federal Court for Misleading All Americans with mRNA Injections
Turning millions of deceived people into biological weapon factories resulting in thousands of deaths and injuries around the world.
Dr. David Martin has sued the Senile Diaper Soiling Ice Cream Eating Pedo Criminal Puppet.

The President of the United States sued in federal court for misleading all Americans with mRNA injections. Turning millions of deceived people into biological weapon factories resulting in thousands of deaths and injuries around the world.
Part 1

The President of the United States and his administration deliberately misled the American people and the world by wrongly using the term vaccination for mRNA gene therapy injections resulting in thousands of deaths and injuries around the world.
Part 2
Is the judge in this suit captured?
Do NOT comply.
It was David Martin's relentless patent filing investigations that showed the seeds for the planDemic were planted years ago. His strategy here is brilliant. Pray for his success.
Stay alive David. You're a good man dealing with children of satan, who are gonna flip out.
Mother of God help these people