Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Here in Spain my partner who looks after the local taxes on the holiday homes of her Irish, British and Northern European clients. Nearly all of her clients are well off middle aged and retired people most of whom believe in Covid19 and are fully jabbed. However 79 of them are now either dead or so ill they have sold their holiday homes.

This represents over 20% of her valued clients, lost to the death jab. Before the jabs, including the first year of the Covid coup d'état, she would lose an average of two clients a year. This represents a 20 times increase of mainly deaths or a few with extreme ill health. The treasonous British government has not just saved a fortune in pensions but made a massive fortune from death duties on those they have murdered.

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Thank you for sharing this.

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I believe that's why they rolled out the midazolam in the UK.

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It would be highly irrational not to believe that. I recall at the beginning of the Covid coup the propaganda pushed hard to dismiss any treatment for a cold or flu virus that improved good health in general. Any little sniffle was an openning to end the liabilities of a defunct system of care by ending the lives of anyone that was either a liability or in the way of death duty State theft.

However weakening the resilience of social cohesion also opens opportunities for further advances of of the eugenicist ideology of the Billionaire parasite caste.

Interestingly there were other subjects that were also not allowed to be put forwards in association with the blatantly murderoys totalitarian medical bureaucracy. One was 5G and the other was earths weakening magnetishere and likely coming pole shift.

It seems likely the first could well be intrinsically part of any totalitarianism surveillance state and also a weapon in it's own right. The second again could be a weapon nature itself is supplying in terms of dangerous solar and Space weather reaching the surface of earth, but more importantly it could be the reason for this end game/end time rolling us all up in the tyranny that is clearly now well out of the starting posts.

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Your last sentence is part of the reason for the democide. Is your partner aware of why this happened?

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Dr. Coleman writes "the jabs have caused serious brain damage and a new population of zombies". I don't think this is *quite* accurate: rather, the jabs have illuminated that the core problem facing society are the masses of NPCs, who are so unwilling to think for themselves, and so accepting of false government propaganda, and that they are such *true believers* that they would seriously harm their health with an untested mRNA "vaccine" without a second thought. How scary is that?

According to a 2007 University of Nevada Department of Psychology study on college students, regarding the frequency of common phenomena of inner experience (inner speech, inner seeing (aka images), unsymbolized thinking, feeling, and sensory awareness), only between 22% to 34% of the individuals studied had frequent internal dialogues: http://hurlburt.faculty.unlv.edu/heavey-hurlburt-2008.pdf . If this study is accurate, most people may simply be meat robots, lacking thoughts inside their heads, and they simply react to stimuli as they experience it.

The NPC mind is the greatest threat to humanity.

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This is shocking, I wish I could gift 90% of my internal debates to these automatons, perhaps I'd get a little more sleep

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I agree. What's interesting is that when you realize how machine-like your internal dialogue is, then it's easy to see how it can be manipulated. The greater awareness doesn't come from the dialogue itself but from the perception that sees the dialogue taking place.

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Particularly when it becomes a repetition of thoughts and images that are far from creative. Often I find myself having to reset by going out and watering the vegetables at 1, 2 or 3 in the morning.

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So true. It's funny that seemingly mundane tasks provide the much needed respite from that infernal dialogue.

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Ditto ...lol

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Reminds me of Gurdjeff's work and how he estimated 80% of humans were machine-like. A condition one could advance beyond. The jabs would of course curtail that ability, especially in light of the graphene which makes humans better receptors for slave signals.

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

We are all machine-like sometimes. How many times have you been driving on the open road when you suddenly realise the last time you were conscious of your actions was ten miles ago? You have no recollection of how you got to here where you started to be conscious again. Consciousness is mainly required when interacting with our own inner voice, other people and animals, when interacting with inanimate objects such as a road we ourselves sometimes become inanimate parts of the flowing pattern. Who knows what happens when we are out of it like that, but it could be that we are steered back onto the right path from where we were going wrong and in a sense Jesus takes the wheel. We are steered whether we believe it or not.

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

That's a very interesting take on the population, I will read your cited study in more depth when time permits. I form or refer back to an independently sourced thought every waking 60 seconds, to think three quarters of the population are as you say "meat robots" is illuminating as it is terrifying.

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It's the opposite - only 22-34% *aren't* meat robots!

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

I re-read your post, thanks for the correction and I edited my post. Oh dear oh dear, that's not good news.

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They say if you don't have an internal monolog then you are a npc. 70 to 80 percent of people do not have an internal monolog.

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I have such an internal “dialogue” I laugh! That’s what makes us human beings. We can recognize our own existence. And question EVERYTHING!

