This is from pharmakeus (fem. pharmakis) "a preparer of drugs, a poisoner, a sorcerer" from pharmakon "a drug, a poison, philter, charm, spell, enchantment." Beekes writes that the original meaning cannot be clearly established, and "The word is clearly Pre-Greek." The ph- was restored 16c. in French, 17c. in English
To reiterate: "a drug, a poison, philter, charm, spell, enchantment."
What is the death injection?
What is the data irrefutably establishing re: death injection?
What kind of fines did the likes of Pfizer pay out to date?
Why take healthy foster children and pump them full of deadly poisons?
Why murder people with drugs like AZT that do absolutely nothing for AIDS, but create AIDS symptoms en route to rapid death?
Why murder people with drugs like Remdisivir that do absolutely nothing for COVID, but create COVID-like symptoms en rout to rapid death?
What poisonous, philterous (CogDis desire stirring), charmed spells (Death Cultism feedback loops) sorcery are these death injections that have to date enchanted, maimed and murdered far too many?
Do NOT comply, and break these Death Cultist spells cast to remove you from the human race.
Back to natural healing. Healthy food, fresh air, clean water, nature. Herbal and homeopathic treatments, massage, let the immune system do its work. Only interfere when absolutely necessary. And let people die when their time comes. Not in a web of tubes and wires in a musty room full of beeps and puffs.
Isn't it funny how pretty much the history of Western medicine is people saying, "Ha ha, look at the stupid things those ignorant doctors used to do! Good thing we know everything now and don't make mistakes anymore." (Not discounting progress, just back-patting arrogance.)