State Duma of the Russian Federation unanimously approved the ratification to recognize Donetsk and Luhansk regions in eastern Ukraine as independent.
Like the hackneyed saying goes, Putin is playing chess to the West’s checkers.
Russia says recognition of independence for areas in east Ukraine extends to territory now held by Ukrainian forces, AP reports.
A brilliant gambit here forcing the deranged psychopaths running NATO into a stalemate, unless, of course WW5 (3 is the biowarfare DEATHVAX™ bioweapon and 4 is the technofascist war off of PSYOP-19) is on the cards after all.
The majority of congress have far more than a foot in their respective graves and given their actions across their overlong politrick “careers” would probably prefer to go out in a blaze of thermonuclear glory instead of slithering quietly into that good night. Dementia Joe in his increasingly rare rigorously honest flashes of fleeting lucidity must realize that Hunter getting vaporized would put the crackhead ne'er-do-well out of his misery is preferable to his perpetual addict sufferings in a deranged win/win rationale.
And to ensure the maximum levels of societal pain, Germany just suspended the approval process for the Russian-German Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline.
Chancellor Scholz announcing, "Certification has been stopped, which means Nord Stream 2 cannot go online."
55% of Germany's natural gas demand is met by Russia's Gazprom. Gas storage facilities in the country are currently only 31% full.
No social credit score “vax” passport, no gas!
Step right up and get your DEATHVAX™ boosters digi-slave, because time’s a running out the nukes are incoming!
Comply and WE Die.
I appreciate the dark humour in this post but I am going to disagree with you for once.
The whole point of the coof and death shots is to prevent thermonuclear WW3/4/5. As has demonstrated, Putin is firmly on Team WEF.
This is a massive distraction, Klaus's pawns and puppets are just pretending to hate each other. I'm afraid I don't believe anything in geopolitics anymore, except to say that we need to keep our eyes on China, which is where the real "action" is.
I've come to the conclusion that "The Cabal", as Delingpole calls them, has decided that they want China to be the next superpower. NATO and the US can pretend to be "caught off guard" by being distracted with Ukraine, when China makes their next move (probably just after they release their third and final bioweapon).
As you can imagine, I'm great fun at parties these days.
No one is asking this question: what gives us the right to dictate terms in Ukraine? We have the most meddlesome government in the world. It is clear to me this Ukraine thing is a diversion so that Biden can take the pressure off of him for the COVID cluster-fuck as well as the "transitory inflation" that we just knew was coming. This type of shit has happened before. Remember when Billy-boy bombed Serbia just when we figured out what that stain was on Lewinsky's dress?