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That 70 to 80 percent are the people who need a laugh track when they watch a sitcom... and they find Big Bang Theory to be HILARIOUS!

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I'm guessing that the vast majority of those 22-34% are introverts.

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I assume these are the sensates Jung refers to.

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Thank you for posting the link to the study. I had heard references and to me, it’s as terrifying as anything else we now face. Utterly mind blowing!

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"most people may simply be meat robots, lacking thoughts inside their heads, and they simply react to stimuli as they experience it.

The NPC mind is the greatest threat to humanity."

This is why the lizards and their puppets expect to get away with their plans.

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I've often thought that cell phones, music players and the like are merely used to block out what little internal dialogue actually exists. Take away any of them and people to nuts. They're left with only their own thoughts. If they have any.

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What is NPC?

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I retired some 16 years ago but called in to my old law firm today.

I had not been there for over two years. Whilst chatting I was told that since "covid" etc clients behaviour had become noticeably more rude aggressive and demanding.

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Interesting, and unsurprising.

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Vernon Coleman was one of the very very few people that knew what was going on from Day 1!!!

I found much comfort in listening to "An Old Man in a Chair."

He's one of the few that also realizes that this is ALL ENTIRELY deliberate.

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I hope to give him and Dr. Mike Yeadon a big hug one day.

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Rudolph Steiner wrote of a vaccine that would allow intelligent people without souls to exist. A soul destroying vaccine. https://archive.org/details/american-vetrans/Destroy%20The%20Soul%20With%20Vaccines/mode/2up

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The globalist / current regime have developed for the most part an uninformed semi lobotomized quasi retarded population

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Rather like themselves.

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There were billions of zombies before the jabs. That's why they got the jabs.

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Fact check: True

Masks. See my comment on masks.

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You might think Dr Coleman is saying this tongue in cheek. He is not. Other people are noticing the same thing..dr bahkdi..naomi wolf.....just think about it

Truly horrifying...especially if the very least damage is a lowering of IQ

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

Zombification is shutting out access to soul by damaging and debilitating the amygdala.

I believe it is reversible, yet you have to develop a will to do so. You need a strong mirror what‘s going on in your body.

The souls of the undead are still there, wandering, perhaps building up a critical mass. :)

But they can not effectively steer the fate of the ones that lost intense contact.

De-inflammation is prerequesite. Lots of cures tackle this.

De-scarring is king. Found not so much there.

Do so by eg. DIY micellarly solving (we have to try this, please help), short chained hyalurone, progesterone, perhaps curcumin, and similar substances.

Use cures with DMSO, nature’s healer, that reaches the brain all by itself, de-scarrs also neurological tissue, that can reach the brain just by rubbing in the scalp, and drag-in other substances.

Only side effect is like garlic: odour. So give the ones around you at least 3 drops a day, making you endurable and themselves not emitting substancial odour:) Hey, no one died from odours. We acccept millions of dead due to real side effects from all kinds of stuff, while DMSO has NOAEL of 1.1g/kg/day, you do not want to bring this much down.

But the “system-captured” souls are more sensitive to such odours of healthy stuff, that question the “vax only” narrative, I found. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.

It takes time and healing the information and spiritual-mental axis along.

And love.

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I’m a retired RN and a wonderful doc taught me about DMSO decades ago. Love the stuff! It helping me heal from chronic Lyme (which has been a real bitch). I use it internally and topically...just be sure that whatever you couple it with is as pure as possible!

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If demons are real...then maybe this is the reason..to allow the demons to get back into a human body?

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Someone said the consciousness of today is the material reality tomorrow.

So do we want “absence of a steering soul” to mutate to “demons from hell possessing us”???

I don’t know :)

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Being aware of a problem is not the same as creating it. When you’re driving and see a pothole you drive around it. If you aren’t looking, you run into it. The pothole exists regardless of our awareness. I’ll take the awareness. 🤷‍♂️

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I habe found indirect evidence that really it is:

you create the reality, the physical one, fornothers as well, of tomorrow. By your conscience of today.

So we can meditate what we want to transform the world to, and visualize the process of transformation.

Then it will happen.

This is the school of Russian Information Therapy.


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I'm unjabbed and I believe my brain has changed over the past three years from trauma. I'm on a hair trigger. In some ways I'm much sharper and in others I feel much duller.

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Agree 100%. I feel the same. Are the duller parts of us repressed trauma? There’s only so much anyone can take and after a 3.5 year assault I feel like parts of myself that could not take anymore have been ‘locked away’ and in its place of feeling pain there is dullness. The flip of that is other parts feel so incredibly sharp. This is also new to me.

