The site America 21 does an excellent job of lifting the veils of the One World Government (Governance) schemes, and offers a practical means of defeating this WEF/UN/WHO/CIA posthuman hell on earth power grab via local level activism.
Thus, we must obliterate the following globalist programs:
The End of National Sovereignty
The End of Private Property Rights
The End of Privacy
The End of Free Enterprise (and Cash)
The End of Gun Rights and Adequate Self-Defense (Means & Laws)
Agenda 21 means one thing – the control of all resources on the planet, and is said so explicitly in its documentation, for the “good of the planet” of course. The centralization of power in all key areas of life: Land, Water, and Air. This equates to just about everything human beings walk and live on, eat and drink from, travel on and through – it is the total control of you. The mechanics of this will be done via technology and policies of the so-called “experts”, “Smart” everything, to the finest details of one’s life. Welcome to 2030, welcome to the Smart City, the panopticon of the future, where you can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave. For Global Governance, the outcome, to work, there’s a prerequisite of a totalitarian system to ensure it, that is Technocracy, which requires the correct tools, in this case, Smart Cities – “Smart” everything.
The Philosophy of Sovereignty: America Must Leave all Global Governance Initiatives, and Reclaim its Destiny for the 21st Century
To the Living Men & Women of America,
I. Origin of the Global Governance Problem
II. The Worldview Underpinning Totalitarianism
III. Current State of ‘the States’
IV. Returning to a Transcendent Mission
Read the full essay here.
Do NOT comply.
as ive said many times the key will be taking out the internet
2nd Smartest Guy, you never cease to amaze us (me) with your laser sharp ability to distill through all the flotsam, jetsam and ol' bullshyte, to present to all the essence of truth and what really matters in this fog of obfuscation and outright endless LIES.
Much appreciation sir!