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Perhaps those parts of our brain are resting for when the siren goes off and we need to act.

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What else are we here for right?!

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I think we are describing the brain's mechanism of survival mode. Switching off (dulling) that which needs to be calmed whilst allowing everything else to function as required but different to, as did previously. The landscape is not the same as the past experience. The new landscape has new and increased requirement for alertness where threat may exist.

I am no psychologist but I do love exploring human behaviour.❤️

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Same here. I consider it this way. I feel I am aware of it and therefore better placed to self manage.

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Dr. Kevin McCairn has been shouting about the neurodegenerative properties of Cov2 and the jab since the early days. Dementia, for example, has risen dramatically. I can't say I've seen any Covid zombies though, or noticed anyone behaving weirdly. Anyone else noticed cognitive decline in the jabbed?

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I live in a very small town and have to drive on the interstate highways to get to the city. I have noticed very strange and dangerous behaviors in drivers. Passing with on coming traffic, bullying other drivers, speeding way beyond the limit to get ahead of semitrailer trucks and obvious road rage. It's scary out there.

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Generally I've noticed it driving, almost daily I see dangerous and/or terrible moves being made. People I know seem to have more memory loss, forgetting words or repeating themselves more. My uncle's dementia has rapidly accelerated the last year and a half, where a year ago when he was still driving it came up that he may have had multiple jabs beyond the recommended number, as he would be out shopping and would forget he's already had 2 or 3 at that point and would decide to get another.

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Memory loss, forgetting words and repeating themselves. Signs of neurological degeneration aka accelerated ageing. Walter Chestnut on the Stack refers to how the spike protein works within the body and it’s effects. This theme comes up a lot.

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I've noticed a steady decline in neurodegeneration, and overall lack of will. This I think is partly due to their morale being lowered through their own willful dehumanization of self. However I haven't seen any crazy spikes in zombies, just the normal zombieland (:

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No jabs, but had COvid. Iver didn’t help. Just toughed it out. Lots of vitamins and minerals. But as a result, my Dysautonomia has triggered fiercely! Haven’t felt this awful in about 30 years! Can’t imagine what the poison jabs woukd have done! I believe 5G has played a part in this, for me at least.

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RemovedApr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023
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Same with one of my old neighbours, she can't find her words quite often and says it's fine if people complete her words for her. She wasn't like this before being jabbed.

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I wish I could argue with Vernon on this. I can't. I completely agree.

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Hmmm, this means that we need to work on our own “Cat herding” skills and be a better task master than the Weffer’s...if there’s a Will, there’s a way. Never loose “Hope” or the battle is lost. Love you guys!

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Apr 29, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

As a 3 times jabbed ( Pfizer injured) so called Zombie I object strongly to all jabbed humans being lumped together as Zombies.It is true that some people have had their critical thought pattern affected. However it is my belief that many of these did not develop one, in the first place.😂

I have mostly recovered and am more AWAKE than I have ever been,even though in 20/21 I actually had 8 vaccines 🤯🤬.

Yes 😳us trusting oldies were persuaded that we needed extra protection,Flu, Pneumonia,Shingles, OK 🤔bring it on...Thanks for offering extra protection((poison) .I will never have another of any type,after researching the history of Pharma .

So just to give any other heavily vaxed former trusting believers hope, you can get well and can recover.Food is medicine,study nutrition,Intermittent Fasting,exercise and rebuild those brain cells .I have even at 73 Don’t give up ,become activists and fight for our FREEDOM.

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Helen, you have stopped taking these injections and as such have repented; thus, you are a very valued member of our Freedom Movement.

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🙂 Thank You for your brilliant Substack,👏🏻🤗 and totally honest articles. I am also delighted that you featured Dr Vernan, from the UK as I listen to so many USA authors. MSM in UK ,ALL paid Pharma lackeys 🤯🤬.From day 1 he knew what was going on.Sadly I didn’t find him until late 21! I would never have been able to educate myself without the Substack Community.❤️

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Beautifully shared Helen. Know that you're not alone in this as the betrayed need community acceptance. It has not been your fault or even perhaps not entirely your fault when there is deliberate acts of deception involved. Where was the opportunity given to say NO? That is my question. I speak from the heart. As a child of an abusive parent my first reaction in NO to ANY form of coercion. Thank you for your contribution to our awareness.

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*is NO

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Frey discovered in his experiments funded by the US military that EMFs could cause leakage across the blood brain barrier, therefore they could potentially be "a gateway drug" for the nano/mrna: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/i/102664014/leakage-of-our-blood-brain-barrier

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